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The Ohio River Valley – Territory west of the Appalachian Mountains that both France and England saw as key to controlling North America  New France –

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Presentation on theme: "The Ohio River Valley – Territory west of the Appalachian Mountains that both France and England saw as key to controlling North America  New France –"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Ohio River Valley – Territory west of the Appalachian Mountains that both France and England saw as key to controlling North America  New France – territory France claimed from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. Quebec was the largest city and the capital of New France.  The Iroquois Confederacy – powerful native American tribe allied to the British  The Huron - powerful native American tribe allied to the French  Governor Dinwiddie – needed to make a map of the Ohio River Valley so England could claim this land for its Empire.  George Washington – 22 year old Colonel sent by Governor Dinwiddie to make a map of the Ohio River Valley. Accidentally started the French and Indian War when he attacked French troops at Fort Duquesne. 

2 Brown Bess Musket – flint lock musket used by British, French and Colonial soldiers  Bayonet – long triangle shaped knife that attaches to the end of a musket  Tomahawk – deadly hatchet like weapon used by Native warriors.  Scalping – practiced by Native Americans with the idea of taking a “trophy” of one killed in battle. 

3 How did the French keep Americans out of the Ohio River Valley?  They constructed forts full of soldiers. Why was George Washington sent into western Pennsylvania?  To make a map for Governor Dinwiddie claiming the Ohio River Valley for England. How did Washington accidentally start the French and Indian war?  He felt that a group of French soldiers was about to attack him, so he surprised them and attacked (or massacred) the French troops.

4 What was the British strategy for winning the war?  To have their American Colonial troops march into Canada and take Quebec. Once Quebec fell, France would lose the war. What was the French strategy for winning the war?  To weaken the British invasion of Canada by forcing the Colonial troops to go home. The French paid their Native Allies to attack undefended American women and children on the frontier. How were the Americans hurt by both the British and French strategy?  Their innocent families were being attacked by Indian war parties. The British also forced the Americans into service on penalty of death. The British also looked down on the Americans and treated them terribly.

5 How were the fighting styles of the British and French different than the Natives?  The British and French lined up in rows and marched forward using the bayonet to sweep their enemies off the battle field. Natives liked close contact fighting using their tomahawks. How were the natives exploited by both the British and French? The natives land was ulitmaltely taken by the British after the war. The French promised payment for any scalps taken during the war, but didn’t pay. This made the natives desperate and forced them into massacres like Ft. William Henry. How did the experience of fighting alongside the British effect how Americans viewed the British Empire?  Americans felt their freedom taken by the British because the British officers reduced them to “subjects” ruled by their “masters” in England. How did the British ultimately win the French and Indian war? The British taxed their people to pay for the large amount of soldiers sent to North America. These soldiers marched into Canada and defeated Quebec.

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