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Deliberate Practice for Algebra 1 with the TI-Nspire® Calculator: Electronic Supplemental Resources. A PROJECT in MATHEMATICS Steven Mendoza.

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Presentation on theme: "Deliberate Practice for Algebra 1 with the TI-Nspire® Calculator: Electronic Supplemental Resources. A PROJECT in MATHEMATICS Steven Mendoza."— Presentation transcript:

1 Deliberate Practice for Algebra 1 with the TI-Nspire® Calculator: Electronic Supplemental Resources. A PROJECT in MATHEMATICS Steven Mendoza

2 Proposal Summary Motivation Incoming barriers Number concept Number facts Outgoing barriers Computation Procedural automaticity Intended outcome Develop automaticity through deliberate practice Goal: schema automation Support: Cognitive Load Theory

3 Intended Outcome: Schema Automation Cognitive Load Theory – Working memory is limited – Intrinsic, germane, and extraneous loads – Cognitive overload – Automated schemas – Early versus later stages of learning Why is schema automation desirable?

4 Deliberate Practice Students’ practice has actually improved their performance. Practice is within the student’s ability level. Timely and descriptive feedback. Repeated opportunities to practice a task through practicing other tasks like it Brabeck, M., & Jeffrey, J. (2011). Practice for Knowledge Acquisition (Not Drill and Kill).

5 Content choice: Linear equations in one and two variables TEKS Common Core State Standards Justification Current district resources Electronic resources Proposal Summary

6 Existing Resources Has this been done before? Are we reinventing the wheel? Holt 2-3 (2007) Practice Problems reproduced with permission from HMH Publishing

7 Existing Resources (continued) Carnegie Learning’s Algebra 1, based on cognitive tutor.

8 Methodology Creation Cycle 1.Coded a usable version 2.Implemented in classroom 3.Revised code based on usage data Updates for Usability Accessible from any Nspire document Parsing user input for flexiblity Changes to Program Structures Narrowed focus of ysolver() Created separate programs for linear forms Additional Features Generators

9 3 programs with levels 1-variable linear equations 2-variable linear equations Systems of 2-variable linear equations Teacher documentation for usage 3 programs for linear forms Slope-intercept form Point-slope form Standard form Worksheets for student usage Generator for most programs Products

10 Program Details: eqpractice()


12 Program Details: ysolver()


14 Program Details: addeq()

15 Program Details: slopeint()


17 Program Details: practicegen()

18 Implementation Installation Approximately 15 minutes for class set One-time installation Teacher Documentation Instruction for installation and usage flowcharts Student Documents Instructions for usage Worksheets to accompany programs Sample work

19 Handouts Sample problems Description paragraphs Teacher instructions Student work

20 Thanks for your time.

21 Choice Of Content Focus State and National Standards – Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills – National Council Teachers of Mathematics – Common Core State Standards Initiative Why focus on linear equations, functions, and systems? 4 Readiness Standards and 7 Supporting Standards for Algebra 1 39 TOTAL Algebraic Thinking (Driscoll) -Doing/undoing -Symbol sense -Multiple representations

22 Motivation: Classroom Needs Student Needs – Incoming barriers Number concept Number facts – Outgoing barriers Computation Procedural Teacher Response – Quantity of practice – Quality of practice – Feedback – Individualization PRACTICE!!!Shift focus to GERMANE load.

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