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2 TOPICS TO DISCUSSED Definition of needs assessment
Importance of needs assessment Steps for conduction of task analysis Importance of identification individual performance deficiencies and developmental needs. Pros and cons of using multiple sources of collecting data.

3 Definition It is a process by which an organization HRD’S needs are identified and articulate. Or “the process to know about your employee status and work efficiencies by analyzing there work is called needs analysis”.

4 Importance It shows the following things:
An organization’s goals and its effectiveness in reaching these goals. Discrepancies between employees skill and require skill for a work. The condition under which the HRD will occur.

5 Levels of need analysis
The needs analysis is exist on following things: Organization Analysis Job Analysis Individual Analysis

6 Organizational Analysis
It suggests where in the organization training is needed and under what conditions it will occur. Task Analysis: Explains what must be done to perform a job or complete a process successfully. Person Analysis: It reveals who needs to be trained and what kind training they need.

7 Organizational analysis
Organization is analyses through following things: Organizational goals Organizational resources Organizational climate Environmental constraints

8 Organizational goals It helps us to identify those areas where an organization can meet their goals but does not need training only needs monitoring. Effective areas can be used as a role models, and as a source of ideas for how things can be done more effectively in other areas.

9 Organizational resources
Resource availability can dictate some of the options to be considered when designing and implementing HRD programs and can influence the priorities given to HRD needs.

10 Organizational climate
If the climate is not conducive to HRD, designing and implementing a program will be difficult. For example, if managers and employees do not trust one another, employees may not participate fully and freely in a training program.

Environmental constraints include legal social political and economic issues faced by the organization. Demand for certain types of HRD programs can be affected by these constraints.

12 TASK ANALYSIS: Task analysis (sometimes called operations analysis) is a systematic collection of data about a specific job or group of jobs to determine what an employee should be taught to achieve optimal performance.

STEP 1: OVERALL JOB DESCRIPTION. The first step in the process is to develop an overall description of the job or jobs being analyzed. A job description is a narrative statement of the major activities involved in performing the job and the conditions under which these activities are performed.

STEP 2: TASK IDENTIFICATION. Task identification focuses on the behaviors performed within the job. In task identification, the following information about the job is determined and clearly described: the major tasks within the job how each task should be performed (i.e., performance standards) the variability of performance (how the tasks are actually performed in day-to-day operations)

15 Five methods for task identification include:
1. stimulus-response-feedback 2. time sampling 3. critical incident technique 4. job inventories 5. job-duty-task method

16 The stimulus-response-feedback method breaks down each task into three components. The first component is the stimulus, or cue, that lets an employee know it is time to perform a particular behavior. The second component is the response or behavior that the employee is to perform. The third component is the feedback the employee receives about how well the behavior was performed.

17 Time sampling, the second task identification method, involves having a trained observer watch and note the nature and frequency of an employee's activities. By observing at random intervals over a period of time, a clearer picture of the job is understood and recorded.

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