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07/08/08 1 Nationwide Differential Global Positioning System (NDGPS) Status Presentation to: Civil GPS Service Interface Committee (CGSIC) U.S. States.

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Presentation on theme: "07/08/08 1 Nationwide Differential Global Positioning System (NDGPS) Status Presentation to: Civil GPS Service Interface Committee (CGSIC) U.S. States."— Presentation transcript:

1 07/08/08 1 Nationwide Differential Global Positioning System (NDGPS) Status Presentation to: Civil GPS Service Interface Committee (CGSIC) U.S. States and Localities Subcommittee (USSLS) USCG ISC New Orleans July 8, 2008 Timothy A. Klein Senior Policy Advisor/RITA NDGPS Coordinator U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration

2 07/08/08 2

3 3 Brief Program History Inland NDGPS Augmentation Developed as Extension of Maritime DGPS Provides real-time differential correction; proven sub-meter accuracy; 99%+ availability Provides single coverage on the ground over 92% of CONUS and double coverage over 65% of CONUS Authorized in 1988 (P.L. 105-66); operated by U.S. Coast Guard under multiagency MOA DOT funded from multiple agencies under FRA program management ($53M, FY98-06) U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration

4 07/08/08 4 Brief Program History (2) The NDGPS Assessment FY07: “zeroed out” of FRA budget October 2006: PNT EXCOM action – “DOT complete assessment of the need for inland component of NDGPS” FY07/08: RITA assessment in support of EXCOM action ­Federal Register Notice ­Independent Assessment (ARINC) ­Letter to Agencies Recommendations accepted by ESG; 01/23/08 Endorsed by EXCOM; 03/20/08 U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration

5 07/08/08 5 U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration National Space-Based PNT ExecCom Action Action: DOT complete assessment of the need for inland component of NDGPS  Final resolution to be determined by: ­interagency requirements ­level of support  If there were no transportation requirements or other Federal user requirements, DOT intended to develop decommissioning plan for NDGPS  DOT cost share with other agencies possible if there is a transportation requirement

6 07/08/08 6 Assessment Affirms Requirements Assessment affirms operational requirements for inland NDGPS  Transportation operational requirements: ­Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) »on behalf of state and local DOT stakeholders »routine use in Federal-Aid Program »survey, construction, quality, asset management ­Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) »safety system requirements (positive train control, track defect location) ­Association of American Railroads »baseline reference for positive train control ­National Governor’s Association »use by state DOTs, resource management U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration

7 07/08/08 7 Assessment Affirms Requirements (2) Assessment affirms operational requirements for inland NDGPS  Other Federal operational requirements: ­Department of Agriculture (NCRS, Forest Service) »High-accuracy positioning/repeatability »Fire services and enforcement ­Department of Commerce (NOAA – NWS, NGS) »Continuously Operating Reference Stations »Weather forecasting ­Department of the Interior (BLM, NPS, USGS) »High-accuracy positioning »Fire services and enforcement ­Numerous natural resource stakeholders U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration

8 07/08/08 8 Assessment Affirms Requirements (3) Assessment affirms operational requirements for inland NDGPS  State/local and private sector operational requirements: ­Civil GPS Services Interface Committee (CGSIC) U.S. States and Localities Subcommittee »State Departments of Transportation, Natural Resources, Environmental Protection, Agriculture, Parks »Multiple states and counties also responded ­Private/Non-Profit Requirements »U.S. GPS Industry Council »National Precision Farming Association »Professional Land Surveyors U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration

9 07/08/08 9 Assessment Affirms Requirements (4) Assessment results affirm research needs for inland NDGPS  Transportation research requirements: ­Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) ­Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) ­Association of American Railroads ­Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers ­Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration Assessment affirms no other existing PNT augmentation meets accuracy requirements for multiple terrestrial applications

10 07/08/08 10 Recommendations Accepted by ESG Ratify inland NDGPS as a national utility  Reaffirm DOT sponsorship  Determine funding required to deploy IOC/FOC U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration DOT to lead interagency team to develop new program and business plan  Jointly develop a fund-sharing mechanism among Federal Agencies with requirements  Inclusion in Department/Agency FY10 budgets required ­System at risk due to deferred equipment refresh ­Free of user fees, per U.S Space-Based PNT Policy

11 07/08/08 11 NDGPS Funding, FY 08-09 DOT/RITA FY08 Funding = $4.6M  RITA agreed to be interim program sponsor  Existing system operations and Maintenance (O&M) only  No construction/expansion/upgrade for NDGPS sites in FY 07/08  Pass-through to U.S. Coast Guard for O&M DOT/RITA FY09 Funding = $4.6M  Pass-through to U.S. Coast Guard for O&M  Insufficient to meet O&M requirements U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration

12 07/08/08 12 Projected NDGPS Funding Needs: FY09 + Recapitalization [USCG+DOT Estimates] FY09 Shortfall  $4.6M as placeholder; insufficient for O&M  Shortfall ~ $0.8M Recapitalization (required in FY09 for any operational scenario)  $3.5M ­Equipment refresh required for ongoing operations (deferred maintenance) ­Three years behind Maritime DGPS ­Future estimates based on completing recapitalization (proven reduced O&M costs) Total Additional Need: $4.3M U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration

13 07/08/08 13 Projected NDGPS Funding Needs: FY10 and Outyears [USCG+DOT Estimates] Current System; no build-out  $5.9M average annual operations and maintenance (O&M) only Complete Initial Operating Capability (IOC) – 8 sites  $3.4M capital costs  $6.2M annual (O&M) Complete Full Operating Capability (FOC) – 20 sites  $19.0M capital costs  $6.5M annual O&M U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration

14 07/08/08 14 U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration Thank You! Questions?

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