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13 th UN/CEFACT Plenary Geneva, 14-16 May 2007 UN/CEFACT Forum Report Forum Management Group Chair: Mike Doran Vice-Chair: Anders Grangard.

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Presentation on theme: "13 th UN/CEFACT Plenary Geneva, 14-16 May 2007 UN/CEFACT Forum Report Forum Management Group Chair: Mike Doran Vice-Chair: Anders Grangard."— Presentation transcript:

1 13 th UN/CEFACT Plenary Geneva, 14-16 May 2007 UN/CEFACT Forum Report Forum Management Group Chair: Mike Doran Vice-Chair: Anders Grangard

2 14 May 200713th UN/CEFACT Plenary2 Agenda Progress since the 12th UN/CEFACT Plenary Focusing on Delivery 9th UN/CEFACT Forum - New Delhi 10th UN/CEFACT Forum - Dublin Future Challenges Reports from the Permanent Groups

3 14 May 200713th UN/CEFACT Plenary3 Progress since the 12th Plenary What did we say we would do? Focus on delivering UN/CEFACT products & services Complete the ODP Deliver a cohesive UN/CEFACT Website presence Complete Forum Project Portfolio information, including dependencies & timelines Align & prioritise POW projects with the UN/CEFACT Integrated Strategy

4 14 May 200713th UN/CEFACT Plenary4 Progress since the 12th Plenary What did we say we would do? Prepare requests for extra budgetary resources, including due diligence process in project proposal management Improve communication, coordination & synergy between Working Groups Support virtual collaboration & engage external stakeholders Adopt approved Code of Conduct

5 14 May 200713th UN/CEFACT Plenary5 Focusing on Delivery What have we done? Open Development Process (ODP) updated & submitted to the Plenary for approval FORUM Workflow & Procedures being further refined in order to improve cooperation between the Permanent Groups Project Portfolio (> 80 projects) reviewed & priorities for 2007/2008 identified, including timelines & dependencies Mapping to the Programme of Work & “Buy-Ship-Pay” model under way Tool for following project progress developed by TMG

6 14 May 200713th UN/CEFACT Plenary6 Focusing on Delivery What have we done? Procedure for Extra Budgetary projects agreed with UNECE Trade Facilitation Guide Project launched - funded by Sida, Sweden UNeDocs funded largely by SITPRO, UK UNeDocs Gap Analysis - funded by Norstella, Norway

7 14 May 200713th UN/CEFACT Plenary7 Focusing on Delivery What have we done? Improved cooperation with Standards Development Organizations (SDOs): UNECE IEC/ISO/ITU MoU MG UNECE-WCO MoU UN/CEFACT-OASIS Cooperation Agreement SDOs working with CEFACT include: GS1,OAGi,SWIFT, ACORD,CIDX… Improved Forum management through: Bi-weekly conference calls Minutes circulated to all Permanent Groups F2F meetings at UN/CEFACT Forums - tactical Extended Bureau Meetings (Bureau + FMG) - strategic Interactive Website to facilitate Forum’s development work - implemented

8 14 May 200713th UN/CEFACT Plenary8 Focusing on Delivery New deliverables Cross Industry Invoice Schemas eTendering Schemas Core Component Libraries UNeDocs Business Requirements Specification More in the pipeline……. New initiatives UN/CEFACT Registry Implementation Cross Border Reference Data Model eProcurement ITAIDE (IT for Adoption & Intelligent Design for eGovt)

9 9th UN/CEFACT Forum 2-6 Oct 2006 - New Delhi, India Organized by : Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce & Industry Government of India Co-hosts:

10 14 May 200713th UN/CEFACT Plenary10 The 9th UN/CEFACT Forum Exceptional support from the Government of India - Minister of State, Department of Commerce - Commerce Secretary, Member Secretary of the Indian Planning Commission, Director General, National Informatics Centre 250 participants from Africa, Asia Pacific,Europe & North America Very successful UNeDocs Capacity Building Workshop Excellent hosts & organization - led by Tahseen Khan Elections of UN/CEFACT Forum officers held

11 14 May 200713th UN/CEFACT Plenary11 10th UN/CEFACT FORUM March 26-30 2007 Dublin, Ireland Forum Host & Supporting Sponsors:

12 14 May 200713th UN/CEFACT Plenary12 The 10th UN/CEFACT Forum The Forum was hosted by CP3 Group and Forfas, and had the shortest lead time of any Forum to date. The Forum organization was excellent. The Irish Minister for the Information Society opened the Forum and there was excellent support from the Irish Government and Business Sector. 230 participants from all continents attended. Very successful Trade Facilitation Open Session was held during which it was announced that Ireland would develop a Single Window.


14 14 May 200713th UN/CEFACT Plenary14 Future Challenges Accelerating Delivery - We have in place: a mandate, strategy, programme of work, IPR policy & a development process (ODP). What we now need are: UN/CEFACT Priority Projects Market driven/Stakeholder requirements Resources - Human & Financial Human - Right skill sets to match priority tasks Financial - UN/CEFACT needs funding Improve Forum meeting logistics Capacity Building Programme Based on what UN/CEFACT can deliver

15 14 May 200713th UN/CEFACT Plenary15 Future Challenges The UNECE Executive Committee will review in October 2007: All PG Mandates & TORs which terminate in 2007 Under UN rules, there are no Permanent Groups PGs can be extended for two years at a time To obtain extensions each PG will have to provide serious justification This means that each PG will have to show its POW, what it has achieved in terms of deliverables, future plans & deliverables over the next two years.UN/CEFACT will have to report back every year.

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