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2 Inhalants

3 Inhalant Nicknames: gases, glues, aerosols, laughing gas
Effects: Headaches, nausea, vomiting, loss of balance, slurred or slow speech, mood change. Risks: Hallucinations, short term memory loss, death A user can die suddenly from using inhalants.

4 Narcotics

5 Heroin

6 Heroin Nicknames- SMACK, GEAR, H, BROWN, SKAG, HORSE, JUNK
Type: Opiates or pain killers Effects: Drowsiness, Euphoria ,Reduced Anxiety, No feeling of pain Risks: Skin infection from injecting, Collapsed veins due to injecting, Poisoning due to additives added to the drugs by dealers, Liver damage, Rotten teeth Derived from morphine which is white powder in its pure form, on the street it is more of a brown color powder due to what is added to it.

7 Depressants

8 Barbiturates

9 “Barbs” Nicknames: Barbs, downers, blues, reds, sleeping pills, goof balls, sleepers. Type: Depressants Effects: Calming, sleep induction and anxiety reduction. Small doses helps relax, large doses produce a drunken effect. Risks: Dependence can develop and sudden withdrawal symptoms from high doses can result in death. Just like alcohol in a pill. Very dangerous when taken with alcohol. Overdose is a very easy mistake caused by just a few extra tablets as a normal dose is very close to a lethal dose.

10 GHB

11 GHB What it is: date rape drug put into drinks. First was made for surgery and is an alternative to anabolic steroids. Looks like: colorless liquid or are capsules Withdrawal symptoms: insomnia, anxiety, tremors, sweating Taken: swallowed Addictive: Can become dependent but the long term effects are not known yet

12 Stimulants

13 Meth

14 Meth (Read Poem) Nicknames: SPEED, METH, CHALK, ICE, CRYSTAL, GLASS
Type: Stimulant Effects: Increased wakefulness and insomnia, decreased appetite, irritability/aggression, anxiety, nervousness, convulsions and heart attack. Risks: Overdosing can lead to severe convulsions followed by circulatory and respiratory collapse, coma and death. Some people have died after taking small doses. Addictive: YES!!! 95% are hooked by the first time More women do this than men makes you lose weight.

15 Why do people use Meth? Females usually take Meth because it will make you lose weight. However the weight loss only lasts for about 6 weeks and then stops. And the second you stop taking meth, you will gain it all back.


17 Ever heard of “Meth Mouth”?
Meth mouth is a disease that causes your teeth to decay, go black, and deteriorate in your mouth. Your teeth will fall out as well. It also causes your gums to go black and decay as well.

18 More meth mouth pics

19 How does it effect the body?
By taking meth your body gets a lot of side effects from it. You end up getting sores all over you body along with hair loss and thinning.

20 Cocaine

21 Cocaine Nicknames: Choke, Charlie, Crack Type: Stimulant
Effects: Heart rate increases, Blood pressure rises, Possibility of a brain seizure, Strokes, Heart attack Risks: Prolonged use of Cocaine can affect the nervous system, causing constriction of blood vessels, irregular heart beat and dilation of the pupils. Overdose Bad trip: User will see something grotesque and awful. “Growing arm story”

22 Hallucinogens

23 PCP

24 Phencyclidine ( PCP) Nicknames: Angel Dust, Elephant tranquilizers, Rocket Fuel, Zombie, Whack Type: Stimulant, increasing body temperature, boosting energy and confidence. Also a depressant, causing drowsiness, slurred speech, lack of coordination. Hallucinogen Effects: Depends on how you take it- makes you see and feel things that are not really there. It can give a “out of body” experience and distorted body image. Lose inhibitions, reduced sensitivity to pain, often become aggressive and violent. Become immensely strong. Never can be completely eliminated. Risks: Seizures, Coma, memory loss, death It is said it is like taking amphetamine, acid, and drinking alcohol all at the same time. Using PCP can put the user in a dream-like or nightmare condition. The PCP effects on the user can be misleading.

25 Ecstasy

Type: Stimulant and Hallucinogen Effects: Tingling of the skin, Increase Temperature, Increase Heart Rate, Makes you sweat and your pupils to dilate, In some people it can cause nausea Risks: Depression, Paranoia, Anxiety, Mood swings, Panic attacks Usually don’t know it is in a tablet until too late. Problem with this is heat stroke. Makes you really thirsty

27 Mushrooms

28 Mushrooms Nicknames: Shrooms, happies, sillies Type: Hallucinogens
Effects: Laugh a lot, objects, sounds and colors may be distorted, flashbacks, experience a different trip each time, Sense of time or movement could speed up or slow down. Risks: Stomach pain, sickness, diarrhea, Blurred vision, depression, schizophrenia, Fatal dose can be poison. Bad trip can be terrifying, users get confused and forget it’s the drug which is causing the effect. Magic Mushrooms are illegal. Possession can result in long prison terms. Supplying mushrooms to someone else (whether or not money was exchanged) carries even longer sentences.

29 LSD

30 LSD Nicknames: Acid, tabs, blotters, trips, dots. Type: Hallucinogenic
Effects: Look on paper The effects of LSD are unpredictable. They depend on the amount taken; the user's personality, mood, and expectations; and the surroundings in which the drug is used. Usually, the user feels the first effects of the drug 30 to 90 minutes after taking it. Risks: Feeling paranoid or out of control can leave users shaken for long periods of time afterwards, blurred vision, Increases in heart rate and blood pressure, Muscle weakness, Long term users of LSD can become mentally ill A person can have flashbacks that occur even after the user has not taken LSD for months or even years, where parts of previous trips are relived. 134 different names for LSD.

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