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G040 – Lecture 06 Comparing Documents Report Mr C Johnston ICT Teacher

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1 G040 – Lecture 06 Comparing Documents Report Mr C Johnston ICT Teacher

2 Session Objectives  Reviewed the documents which you must collect,  Know what features which could be compared,  Have an idea of how to write up you comparison,

3 Overview In order to pass unit 1 you must write a report which describes, compares and evaluates 6 documents, These documents must be collected from different companies, You need 2 types of document collected from 3 companies. Business Letter Stringer, HSBC Bank, Tesco. Advertising Leaflet Stringer, HSBC Bank, Tesco.

4 What the exam board says: Mark Band 1 (0-3 marks) The candidate describes the layout and purpose of each of the six collected documents; The specific purpose of each document and the main features, such as font size, margins, use of bullets or numbering, use of paragraphs etc will be briefly described. Common elements such as sender’s and recipient’s address, date, reference and subject on business letters will also be indentified The candidate compares similar items, identifying good and bad points about the writing and/or presentation styles of each; The presentation styles of similar items will be compared; those awarded the highest mark will also have made some comparison of writing styles. – writing style refers to the type of language the document uses, e.g. formal, informal, informative, and persuasive, it should not be confused with font styles and sizes, which are presentation styles Good points and bad points will be made although may not be accurate or fully justified. The candidate makes some comment on their suitability for purpose, use of house style and/or how they could be improved; Some comments will be made on each document about its suitability for purpose, use of house style or how it could be improved, but not all three. Comments may reflect your opinions, rather than accepted standards for the type of document; The report may contain errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar.

5 What the exam board says: Mark Band 2 (4-5 marks) The candidate describes in detail the layout and purpose of each of the six collected documents; The layout of each document is and also the particular purpose of each described in detail, e.g. a letter from a bank that is trying to persuade the recipient to open a new type of account; The candidate compares similar items, accurately identifying good and bad points about the writing and presentation styles of each; A comparison of the presentation and writing styles of similar items is written clearly identify good and bad points about writing style, (e.g. the persuasiveness of the text) and presentation style, (such as the use of bullets to emphasise points) The candidate comments on their suitability for purpose, use of house style and how they could be improved; Reasoned comments on each documents suitability for purpose, house style and how it could be improved are made; such comments will relate to accepted standards for the type of document; The report will contain few spelling, punctuation and grammar errors; Although some errors may be present, these should not be of the type that a spell or grammar checker would identify;

6 What the exam board says: Mark Band 3 (6-7 marks) The candidate describes in detail the layout and purpose of each of the six collected documents; The candidate provides a critical analysis of the documents, including comparison of the writing and presentation styles of similar items; their suitability for purpose and use of house style; In addition to the evidence generated for Mark Band 2, you will provide an analysis of all six documents that is well thought out, well structured and critical; Consideration of writing and presentation style will be clearly linked to the purpose of each document and will lead to a detailed discussion of the suitability of each for its purpose; The candidate explains how each could be improved in relation to its purpose; The two documents from each organisation will be compared to explain how house style is applied and improvement will be explained clearly how they would improve the documents’ suitability for purpose; The report will be consistently well structured and there will be few, if any, spelling, punctuation and grammar errors. There will be very few errors in the report.

7 Report Structure To document your findings you need to set out your report in a formal way, Use sensible headings to structure your work, SPAG is accessed during this task so ensure that it is free from spelling and grammar errors, REMEMBER – to include a comparison between the documents within the work. Critical analysis means you explain why particular features are good or bad. The explanation should be based on accepted standards wherever possible, rather than just your own opinions.

8 Documents to evaluate Business Letters* Newsletters* Publicity flyers Leaflets Job Application Forms Questionnaires? Business reports? Presentations? WebPages (homepage)

9 Evaluation Questions What do you think the documents purpose and audience is? Do you think the documents suitable for this audience and purpose? How is the document suitable for the audience and purpose? Which features of the document do you like? Which features of the document do you not like? How do you think the document could be improved? Which document think is the best out of the three based upon the answers to these questions and why?

10 Steps Forward Collect the documents you are going to analyse and commence writing your report, Remember to use the notes from previous sessions to provide guidance, Your teacher will give you a date by which the first draft of the report will be due.

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