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Winter Awareness Sleeping Systems. Course Objectives –Explain: The need for insulation above as well as below you The ways body heat is lost and methods.

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Presentation on theme: "Winter Awareness Sleeping Systems. Course Objectives –Explain: The need for insulation above as well as below you The ways body heat is lost and methods."— Presentation transcript:

1 Winter Awareness Sleeping Systems

2 Course Objectives –Explain: The need for insulation above as well as below you The ways body heat is lost and methods to preserve it The ways and means of sleeping warm during cold and wet weather How to “winterize” your existing sleeping bag

3 The Million Dollar Question? If you knew you were going on a camping trip and the weather was going to be below freezing, would you rather take 6 inches of wool blankets or a 6 inch down sleeping bag?

4 Ways Body Heat is Lost 1.Radiation 2.Conduction 3.Evaporation 4.Convection 5.Respiration

5 Radiation Cause: –The heat the body sends or radiates outward Prevention: –Dress properly for sleeping. Cover the head?

6 Conduction Cause: –Heat will always travel to a cooler surface. Prevention: –Insulate your body from cold objects, like the ground.

7 Evaporation Cause: –Body heat turning bodily liquids to vapor Prevention: –Reduce physical activity to reduce sweating

8 Convection Cause: –Air movement. Warm air is replaced by cold air. Prevention: –Dead air space.

9 Respiration Cause: –Breathing out warm air and taking in the cold air. Prevention: –Avoid heavy exercise before bed so you won’t be breathing heavily.


11 Sleeping System Ground Cloth –Purpose Keeps ground moisture out Protects tent and sleeping bag – keeps clean –Qualifications Large enough to cover sleeping area, but not too large Thick enough to prevent punctures and rips

12 Bottom Insulation Purpose –Your body compresses the sleeping bag and loses all the loft below you. –Prevents conduction of heat

13 Bottom Insulation (cont.) Good materials to use alone –Any closed-cell foam pad Doesn’t soak up water Doesn’t let air pass through it and prevents convection –Therm-a-Rest Waterproof Prevents heat loss through conduction, convection and radiation below you.

14 Bottom Insulation (cont.) Bad materials to use alone (but may be used in combination of two or more). –Cot: lets air circulate beneath you –Open cell foam pads –Newspaper (at least 1 inch thick) Bad materials to use anytime –Air mattress: your body doesn’t have enough energy to heat up the air inside of it

15 What to look for in a sleeping bag Do you need a 4 season bag? –How often do you go winter camping?

16 Sleeping Bags Should be rated to temperatures below what you expect. –If nighttime temp can drop to -15 o, then bag should be rated to -30 o Variety of fills for sleeping bags: –Down- Primalof –Microloft- Qualofill –Polarguard - etc.

17 Material Types QualitiesCottonDownWoolPolar-guardHilofillFiberfillThin-sulate Wt per insulative value HighLowHighModerate HighVery Low Thickness per ins value Very Thick ThickThinModerate Moderate to thick Thin Warmth when wet Very poorPoorGood Length of time to dry LongVery Long Very shortShort ModerateVery Short Compress- ability LowGreatLowModerate Low Breath- Ability Fair Moderate Good DurabilityPoor GoodModerate Good Care requiredMach. Wash Dry Clean Dry cleanMach. Wash Mach. Wash CostLowVery High HighModerate Fairly LowModerate Overall value for cold weather camping Nearly worth-less Poor if wet GreatGood FairGreat

18 Fit: 3 shapes 1.Rectangular 2.Tapered 3.Mummy Bag Liner ? We recommend a mummy bag. Big Bag + Little Scout Bad Times

19 Loft: How easily does it compress? Does it bounce back?

20 Shell: It should be made of fine weave or rip-stop nylon. The 2 pieces should be cut differently for a smooth fit. –Materials –Pick one that best suits your needs

21 Zipper Should be made of plastic. –Doesn’t conduct heat as fast as metal. It should run from top to almost bottom Should have 2 sliders –Can be opened at the top and the bottom for ventilation

22 Draft Tubes & Hoods Draft tubes block air coming in through the zipper. –Should be fully insulated and extend beyond the zipper Hoods should be fully insulated and able to close around your head, leaving mouth and nose open to the air.

23 Workmanship Stitching should be straight with 8 to 10 stitches per inch –Should have double-stitching at points of stress (such as the zipper seam and the hood)

24 Caring for your Sleeping Bag 1.Unpack at least 1 hour before using. 2.Keep your sleeping bag as dry as possible 3.Air out if possible to dry out any hidden moisture 4.Don’t store compressed or in a tight stuff sack between camping trips (causes loss of loft)

25 Tents & Dress Tents –Why are they important? To create a blanket of dead air space around you Dress –Only enough clothes to keep you warm, but not enough to make you sweat –All clothes should be clean and dry, not the ones you’ve been wearing all day as they have hidden moisture from perspiration.

26 Winterizing your Summer Bag –Materials: sleeping bag & 2 or more blankets –Open your bag up all the way –Lay blanket so it covers ½ of the bag (lengthwise) –Lay second blanket so it covers entire sleeping bag –Lay extra blankets in the same manner –Lay down where blankets overlap –Fold blankets over you one at a time alternating sides –Zip up your sleeping bag

27 Scout Burrito Lay Here 2 nd Blanket 1 st Blanket You Sleeping Bag Blankets

28 Tips 1.Don’t sleep in the bottom of the bag. 2.Keep some high energy food nearby. 3.Go to the bathroom before bed. 4.Don’t dry wet clothes in your bag. 5.Put tomorrow’s clothes in or under your bag. 6.Fluff up your bag to increase loft. 7.Keep all of your sleeping gear dry.

29 Which is Better? 6 inch thick Down sleeping bag? 6 inches of Wool blankets?

30 Any Questions? ? Thank you

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