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GEM R&D Update Kondo Gnanvo. Outline  GEM R&D and assembly facilities at UVa  Cosmic test results  Update on the 40 × 50 cm 2 GEM prototype  Plans.

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Presentation on theme: "GEM R&D Update Kondo Gnanvo. Outline  GEM R&D and assembly facilities at UVa  Cosmic test results  Update on the 40 × 50 cm 2 GEM prototype  Plans."— Presentation transcript:

1 GEM R&D Update Kondo Gnanvo

2 Outline  GEM R&D and assembly facilities at UVa  Cosmic test results  Update on the 40 × 50 cm 2 GEM prototype  Plans and requirement for SoLID GEM chamber K. Gnanvo - SoLID Coll. Meeting, 02/03/12 2

3 GEM R&D and assembly facility at UVa  A 3.5 × 3 m 2 class 1000 clean room  Used for the assembly of BigBite drift chambers and GEM tracker with 10 × 10 cm 2 chambers  Accessories (clean room table, HV Gas box,….  Additional clean room to be added later this year  Assembly of the large chamber  Ultrasonic bath model Elmasonic S900H (Jlab) for the GEM spacers and the stretcher parts  Liquid dispenser unit (Fisnar JB1113-Lf)  Setting up the GEM lab @ UVa  the test and commissioning of the chambers  16 channels Wiener HV power supply (VME)  Picoammeter model Keithley 6487 K. Gnanvo - SoLID Coll. Meeting, 02/03/12 3

4 GEM R&D and assembly facility at UVa  The mechanical stretcher  Use for stretching GEM foil and glue it to spacer frames to keep it flat  Stretch the foil to a tension bigger than 1kg/cm  Method developed by Bencivenni. Et al. (LNF Italy) for LHCb GEM chambers  Design from the 1 st SBS GEM prototype  By E. Cisbani (INFN Roma/Catania, Italy)  We are implementing some minor improvement  Drawings almost completed and will be sent to production soon K. Gnanvo - SoLID Coll. Meeting, 02/03/12 4 By E. Cisbani (INFN Roma/Catania, Italy)

5 GEM R&D and assembly facility at UVa K. Gnanvo - SoLID Coll. Meeting, 02/03/12 5  10 × 10 cm 2 GEM prototypes  3 working chambers for the tracker,  2 mores to be assembled soon  trigger GEM chamber with pad readout  Scalable Readout System (SRS)  Multi channel scalable readout system developed by the CERN-based RD51 coll.  Small system @ UVa with up to 2048 ch  4 small GEM chambers with X/Y readout  Currently running with a standalone ALICE DAQ (DATE) and Monitoring (AMORE) software.  Integration of the SRS into CODA under development

6 Outline  GEM R&D and assembly facilities at UVa  Cosmic test results  Update on the 40 × 50 cm 2 GEM prototype  Plans and requirement for SoLID GEM chamber K. Gnanvo - SoLID Coll. Meeting, 02/03/12 6

7 Cosmic test results K. Gnanvo - SoLID Coll. Meeting, 02/03/12 7 GEM1 X-strips GEM1 Y-strips GEM2 X-strips GEM2 Y-strips  Tracker with small chambers at Jlab  for a couple of weeks last December  Chinese group made with HV scan data  We also set up a tracker at JLab

8 Cosmic test results K. Gnanvo - SoLID Coll. Meeting, 02/03/12 8  Charge sharing between X-strips and Y-strips  Problem with the charge distribution for GEM1  One possible reason can be geometry induction gap different than 2 mm  X/Y correlation used to resolve hits from multi hits events GEM2 GEM1

9 Test Run K. Gnanvo - SoLID Coll. Meeting, 02/03/12 9  Test Run at Jlab in March 2012:  2 or 3 UVa small GEM chambers will be used as tracker  We will also provide the SRS readout system with DATE and AMORE  We are also working on the software to get the root file format for further analysis  Plans for tests at UVa:  We want to set up the bench for gain measurement of the GEM chambers  Do some R&D for the trigger GEM with pad readout  Geometry an Gas mixture to improve time resolution of the chamber  Test the digital readout SRS development with VFAT chip

10 Outline  GEM R&D and assembly facilities at UVa  Cosmic test results  Update on the 40 × 50 cm 2 GEM prototype  Plans and requirement for SoLID GEM chamber K. Gnanvo - SoLID Coll. Meeting, 02/03/12 10

11 Update on the 40×50 cm 2 GEM prototype K. Gnanvo - SoLID Coll. Meeting, 02/03/12 11  We have received several components for the SBS GEM prototype  7 GEM foils from CERN workshop (6 for 2 prototypes + a spare one)  2 bad GEMs foils to be used as mockup for the training on the stretching  The spacer frames from RESARM (Belgium)  The Araldite epoxy glue and Conformal coating for sealing the chamber  We are still waiting for the X/Y strips readout board  3 readouts under production at CERN  2 different designs that we would like to test (see next slides)  Expect to be delivered by the end of February 2012  We are working on the design and production of the stretcher  The stretcher is to apply tension on the GEM foil during assembly to glue it to the spacer  Design and production on going

12 Update on the 40 × 50 cm 2 GEM prototype  Some modification on the initial SBS readout design  Increasing the area for grounding to improve the noise level  Replace the ZIF connectors by the Panasonic connectors  2 GEM prototypes will be built one with each readout design K. Gnanvo - SoLID Coll. Meeting, 02/03/12 12 SBS readout ( E.Cisbani, INFN Italy)New design (K. Gnanvo. Uva) ZIF connectorsPanasonic connectors

13 Update on the 40 × 50 cm 2 GEM prototype  Modification of the design for AnDY GEM  Change the readout board design to the design of TERA triple-GEM readout board  Try a new gas flow system through a change in the design of the spacer frames  Modify the HV sectors design on the GEM foil  New design to:  Facilitate the assembly procedure  Enhance the chambers performances  Could be used for the SBS chambers K. Gnanvo - SoLID Coll. Meeting, 02/03/12 13

14 Outline  GEM R&D and assembly facilities at UVa  Cosmic test results  Update on the 40 × 50 cm 2 GEM prototype  Plans and requirement for SoLID GEM chamber K. Gnanvo - SoLID Coll. Meeting, 02/03/12 14

15 Plans and requirement for SoLID GEM prototype K. Gnanvo - SoLID Coll. Meeting, 02/03/12 15

16 Plans and requirement for SoLID GEM prototype K. Gnanvo - SoLID Coll. Meeting, 02/03/12 16

17 Plans and requirement for SoLID GEM prototype K. Gnanvo - SoLID Coll. Meeting, 02/03/12 17

18 Plans and requirement for SoLID GEM prototype  SoLID need large size GEM modules  CERN can produce as large as 200 × 50 cm 2 GEM foils thanks to the single mask technology  Largest GEM chamber by CMS GEM Collaboration for High Eta region Muon Chambers  RD51 is looking for possibility for industrial partner  Production of large volume and large size GEM foils  NewFlex in Korea  We are going to start the design of SoLID GEM prototype  We received some drawings from CMS prototype (Archana Sharma) K. Gnanvo - SoLID Coll. Meeting, 02/03/12 18 CMS GEM prototype 99 cm × (22 - 45) cm

19 GEM Team at UVa K. Gnanvo - SoLID Coll. Meeting, 02/03/12 19  Senior Research Scientist:  Prof. Nilanga Liyanage  Vladimir Nelyubin  Research Scientist:  Kondo Gnanvo  Graduate Students:  Kiadtisak Saenboonruang  Taylor Sholz

20 Backup Slides K. Gnanvo - SoLID Coll. Meeting, 02/03/12 20

21 K. Gnanvo - SoLID Coll. Meeting, 02/03/12 21 Multiplication stages shielded from each other: reduced feed back Slow Positive ions localized in the holes away from the induction region Most of the electrons contribute to signal: can operate at low gains Much higher rates than wire chambers: ~ 50 MHz/cm2

22 Cosmic test results with 10 × 10 cm 2 GEM K. Gnanvo - SoLID Coll. Meeting, 02/03/12 22 Total charge distribution and charge sharing in X and Y strips in GEM2

23 First results with 10 × 10 cm 2 GEM Prototype K. Gnanvo - SoLID Coll. Meeting, 02/03/12 23 Some results from cosmic test at Jlab Chinese group

24 Plans and requirement for SoLID GEM prototype K. Gnanvo - SoLID Coll. Meeting, 02/03/12 24

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