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Unit 6 Name_________________________ Period___ Date________ Unit 6 – Industry & Slavery – Page 1 of 8 Henderson middle school Social Studies 100 POINTS.

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1 Unit 6 Name_________________________ Period___ Date________ Unit 6 – Industry & Slavery – Page 1 of 8 Henderson middle school Social Studies 100 POINTS

2 Unit 6.1 - The Industrial Revolution 1. SAMUEL SLATER: 2. Why was it illegal for textile workers to leave England? 3. INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION: 4. FACTORY SYSTEM: 5. Why did the New England region have so many factories? 6. How were many of the factories built after 1830 different than those built before 1830? 7. INTERCHANGEABLE PARTS: Pages 341 to 347 Unit 6 – Industry & Slavery – Page 2 of 8

3 8. List three advantages provided by INTERCHANGEABLE PARTS: 1. 2. 3. 9. ROBERT FULTON: 10. SAMUEL F.B. MORSE: 11. JOHN DEERE: 12. CYRUS MCCORMICK: Unit 6.1 - The Industrial Revolution Pages 341 to 347 Unit 6 – Industry & Slavery – Page 3 of 8

4 1. COTTON GIN: 2. List the 4 major ways the cotton gin changed life in the south: 1. 2. 3. 4. 3. What type of farmers owned most of the slaves in the mid 1800’s - large plantations or small farmers? 4. What percentage of people in the South were slaves in 1840? 5. What percentage of African Americans in the South were free in 1840? Unit 6.2 - Plantation & Spread of Slavery Pages 348 to 353 Unit 6 – Industry & Slavery – Page 4 of 8

5 6. List some aspects of culture that helped African Americans endure the brutal life of slavery: 7. SPIRITUALS: 8. Describe family life for slaves: 9. NAT TURNER: 10. Describe NAT TURNER’S REBELLION: 11. What was the result of Turner’s Rebellion: Unit 6.2 - Plantation & Spread of Slavery Pages 348 to 353 Unit 6 – Industry & Slavery – Page 5 of 8

6 1.What is NATIONALISM? 2.Why was HENRY CLAY an important figure? 3.Describe the parts of the AMERICAN SYSTEM: 4. Who is JAMES MONROE? 5. What is SECTIONALISM? 6. Describe the MISSOURI COMPROMISE: 7. Explain the importance of the MONROE DOCTRINE: Unit 6.3 – Nationalism and Sectionalism Pages 354-361 Unit 6 – Industry & Slavery – Page 6 of 8

7 1. ABOLITION: 2. How did WILLIAM LLOYD GARRISON help the abolitionist cause: 3. FREDRICK DOUGLAS: 4. SOJOURNER TRUTH: 5. UNDERGROUND RAILROAD: 6. HARRIET TUBMAN: Unit 6.4 - Abolition & Underground Railroad Pages 440 to 447 Unit 6 – Industry & Slavery – Page 7 of 8

8 Underground Railroad The Underground Railroad was a network of people and places that hid escaping slaves and helped them reach safety in the North or Canada. Use page 446-447 in your textbook to help complete this map. Fill in the key on the left to label the slave states and free states. Label each of the states, cities and rivers shown on the map in your book on page 447. Draw in the arrows to show the routes used to reach the freedom in the north. This portion is worth 30 points. Free States Slave States Unit 6 – Industry & Slavery – Page 8 of 8

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