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Controlled Assessment Checklist All points backed up with evidence – quotes Quotes a suitable length Fully explained points Used terminology.

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1 Controlled Assessment Checklist All points backed up with evidence – quotes Quotes a suitable length Fully explained points Used terminology

2 All points backed up with quotes After Lennie’s only guardian Aunt Clara died, Lennie had no one except George. Of course George didn’t have to then look after Lennie but he had told Aunt Clara he would and he knew how much trouble Lennie would get into alone. We also know that Lennie causes George to be disadvantaged from the various emotions that George demonstrates ranging from anger, to patience and sadness to hope.

3 Quotes a suitable length Before Lennie and George came to tranch the book is based on they lived in weed, but they had to leave because Lennie likes to touch soft thing. He saw a girl in a dress and started to stroke it “Well that girl rabbits in an’ tells the law she been raped. The guys in Weed start a party out to lynch Lennie so we sit in a irrigation ditch under water all the rest of that day…An that night we scrambled outta there.” However this is Lennie’s fault but George has to stick with him to get him out of trouble for something as childish as stroking a dress. Although it is a big thing to George, Lennie doesn’t understand.

4 Fully explaining points In the second chapter they arrive at the rang, a date late, and are greeted by Candy. George had to forwarn Lennie to be quiet asking him “what are you gonna say tomorrow when the boss asks you questions?” Lennie responds with “I…I aint gonna say a word.” George didn’t want the boss to turn them away because Lennie wasn’t that bright, he didn’t want to loss another job because of Lennie.

5 Using terminology George begins to grow tired of Lennies repetitive questions as george shows his anger in chapter one as they walk through Salinas Valley together “so you forgot awedy did you? I gotta tell you again do i? Jesus Christ you’re a crazy bastard!” Steinbeck shows Georges anger by using exclaimation marks at the end of sentences and with short snappy sentences that show the quick pace of Georges anger.

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