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Ch. 8-3: Labor’s Response to Economic Change 0 Laborers worked 60-70 hrs a week 0 Machines were dangerous 0 Ventilation was very poor 0 Accidents were.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch. 8-3: Labor’s Response to Economic Change 0 Laborers worked 60-70 hrs a week 0 Machines were dangerous 0 Ventilation was very poor 0 Accidents were."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch. 8-3: Labor’s Response to Economic Change 0 Laborers worked 60-70 hrs a week 0 Machines were dangerous 0 Ventilation was very poor 0 Accidents were very common

2 Child Labor

3 Knights of Labor (1869) 0 Included skilled & unskilled laborers 0 Led by Terrance Powderly 0 Arbitration- judging of a dispute by an impartial person

4 0 Goal- shorter day with more money 0 Haymarket Riot 1886- bomb was thrown into a crowd killing several police officers and civilians

5 0 Anarchists (oppose the govt.) were blamed for the bombing 0 Knights of Labor- lost a lot of members b/c of the riot 0 Govt. supported the businesses

6 American Federation of Labor (1886) 0 Led by Samuel Gompers 0 Brought different craft unions together 0 Bread and Butter Goals: higher wages, shorter working hours and better working conditions

7 0 Scabs- workers that replaced union workers when they went on strike 0 Sweatshops- people work very long hours for very little which is common in Asia today


9 International Ladies’ Garment Workers Union 0 Represent women in sewing shops 0 Triangle Shirtwaist Co. NYC- 146 garment workers died when their building caught fire 1911


11 Homestead Strike 1892 0 Workers striking b/c of wage reduction in a steel mill 0 Pinkertons (Strike breakers)- called in to break up the strike 0 Workers went back for less $$

12 Pullman Strike (1894) 0 Workers went on strike b/c of wage reduction 0 Workers would not allow the RR cars to leave Chicago 0 They stopped interstate mail 0 Pres. Cleveland sent in federal troops break the strike b/c the U.S. Mail was delayed



15 Viewpoint of Labor Unions 0 Govt. always supported businesses over the unions 0 People saw union members as violent revolutionaries 0 Union Goal- more $$$, less hours and safer working conditions


17 Farmers & the Railroads 0 RR Companies charged farmers high rates to ship their goods 0 Farmers depend on their harvest which often left many in debt

18 Grange Movement 0 Grange- brought farm families together 0 Goal was to regulate RR rates for farmers 0 RR companies hated the Grange

19 Granger Laws 0 State govt. began regulate freight rates or RR companies 0 Munn v. Illinois 1877 supported the Granges but later overturned


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