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When is a number not a number? AKA Snazzy things people do with numbers.

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Presentation on theme: "When is a number not a number? AKA Snazzy things people do with numbers."— Presentation transcript:

1 When is a number not a number? AKA Snazzy things people do with numbers

2 Agenda 15/10/2010 Return Business Studies Reports Ikea excursion Ikea Case Studies Data in the public arena TED David McCandless The beauty of data visualisation Next steps

3 Business Studies Reports Class scores 18 – 62 Rankings currently sit at 6 th to 87 th out of 91 What does this mean for you?

4 Ikea Excursion Complete question sheets Case Studies Bang for your buck?

5 Half and Half?

6 Data in The Public Arena Data manipulation in the press search on Google = 6,400,000 hits Think about this: Wrigley's has a campaign called Benefits of Chewing based on research regarding gum helping weight management, stress relief and alertness and focus. A study in the US found that women in the Jenny Craig program lost between three and four times as much weight as those who dieted independently – the sponsor? Jenny Craig1

7 TED Originally Technology, Entertainment, Design Now with two annual conferences it “brings together the world's most fascinating thinkers and doers, who are challenged to give the talk of their lives (in 18 minutes).” Speakers include: Larry Page, Co-founder, Google Jeff Bezos, CEO, Amazon Sir Ken Robinson, Creativity expert

8 David McCandless McCandless' genius is not so much in finding jazzy new ways to show data it is in finding fresh ways to combine datasets to let them ping and prod each other. Reporting the number of drug deaths in the UK every year is interesting; but mapping that data onto the number of drug deaths reported by the UK press, broken down by drug, is utterly fascinating (more deaths by marijuana were reported than in fact occurred, by a factor of 484%

9 The beauty of data visualization

10 Next Steps Project Based Learning? Or Continue Class Sessions?

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