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BY JENNIFER. Stanford University is located between San Francisco and San Jose in the heart of California's Silicon Valley. It is one of the world's leading.

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2 Stanford University is located between San Francisco and San Jose in the heart of California's Silicon Valley. It is one of the world's leading teaching and research universities. The school was opened on 1891, but was established on 1885. MAIN FEATURES

3 The school majors are - Business Earth Sciences Education Engineering Humanities and Sciences Law Medicine MAJORS

4 classes- Autumn Civil Procedure I Contracts Criminal Law Torts Legal Research and Writing Winter Constitutional Law Property Electives (0 to 4 units) Spring Federal Litigation LAW SCHOOL

5 Stanford provides the basic furniture in rooms and most apartments; your own creativity will make your living space your home DORMS & EXTRA CURRICULUM


7 WORK CITED nms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=2_P9VMThKIegyATWtIGQCA&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&b iw=1040&bih=882#safe=strict&tbm=isch&q=stanford+university&imgdii=_&imgrc= 9knaX8VGg2FrMM%253A%3Bhl_vWDjD3Y6NSM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fww Stanford.htm%3B525%3B349

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