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Ecosystem Function and Health Program Problem Area: Quantify and predict ecosystem responses to environmental stressors (e.g. climate change). Develop.

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Presentation on theme: "Ecosystem Function and Health Program Problem Area: Quantify and predict ecosystem responses to environmental stressors (e.g. climate change). Develop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ecosystem Function and Health Program Problem Area: Quantify and predict ecosystem responses to environmental stressors (e.g. climate change). Develop statistical models to help managers make informed and defensible predictions. Haiganoush K Preisler Statistical Scientist PSW Research Station

2 Understanding the influence of climate on 1.mountain pine beetle outbreaks in: Lodgepole pine forests Whitebark pine forests 2. wildland fire occurrence and size.

3 How does climate influence beetle outbreaks? Outbreaks Beetle pressure Remaining live trees Drought stress Adaptive seasonality Winter mortality Probability of an outbreak Outbreak severity USFS aerial detection surveys

4 A mechanistic statistical model Y = 1 if Stress on tree > Tree tolerance Y = 0 otherwise Stress = number of attacking beetles ~ g 1 (birth rate) + g 2 (btp) + g 3 (live trees) S = f 1 ( temp, drought) + f 2 (btp) + f 3 (live trees) T = f 4 (drought) f ( ) ~ smooth functions to be estimated from data

5 Winter Mortality Adaptive Seasonality Drought Stress

6 Study location (LPP study) Washington Oregon Contribution of beetle pressure vs. weather weather important during initiation, collapse beetle pressure most important

7 Influence of Climate on Wildland Fire Occurrence and Size

8 Climate Variable – Fire Weather Index (FWI) Other Variables – Distance to road; Forest vs Ag land


10 Predicted Probability of a large fire per 10km 2

11 11 Westerling et al 2011 Climatic Change

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