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Weather Hazards, Tropical storms and Hurricanes Causes effects and Case studies Year 9 internet Fact file.

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Presentation on theme: "Weather Hazards, Tropical storms and Hurricanes Causes effects and Case studies Year 9 internet Fact file."— Presentation transcript:

1 Weather Hazards, Tropical storms and Hurricanes Causes effects and Case studies Year 9 internet Fact file

2 Objectives Build on your Doddle work to investigate weather hazards using the internet Create a fact file about hurricanes. Describe and Explain cause and effect. Analyse how MEDCs and LEDCs cope differently with weather Hazards

3 Task Weather Hazards Fact File Prepare a fact file using Word about Weather Hazards! Click on the hyperlinks on the tasks sheet on the Learning zone. Use the BBC website to research weather hazards and hurricanes. You can also look at the Doddle work that you have already completed. You will need to select relevant information from several websites to fully answer some of the questions.

4 When you get to HUIT or the library… Follow the instructions that you are about to see and Create your fact file Save your work in your class folder the shared area: S:\Year 9 Weather Hazards File name: Your full name

5 Follow the instructions to open this document. Use it to help you create your fact file!

6 Select the Learning Zone from the College website.

7 Select the Humanities

8 Select Geography

9 Select Year 9 Geography

10 Select Year 9 Hurricane Internet Task

11 Open this document so you can follow the hyperlinks that it contains.

12 Open this document so you follow the hyperlinks that it contains. These will help you find the information that you need to answer the questions to create your fact file.

13 Save your work in your class folder the shared area: S:\Year 9 Weather Hazards File name: Your full name

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