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Dairy Cattle Essentials Texas 4-H and Youth Development.

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1 Dairy Cattle Essentials Texas 4-H and Youth Development

2 Topics to Discuss The following topics will be discussed: Selection Facilities Nutrition Health Management Show Rules & Health Requirement Texas 4-H and Youth Development

3 Selection Dairy heifer should excel in frame, body capacity, and dairy character Should be growthy and well developed based on her age Shows age divisions are typically divided on a 3 month break- Ex. March, June, September, December All major shows require heifers to be registered and papers transferred to the exhibitor prior to the ownership date listed in show’s premium list Texas 4-H and Youth Development

4 Selection cont. Most common breeds –Holstein –Jersey –Brown Swiss Southwestern Exposition & Livestock Show (Fort Worth), San Antonio Livestock Exposition, Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo, State Fair of Texas, Heart of Texas Fair (Waco), South Plains Fair (Lubbock) accept the above breeds. Open shows in Fort Worth, San Antonio, Houston, Dallas, and Lubbock allow junior exhibitors to double enter and show in both Junior and Open divisions Texas 4-H and Youth Development

5 Facilities Heifers should be kept in a large pen that is well drained, sheltered from rain and wind, and preferably opened to the south. Texas 4-H and Youth Development

6 Nutrition Clean fresh water available at all times is very important. High quality coastal or hybrid sudan and a 16-18 percent textured grain is ideal depending on age A 1:1 calcium phosphorous mineral is also very important along with loose white salt Texas 4-H and Youth Development

7 Health Should be vaccinated (Brucellosis) between 4-6 months of age Free of ectoparasites and internal parasites Use only approved insecticides, wormers, and vaccines for dairy cattle Other vaccinations should include: Lepto – Vibrio, IBR, PI3, BVD, BRSW, and Blackleg/Clostridia complex Texas 4-H and Youth Development

8 Management Heifer should be taught to lead as early as possible. Rope halter should be used Make sure halter does not get wet and shrink into the head Work daily to train heifer to lead and stand properly Brushing hair is excellent way to maintain hair and gentle animal Texas 4-H and Youth Development

9 Management cont. Consider hoof trimming early in the feeding process Keeping pen well drained and dry will encourage harder hoof development and less hoof problems Consider breeding heifers at 15-16 months of age. Timing to targeted shows and to calve during ideal class breaking months is important Texas 4-H and Youth Development

10 Management cont. AI sire should be used with high predicted difference of milk, milkfat %, protein % and type scores will add value to the heifer if sold as a bred heifer Management to calving and post calving is critical Can be difficult to keep cows healthy during this time. Proper nutrition to avoid calving difficulty is important. After calving arrange for the cow to be milked at dairy(prevents udder damage) Texas 4-H and Youth Development

11 Show Rules and Health Requirement Read rules for each show attending to identify specific rules. Each show will vary Check on Certificate of Veterinary Inspection and requirements for negative brucellosis and negative tuberculosis tests Texas 4-H and Youth Development

12 Additional questions to address with Exhibitors What are the goals of the 4-H member and family? Do you wish to exhibit a dairy heifer? Have you developed a plan to appropriately care for your project after her first calf? (Milking arrangements) Do you need assistance in locating and selecting your project? Texas 4-H and Youth Development

13 Conclusions All aspects of the selection process should be understood. Proper facilities should be available. Proper diets and nutritional information about feeding dairy heifers should be identified. Health is one of the most important aspects of raising dairy heifers. Time must be spent with heifer to ensure she can lead and stand properly All rules should be followed in regards to registration and health papers. Texas 4-H and Youth Development

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