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Joachim Rodrigues, EIT, LTH, Introduction to Structured VLSI Design VHDL IV Introduction to Structured VLSI Design - VHDL IV Joachim Rodrigues.

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Presentation on theme: "Joachim Rodrigues, EIT, LTH, Introduction to Structured VLSI Design VHDL IV Introduction to Structured VLSI Design - VHDL IV Joachim Rodrigues."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joachim Rodrigues, EIT, LTH, Introduction to Structured VLSI Design VHDL IV Introduction to Structured VLSI Design - VHDL IV Joachim Rodrigues

2 Joachim Rodrigues, EIT, LTH, Introduction to Structured VLSI Design VHDL IV Overview Recap Datapath Memories Strictly Structured VHDL

3 Joachim Rodrigues, EIT, LTH, Introduction to Structured VLSI Design VHDL IV Package- Example library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; package example_pack1 is -------------------------------- -- constants -------------------------------- constant N : integer := 8; constant halfperiod : time := 100 NS; constant dataskew : time := 1 NS; -------------------------------- -- component declarations -------------------------------- component FF generic (N : integer); port(D : in std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0); Q : out std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0); reset, clk : in std_logic); end component; end example_pack1; Own packages need to be – Compiled – declared like the IEEE packages. use work.example_pack1.all;

4 Joachim Rodrigues, EIT, LTH, Introduction to Structured VLSI Design VHDL IV Generate- Replicates concurrent statements library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use work.common.flipflop; entity ff_mem is generic( bits : integer := 3; rows : integer := 352 ); port( clk : in std_logic; d : in std_logic_vector(bits-1 downto 0); q : out std_logic_vector(bits-1 downto 0)); end; architecture behavioral of ff_mem is type wire_type is array (rows downto 0) of std_logic_vector(bits-1 downto 0); signal wire : wire_type; begin wire(rows) <= d; ff_gen: for i in rows-1 downto 0 generate ff : flipflop generic map (N => bits) port map ( CLK => clk, d => wire(i+1), q => wire(i)); end generate ff_gen; q <= wire(0); end; ff8ff7ff0

5 Joachim Rodrigues, EIT, LTH, Introduction to Structured VLSI Design VHDL IV Datapath RTL description is characterized by registers in a design, and the combinational logic inbetween. This can be illustrated by a "register and cloud" diagram. Registers and the combinational logic are described separately in two different processes.

6 Joachim Rodrigues, EIT, LTH, Introduction to Structured VLSI Design VHDL IV Datapath-Sequential part architecture SPLIT of DATAPATH is signal X1, Y1, X2, Y2 :... begin seq : process (CLK) begin if (CLK'event and CLK = '1') then X1 <= Y0; X2 <= Y1; X3 <= Y2; end if; end process;

7 Joachim Rodrigues, EIT, LTH, Introduction to Structured VLSI Design VHDL IV Datapath-Combinatorial part LOGIC : process (X1, X2) begin - F(X1) and G(X2) can be replaced with the code - implementing the desired combinational logic - or appropriate functions must be defined. Y1 <= F(X1); Y2 <= G(X2); end process; end SPLIT; Do not constraint the synhtesis tool by splitting operations, e.g., y1=x1+x1 2.

8 Joachim Rodrigues, EIT, LTH, Introduction to Structured VLSI Design VHDL IV Pipelining The instructions on the preceeding slides introduced pipelining of the DP. The critical path is reduced from F(X1)+ G(X2) to the either F(X1) or G(X2).

9 Joachim Rodrigues, EIT, LTH, Introduction to Structured VLSI Design VHDL IV Memories Abstraction levels – Behavorial model (arrays) – Synthesizable model (registers) – Hard macros (technology dependent) Hard macros are technolgy dependent and require less area than registers.

10 Joachim Rodrigues, EIT, LTH, Introduction to Structured VLSI Design VHDL IV Ram vs Register RAM characteristics – RAM cell designed at transistor level – Cell use minimal area – Is combinatorial and behaves like a latch – For mass storage – Requires a special interface logic Register characteristics – DFF (may) require much larger area – Synchronous – For small, fast storage – e.g., register file, fast FIFO

11 Joachim Rodrigues, EIT, LTH, Introduction to Structured VLSI Design VHDL IV RAM-Single Port LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; USE ieee.numeric_std.ALL; ENTITY ram IS GENERIC ( ADDRESS_WIDTH : integer := 4; DATA_WIDTH : integer := 8 ); PORT ( clock : IN std_logic; data : IN std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH - 1 DOWNTO 0); write_address, read_adress : IN std_logic_vector(ADDRESS_WIDTH - 1 DOWNTO 0); we : IN std_logic; q : OUT std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH - 1 DOWNTO 0) ); END ram; ARCHITECTURE rtl OF ram IS TYPE RAM IS ARRAY(0 TO 2 ** ADDRESS_WIDTH - 1) OF std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH - 1 DOWNTO 0); ram_block : RAM; BEGIN PROCESS (clock,we) BEGIN IF (clock'event AND clock = '1') THEN IF (we = '1') THEN ram_block(to_integer(unsigned(write_address))) <= data; END IF; q <= ram_block(to_integer(unsigned(read_address))); END IF; END PROCESS; END rtl; A single word may be read or written during one clock cycle. an adress is always positiv

12 Joachim Rodrigues, EIT, LTH, Introduction to Structured VLSI Design VHDL IV RAM-dual port USE work.ram_package.ALL; ENTITY ram_dual IS PORT (clock1, clock2 : IN std_logic; data : IN word; write_address, read_address : IN address_vector; we : IN std_logic; q : OUT word ); END ram_dual; ARCHITECTURE rtl OF ram_dual IS SIGNAL ram_block : RAM; SIGNAL read_address_reg : address_vector; BEGIN PROCESS (clock1) BEGIN IF (clock1'event AND clock1 = '1') THEN IF (we = '1') THEN ram_block(write_address) <= data; END IF; END PROCESS; PROCESS (clock2) BEGIN IF (clock2'event AND clock2 = '1') THEN q <= ram_block(read_address_reg); read_address_reg <= read_address; END IF; END PROCESS; END rtl; Dual Port: Concurrent Read and Write Dual-port RAMs Are very expensive in area and should be avoided !! Dual port functionality may be realized by a hybrid single-port RAM. Read on pos edge and write on neg edge.

13 Joachim Rodrigues, EIT, LTH, Introduction to Structured VLSI Design VHDL IV ROM library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; entity rom_rtl is port (ADDR: in INTEGER range 0 to 15; DATA: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0)); end rom_rtl; architecture XILINX of rom_rtl is subtype ROM_WORD is STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0); type ROM_TABLE is array (0 to 15) of ROM_WORD; constant ROM: ROM_TABLE := ROM_TABLE'( ROM_WORD'("0000"), ROM_WORD'("0001"), ROM_WORD'("0010"),... begin DATA <= ROM(ADDR); -- Read from the ROM end XILINX; Behavioral 16x4 ROM model

14 Joachim Rodrigues, EIT, LTH, Introduction to Structured VLSI Design VHDL IV Register File Registers are arranged as an 1-d array Each register is accessible with an address Usually 1 write port (with write enable signal) May have multiple read ports

15 Joachim Rodrigues, EIT, LTH, Introduction to Structured VLSI Design VHDL IV Register File cont’d 4 word, 1 write and 2 read

16 Joachim Rodrigues, EIT, LTH, Introduction to Structured VLSI Design VHDL IV Strictly Structured VHDL “Gaisler’s method” is a design methodology (code style), which is summarized below: – Use records – Use case statements to model FSMs – Use synchronous reset – Apply strong hierarchies

17 Joachim Rodrigues, EIT, LTH, Introduction to Structured VLSI Design VHDL IV Strictly Structured VHDL How is it done? – Local signals (r, rin) are stored in records and contain all registered values. – All outputs are stored in a entity specific record type declared in a global interface package – enables re-use. – Use a local variable (v) of the same type as the registered values. – reset handling moves to combinatorial part.

18 Joachim Rodrigues, EIT, LTH, Introduction to Structured VLSI Design VHDL IV Realization of FSMs- behavorial architecture implementation of state_machine is type state_type is (st0, st1,st2, st3); -- defines the states type reg_type is record output : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (m-1 downto 0); state : state_type; end record; Signal r,rin : reg_type; begin combinatorial : process (input,reset,r) -- Combinatorial part variable v : reg_type; begin v : = r; -- Setting the variable case (r.state) is -- Current state and input dependent when st0 => if (input = ”01”) then v.state := st1; v.output := ”01” end if; when... when others => v.state := st0; -- Default v.output := ”00”; end case; if (reset = ’1’) then -- Synchronous reset v.state := st0; -- Start in idle state end if; rin <= v; -- update values at register input output <= v.output; -- Combinational output --output <= r.output; -- Registered output end process;

19 Joachim Rodrigues, EIT, LTH, Introduction to Structured VLSI Design VHDL IV Realization of FSMs - sequential synchronous : process (clk)– This part is always the same begin if clk’event and clk = ’1’ then r <= rin; end if; end process; end architecture;

20 Joachim Rodrigues, EIT, LTH, Introduction to Structured VLSI Design VHDL IV Strictly Structured VHDL- Advantages Adding a signal in traditional style Add port in entity declaration Add signal to sensitivity list Add port in component declaration Add port in component instantiation Adding a signal in Strictly Structured VHDL methodology Add element in record declaration DUT

21 Joachim Rodrigues, EIT, LTH, Introduction to Structured VLSI Design VHDL IV Structured VHDL Obvious Advantages Readability Less written code Maintainance and re-useability Hidden Advantages Synthesizable Synchronous reset No need to update sensitivity lists Faster simulation (less concurrent statements)

22 Joachim Rodrigues, EIT, LTH, Introduction to Structured VLSI Design VHDL IV Structured VHDL-Stored signals Adding a stored signal in traditional style Add two signals (current, next) Add signal to sensitivity list Add reset value Update on clock edge Adding a signal in Structured VHDL methodology Add element in declaration record Comb NextCurrent Comb rinr

23 Joachim Rodrigues, EIT, LTH, Introduction to Structured VLSI Design VHDL IV Realization of FSMs - Example architecture implementation of state_machine is type state_type is (st0, st1,st2, st3); -- defines the states type reg_type is record output : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (m-1 downto 0); state : state_type; new_signal : std_logic; end record; Signal r,rin : reg_type; begin combinatorial : process (input,reset,r) -- Combinatorial part variable v : reg_type; begin v : = r; -- Setting the variable case (r.state) is -- Current state and input dependent when st0 => if (input = ’1’) then v.state := st1; v.output := ”01” end if; when... when others => v.state := st0; -- Default v.output := ”00”; end case;

24 Joachim Rodrigues, EIT, LTH, Introduction to Structured VLSI Design VHDL IV Structured VHDL library IEEE;use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; library global_interface is input_type is record -- Type record newsignal : std_logic; end record; end; library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; Use work.global_interface.pkg; entity state_machine is port (clk : in STD_LOGIC; reset : in STD_LOGIC; input : in input_type; output : out output_type; end state_machine; state_machine input_type output_type

25 Joachim Rodrigues, EIT, LTH, Introduction to Structured VLSI Design VHDL IV Conclusions Recommendations – Use structured VHDL – Use synchronous reset – Use hierarchy (instantiation) extensively – Let the testbench set the input signals and not the simulator (No signal forcing in ModelSim)

26 Joachim Rodrigues, EIT, LTH, Introduction to Structured VLSI Design VHDL IV Configuration Testbench is reused by declaring a different configuration A configuration may realize different architectures, memories, etc. Examples: – A synthesizable model / behavorial model – A synthesizable model / gate-level model Syntax: configuration configuration_name of entity_name is for architecture_name for label|others|all: comp_name use entity [lib_name.]comp_entity_name(comp_arch_name) | use configuration [lib_name.]comp_configuration_name [generic map (...)] [port map (...)] ; end for;... end for; end configuration_name;

27 Joachim Rodrigues, EIT, LTH, Introduction to Structured VLSI Design VHDL IV Configuration-Example configuration THREE of FULLADDER is for STRUCTURAL for INST_HA1, INST_HA2: HA use entity WORK.HALFADDER(CONCURRENT); end for; for INST_XOR: XOR use entity WORK.XOR2D1(CONCURRENT); end for; end for; end THREE;

28 Joachim Rodrigues, EIT, LTH, Introduction to Structured VLSI Design VHDL IV Non-synthesizable VHDL The following VHDL keywords/constructs are ignored or rejected by most RTL synthesis tools: – after, (transport and inertial) – wait for xx ns – File operations – generic parameters must have default values – All dynamically elaborated data structures – Floating point data types, e.g. Real – Initial values of signals and variables – Multiple drivers for a signal (unless tri-stated) – The process sensitivity list is ignored – Configurations – Division (/) is only supported if the right operand is a constant power of 2

29 Joachim Rodrigues, EIT, LTH, Introduction to Structured VLSI Design VHDL IV After Command Example: A <= ‘1’, ‘0’ after 100 ns, ‘1’ after 200 ns; 0 ns100 ns 200 ns Not synthesizable

30 Joachim Rodrigues, EIT, LTH, Introduction to Structured VLSI Design VHDL IV Wait Command Usage: wait on wait until wait for Examples : process(a,b) begin sum <= a xor b after T_pd; carry <= a and b after T_pd; wait on a,b; end process; process (a,c) begin b <= a + c; wait for T_pd; end process; process(a) begin wait until (a=c) b<= not a; end process; Not synthesizable

31 Joachim Rodrigues, EIT, LTH, Introduction to Structured VLSI Design VHDL IV Assertion Statement To be used in the testbench Usage: assert report severity ; Example: assert simulation(test_input_vector(i))=test_output_vector(i); report “Test vector failure”; severity failure ; Not synthesizable

32 Joachim Rodrigues, EIT, LTH, Introduction to Structured VLSI Design VHDL IV Watch out: Inferred Latches Already mentioned: get rid of any Latches. Check the synthesis report and correct eventual case/if instructions

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