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North Carolina’s Shale Play: Not Yet By Ben Winikoff.

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Presentation on theme: "North Carolina’s Shale Play: Not Yet By Ben Winikoff."— Presentation transcript:

1 North Carolina’s Shale Play: Not Yet By Ben Winikoff

2 Brief History Unlike conventional natural gas and oil which has pooled and collected under a layer of impermeable rock, shale oil and gas is trapped within an impermeable source rock and cannot escape on its own.

3 USGS Assessments These reserves are from ancient freshwater sources that formed during the Mesozoic period. Much smaller than the Backken, Marcellus, and Barnett Shale

4 Source: USGS 1, 709 Billion cubic feet of Gas. In Surveyed NC Basins Compare to: Marcellus Shale, 141 trillion cubic feet (TCF) Roughly 10 billion dollars in Natural Gas Reserves in the state

5 Why a State Problem? Lobbying groups have successfully carved out exemptions for natural gas Source:

6 Pre-Drilling Standards Baseline Water Data on Water Quality Biggest problem states face is lack of information about the water quality before drilling begins

7 Drilling Regulation Dispute: How to Deal with Wastewater

8 Environmental Recovery Preventing Cleanup Costs From Shifting to Taxpayers -Bonding Requirements -Spill Response or Contingency Plans -Strict Liability

9 Side-By Side Comparison RegulationPennsylvaniaOhioBLMWinikoff Pre-Drilling Water Analysis Waste Water Disposal ? Underground Treatment Facilities Protections Bonds Protection Plans Strict Liability Pennsylvania ✗ Presumptive Liability ✓✗✓✓✗✓ ✓✓✗✓✓✗ Ohio ✓ Mandatory Testing ✓✓?✓✓? ✓✓✗✓✓✗ BLM ✗ ✗ ✗✗✗✗✗✗ Winikoff ✓ Mandatory Testing ✓✗✗✓✗✗ ✓✓✓✓✓✓

10 The Debate Goes On

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