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Community Relationships When 2 different populations/species interact During Videos: – Name two players (Common names) – Describe what each player does.

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Presentation on theme: "Community Relationships When 2 different populations/species interact During Videos: – Name two players (Common names) – Describe what each player does."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Relationships When 2 different populations/species interact During Videos: – Name two players (Common names) – Describe what each player does – Rate player’s role as: +, -, or o + means benefits - means harms o means no affect

2 SymbiosisSymbiosis Videos 1: 2: 3: 4 5

3 Scientific Names for Interactions Symbiosis – long-term interaction of two species Mutualism: (+/+) Commensalism: (+/o) Parasitism: (+/- only harms) Predator/prey: (+/- to death) Go back and name the relationships and explain!

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