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Yu.L.Bolotin, I.V.Krivoshei, Sov.J. of Nucl.Phys.(Yad. Fiz). 42, 53 (1985) DYNAMICAL CHAOS AND NUCLEAR FISSION Theme de travail: DYNAMICAL CHAOS AND NUCLEAR.

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Presentation on theme: "Yu.L.Bolotin, I.V.Krivoshei, Sov.J. of Nucl.Phys.(Yad. Fiz). 42, 53 (1985) DYNAMICAL CHAOS AND NUCLEAR FISSION Theme de travail: DYNAMICAL CHAOS AND NUCLEAR."— Presentation transcript:

1 Yu.L.Bolotin, I.V.Krivoshei, Sov.J. of Nucl.Phys.(Yad. Fiz). 42, 53 (1985) DYNAMICAL CHAOS AND NUCLEAR FISSION Theme de travail: DYNAMICAL CHAOS AND NUCLEAR FISSION 1


3 3 Hamiltonian system with multi-well potential energy surface (PES) represents a realistic model, describing the dynamics of transition between different equilibrium states, including such important cases as chemical and nuclear reactions, nuclear fission, string landscape and phase transitions). One-well potential – rare exception Multi-well – common case Such system represents an important object, both for the study of classic chaos and quantum manifestations of classical stochasticity.

4 Research of any nonlinear system (in the context of chaos) includes the following steps 1. Investigation of the classical phase space, detection of chaotic regimes 2. Analytical estimation of the critical energy transition to chaos. 3. Test for quantum manifestation of classical stochasticity 4. Action of chaos on concrete physical effects. The basic subject of the current report is to realize the outlined program for two-dimensional multi-well Hamiltonian systems (of course, only in part) 4


6 6 Quadrupole oscillations of nuclei

7 7

8 Why is such potential chosen? Authorities love order, but very don’t love chaos. My bosses this dislike briefly formulated as follows: Chaos could be studied only by those, who have nothing to do. We felt himself as partisan. In this distant time we lived in era Henon-Heiles potential. I remembered that this potential saw somewhere (W.Greiner book). We proudly went out from an underground and

9 9 The surfaces of potential energy of Krypton isotopes.

10 10 Full list of «Our» potentials We worked also and with other potentials, but nothing substantially new (as compared to these) did not discover there

11 11

12 12

13 13 What is the mixed state? Yu.L.Bolotin, V.Yu.Gonchar, E.V.Inopin Chaos and catastrophes in quadrupole oscillations of nuclei, Yad.Fiz. 45, 350, 1987 (20 anniversary ) (nothing unusual!) As the energy increase the gradual transition from the regular motion to chaotic one is observed. One-well case – Poincare section

14 14 Change of the character of motion in left and right local minima is essentially different! It means that in this case so-called MIXED STATE may be observed: at one and the same energy in different local minima various dynamical regimes (regular or chaotic) are realized

15 15 Mixed state is common property of multi-well potentials

16 16 Why the dynamical behavior is so unlike in the different local minima: why in some local minima chaos begins below the saddle energy, but in others only above. If we want answer this question, we must use different criteria of chaos. It is a very complicated problem, separate question, and we do not have time for the detailed discussion. If there will be time at last, we will discuss some details.

17 17 We used: 1.Negative curvature criterion (Toda) 2.Geometrical approach (Pettini et al.) 3. Overlap of nonlinear resonances (Chirikov) 4. Destruction of stochastic layer (Delande et al). …. and many others

18 18 Result: we can find critical energy of transition to, but, we can’t forecast specificity of behavior in arbitrary local minimum using only geometrical terms (for example, number of saddle, negative curvature etc.)

19 19 Regular-Chaos-Regular transition R-C-R transition is a possible only for the system with localized domain of instability (negative Gaussian curvature or overlap of nonlinear resonances) QO potential K<0 The part of phase space S% with chaotic trajectories as a function of the energy


21 21 Reason of the additional C-R transition: new intersection point Yu.L.Bolotin, V.Yu.Gonchar, M.Ya.Granovsky, Physica D 86 (1995) R-C-R transition in a periodically driven anharmonic oscillator

22 22 Stochastization of quadrupole nuclear oscillations is confirmed by the direct observation of chaotic regimes at simulation of reaction with heavy ions. Umar et al. (1985) TDHF calculation head-on collisions: Poincare section for isoscalar quadrupole mode in One comment

23 II. II. Quantum chaos Quantum manifestation of classical stochasticity in mixed state. (comparison of one-well and multi-well) 23

24 24 SPECTRAL METHOD M.D.Feit, J.A.Fleck, A.Steiger (1982) 1.Calculation of quasiclassical part of the spectrum for multi-well systems requires appropriate numerical methods. 2. Matrix diagonalization method (MDM) is attractive only for one-well potential. In particular, the diagonalization of the QO Hamiltonian with W > 16 in the harmonic oscillator basis requires so large number of the basis functions that go beyond the limits of the our computation power. The spectral method is an attractive alternative to MDM

25 25 The main instrument of spectral method is correlation function The solution can be accurately generated with the help of the split operator method

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28 28 ANALITICAL METHODS For simplicity, we only will name analytical methods which we used (and plan to use) for description of the mixed state. 1.A.Auerbach and S.Kivelson (1985): The path decomposition expansion Path integral technique which allows to break configuration space into disjoint regions and express dynamics of full system in term of its parts 2. Kazuo Takatsuka,Hiroshi Ushiyama, Atsuko Inoue-Ushiyama (1998) Tunneling paths in multi-dimensional semiclassical dynamics

29 29 Now we have methods of investigations both classical and quantum chaos, but ….. Do we have a research object? Once upon a time there lived Dzhu, Who learned to kill off dragons And gave up all he had To master art like that. Three whole years it took, But, alas, never came up that chance To present skill and form. So he took on himself teaching others the art of slaying dragons. Chinese legend The last two lines belong R. Thom We have a chaotic dragon and even can present some trophy Chaos vs. regularity Eternal battle

30 30 O.Bohigas, M.Giannoni, C.Shmit: (1983) Hypothesis of the universal fluctuations of energy spectra Fluctuation properties of QO spectra Rigid lines are Poisson’s prediction Dashed lines are GOA prediction Qualitative agreement with Bohigas hypothesis

31 31 Rigid lines are Poisson and Wigner prediction; dashed lines – fitting by Berry-Robnik- Bogomollny distribution (interpolation between Poisson and Wigner distribution) Fluctuations of energy spectrum in mixed state In that case we deal not with statistics of mixture of two spectral series with different NNSD, but with statistics of levels that none of them belongs to well-defined statistics. Statistical properties of such systems were not studied at all up to now, though namely such systems correspond to common situation.

32 32 Evolution of shell structure in the process R-C-R transition and in mixed state Very old problem (W.Swiateski, S.Bjornholm): how one could reconcile the liquid drop model of the nucleus (short means free path) with the gas-like shell model? To account for such contradiction investigation of shell effect destruction in the process R-C-R transition plays the key role More exact formulation: How do shell dissolve with deviation from regularity, or, conversely, How do incipient shell effects emerge as the system is approached to an integrable situation?

33 33 We used nonscale version of the Hamiltonian QO In the interval 0 0) Interesting Classical prompting

34 34 The destruction of shell structure can be traced, using analog of thermodynamic entropy Regular domain: change of entropy correlates with the transition from shell to shell Chaotic domain: 1. quasiperiodic dependence of entropy from energy is violated; 2. Monotone growth on average towards a plateau corresponding to entropy of random sequence.

35 35 We obtain this result for QO potential, but it is general result Regularity-chaos transition in any potential is always accompanied destruction of shell structure

36 36 Quantum chaos and noise Relano et al. 2002: the energy spectrum fluctuations of quantum systems can be formally considered as a discrete time series. The power spectrum behavior of such a signal are characterized by Spectral fluctuations described by Power spectrum of a discrete time series

37 37 The average power spectrum of the function for (sd shell) and (very exotic nucleus) using 25 sets from 256 levels for high level density region. The plots are displaced to avoid overlapping. Example of chaotic system is nucleus at high excitation energy

38 38 Power spectrum of the function for GDE (Poisson) energy levels compared to GOE,GUE, GSE (Relano et al. 2002)

39 39

40 40 Signature of quantum chaos in wave function structure In analysis of QMCS in the energy spectra the main role was given to statistical characteristic: quantum chaos was treated as property of a group of states In contrast, the choice of a stationary wave function as a basic object of investigation relates quantum chaos to an individual state! Evolution of wave function during R-C-R transition can be studied with help: 1. Distribution on basis. 2. Probability density. 3. Structure of nodal lines.

41 41 Yu.L.Bolotin, V.YU.Gonchar….Yud.Fiz. (1995) Nordholm, Rice (1974) Degree of distribution of wave function arises in the average along with the degree of stochasticity. Degree of distribution of wave function

42 42 Isolines of probability density

43 43 The topography of nodal lines of the stationary wave function. R.M.Stratt, C.N.Handy, W.N.Miller (1974): system of nodal lines of the regular wave function is a lattice of quasiorthogonal curves or is similar to such lattice. The wave function of chaotic states does not have such representation separable nonseparable, but integrable nonintegrable, avoided intersection of nodal lines A.G.Manastra et al. (2003)

44 Mixed state: QMCS in structure of wave function 44 The main advantage of our approach: In the mixed state we have possibility to detect QMCS not for different wave function, but for different parts of the one and the same wave function. Usual procedure of search for QMCS in wave function implies investigation their structure below and above critical energy Problem: necessity to separate QMCS from modification of wave functions structure due to trivial changes in its quantum numbers V.P.Berezovoj, Yu.L.Bolotin, V.A.Cherkaskiy, Phys. Lett A (2004)

45 45 Decay of the Mixed States The escape of trajectories (particles) from localized regions of phase or configuration space has been an important topic in dynamics, because it describes the decay phenomena of metastable states in many fields of physics, as for example chemical and nuclear reactions, atomic ionization and induced nuclear fission.

46 46 Optic Billiard acousto-optic deflectors laser beam verticalhorizontal billiard plane 10 KHz 100 KHz

47 47 How Do We Observe Chaos in the Wedge ? Stable trajectories do not “feel” the hole Chaotic trajectories leak through the hole Cs 450  m 55  m

48 48 Experiment vs Numerical Simulations 2025303540455055 0.4 θ (deg).3.2.1

49 49 Exponential decay is a common property expected in strongly chaotic systems (W.Bauer, G.F.Bertch, 1990) For the chaotic systems  exponential decay law For the nonchaotic systems  power decay law

50 50 Numerical experiment on the Sinai billiard

51 51 Once more “mixed state” Quadrupole oscillations At energy higher than saddle energy the phase space structure preserves division on chaotic and regular components

52 52 D5 QO Decay law for mixed states in the D5 (a) and QO (b) potentials Solid lines – numerical simulation for E/E(saddle)= 1.1,1.5, 2.0. Dotted and dashed lines – analytical exponential and linear decay law

53 53 The result for different potential are evidently similar and have such characteristic features: 1.Decay law saturates 2

54 54 Relative area of stability island Fraction of non-escaping particles Rigid correlations

55 55 Decay of mixed states may find practical application for extraction of required particle number from atomic traps. Changing energy of the particles trapped inside the “regular” minimum we can extract from the trap any required number of particles. Obtained results may present an interest for description of induced nuclear fission in the case of double-humped fission barrier.

56 56 1.Quantum decay of the mixed states (current activity) 2.Investigation of dynamical tunneling in 2D multi- well potentials (current activity). 3.Tunneling from super- to normal deformed minima in nuclei (only plan) Now a few words about our current activity.

57 Superdeformation in nuclei   mixed state 57 Chaos Regula rity T.L. Khoo Lecture in Institute of Nuclear Theory (???)

58 58 Our aim: to transform O.Bohigas, D.Boose, R.E. de Carvachlo, V.Marvulle (BBCM) (1993) “Quantum tunneling and chaotic dynamics” to dynamical tunneling in the mixed state BBCM: the tunneling is increased as the transport through chaotic regions grows. Why? The energy splitting of a given doublet is very sensitive to is position in the energy spectrum as well as to its location in phase- space Billiard potential (mixed state)

59 59 BBCM The energy splitting is increased on a lot of orders as chaos increases. Energy splittingMeasure of chaos

60 60 Dynamical tunneling in QO potential We plan to realize Bohigas”s billiard problem for multi-well potentials

61 61 The energy splitting of a tunneling doublet (spectral method) We will do animation for the splitting levels as function of chaos in central minima QO. Bohigas et al.

62 What I wanted about, but did not have time to tell 62 1. Our analitical results 2. Birkhoff-Gustavson normal form (classic and quantum) 3. Wave packet dynamics 4. Numerical methods (apart “spectral method”) …………………..

63 Thank you for attention 63 grateful acknowledgment to prof. Egle Tomasi for all!

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