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. What is E-Business? Any form of business, or administrative transaction, or information exchange, between a company.

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Presentation on theme: ". What is E-Business? Any form of business, or administrative transaction, or information exchange, between a company."— Presentation transcript:

1 . What is E-Business? Any form of business, or administrative transaction, or information exchange, between a company and the outside world, that is executed using any information and communication technology 1

2 . Types of E-Commerce  Email, fax, texting for advertising  E-tailor sells using virtual storefronts  Business to Business (B2B or Business to Consumer (B2C) buying and selling  Content aggregator gathers information and resources for website users  mBusiness, uses mobile communications for business applications 2

3 . What Type of Business Has E- Business Risk?  Virtually all businesses today  Email  Fax  Website advertising  Self  Others  Website sales  Products  Services 3

4 . Stages of E-Business  First - email  Next – sets up a web site to promote company  After that – could be to communicate with customers or to sell products or services 4

5 . Identify Client E-Business Exposures Some exposures will be covered under routine coverage – others will need special coverages 5

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