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Consciousness Review Session 11.

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1 Consciousness Review Session 11

2 Consciousness- History
Dualism Mind and body are two distinct entities that interact Brain and mind are two different things Thought and matter This gives us free will Monism the presumption that mind and body are different aspects of the same thing 2

3 Levels of Consciousness
Mere Exposure Effect- we prefer stimuli that we have seen before over novel stimuli Priming- participants respond more quickly/accurately to questions that they have seen before, even if they do not remember seeing them Blind Sight- people who report being blind can accurately describe the path of a moving object or accurately grasp objects they cannot see

4 Levels of Consciousness
Conscious- information you are currently aware of Nonconscious- body processes controlled by our mind we are not usually aware of Preconscious- information you are not currently thinking about but could be Subconscious- information we are not consciously aware of but know must exist due to behavior Unconscious- psychoanalytic term; events and feelings that are unacceptable

5 Sleep When we sleep we are less aware of ourselves and our environment
Not the same as being unconscious

6 Sleep Cycle Part of our circadian rhythm- the pattern that our metabolic and thought processes follow (about 25 hours) Sleep Onset- the period where we are falling asleep; stage between wakefulness and sleep Brain produces alpha waves when we are drowsy but awake Might experience mild hallucinations

7 Stages of Sleep Stage 1: Muscles relax Irregular brain waves
“Just drifting” Theta waves- high frequency low, amplitude 10 min. Stage 2: Theta waves continue Sleep Spindles begin- short bursts of rapid brain activity Eyes roll from side to side 30 min

8 Stages of Sleep Stage 3 Stage 4
Large amplitude brain waves every second or so- Delta waves Slower the wave, deeper the sleep Delta sleep is very important in replenishing chemical supplies and fortifying the immune system Stage 4 Deepest of all Also includes Delta waves Talking out loud, sleep walking- no trace on memory Most important People who sleep only a few hours descend rapidly into stages 3 and 4 Exercise increases time spent in stages 3 and 4

9 Stages of Sleep REM Sleep/Paradoxical
After a period of time in delta sleep, our brain waves speed up and we go back through stages 3 and 2, but enter REM instead of stage 1 Eyes move rapidly, Twitching, irregular breathing Brain waves similar to an actively awake person Dreaming Each REM cycle lasts from minutes and gets longer with each cycle until you eventually wake up REM sleep deprivation interferes with memory REM rebound occurs

10 Brain Waves and Sleep Stages
Alpha Waves slow waves of a relaxed, awake brain Delta Waves large, slow waves of deep sleep 10

11 Typical Nightly Sleep Stages
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Sleep stages Awake Hours of sleep REM 11

12 Typical Nightly Sleep Stages
Hours of sleep Minutes of Stage 4 and REM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 15 20 25 Decreasing Stage 4 Increasing 12

13 Sleep Deprivation Effects of Sleep Loss fatigue impaired concentration
immune suppression irritability slowed performance accidents planes autos and trucks 13

14 Sleep Disorders Insomnia Narcolepsy Sleep Apnea
Persistent problems in falling or staying asleep Affects up to 10% of the population Narcolepsy Uncontrollable sleep attacks, suddenly fall into REM sleep Much rarer Sleep Apnea cessation of breathing often associated with snoring repeatedly awakes sufferer 14

15 Night Terrors and Nightmares
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Sleep stages Awake Hours of sleep REM Night Terrors occur within 2 or 3 hours of falling asleep, usually during Stage 4 high arousal- appearance of being terrified Nightmares occur towards morning during REM sleep 15

16 Dreams- Freud Sigmund Freud Manifest Content Latent Content
The Interpretation of Dreams (1900) wish fulfillment- we act out our unconscious desires discharge otherwise unacceptable feelings in the form of symbols Manifest Content remembered story line Latent Content underlying, uncensored meaning 16

17 Other Dream Theories Activation Synthesis Theory
Dreams are nothing more than the brain’s interpretations of what is happening physiologically during REM sleep Dreams have no more meaning than any other physiological reflex Information-Processing Theory Stress during the day increases the number and intensity of dreams, dream content often relates to daily concerns They brain is dealing with daily stress and info during REM Purpose is to integrate information processed into our memories

18 Hypnosis One person (the hypnotist) suggests to another (the subject) that certain perceptions, feelings, thoughts or behaviors will spontaneously occur a relaxed state Posthypnotic Amnesia supposed inability to recall what one experienced during hypnosis Posthypnotic Suggestion A suggestion that a hypnotized person will behave in a certain way after brought out of hypnosis 18

19 Theories of Hypnosis Role Theory
Not an alternate state of conscious at all, some people are more easily hypnotized A social phenomenon Follow the suggestions b/c that is what is suggested Hypnotic Suggestibility related to subject’s openness to suggestion ability to focus attention inwardly ability to become imaginatively absorbed These people also have richer fantasy lives, follow directions well, and can focus intensely 19

20 Theories of Hypnosis Dissociation Theory Dissociation Hidden Observer
a split in consciousness allows some thoughts and behaviors to occur simultaneously with others Hidden Observer Hilgard’s term describing a hypnotized subject’s awareness of experiences, such as pain, that go unreported during hypnosis

21 How Drugs Change Consciousness
The molecules that make up psychoactive drugs are small enough to pass through the blood-brain barrier Agonists- work by mimicking neurotransmitters Antagonists- work by blocking neurotransmitters from using the receptor sites on neurons All gradually alter the natural level of neurotransmitters in the brain

22 How Drugs Change Consciousness
Tolerance- a physiological change that produces a need for more of the same drug in order to achieve the same effect, will eventually cause… Withdrawal symptoms- vary from person to person Dependence can be physiological, psychological, or both

23 Psychoactive Drugs Depressants drugs that reduce neural activity
slow body function result in euphoria alcohol, barbiturates, opiates, anxiolytics (Valium) Stimulants drugs that excite neural activity speed up body function caffeine, nicotine, amphetamines 23

24 Psychoactive Drugs Hallucinogens Barbiturates
psychedelic (mind-manifesting) drugs that distort perceptions and evoke sensory images in the absence of sensory input May remain in the body for weeks, if is ingested again new amount is added to lingering amount- reverse tolerance LSD, marijuana, mushrooms Barbiturates drugs that depress the activity of the central nervous system, reducing anxiety but impairing memory and judgment 24

25 Psychoactive Drugs Opiates Amphetamines
opium and its derivatives (morphine and heroin) opiates depress neural activity, temporarily lessening pain and anxiety Agonists for endorphins, powerful painkillers and mood enhancers Amphetamines drugs that stimulate neural activity, causing accelerated body functions and associated energy and mood changes 25

26 Psychoactive Drugs LSD THC lysergic acid diethylamide
a powerful hallucinogenic drug also known as acid THC the major active ingredient in marijuana triggers a variety of effects, including mild hallucinations 26

27 Psychoactive Drugs Drug Type Pleasurable Effects Adverse Effects
Alcohol Depressant Initial high followed by Depression, memory loss, organ relaxation and disinhibition damage, impaired reactions Heroin Depressant Rush of euphoria, relief from Depressed physiology, pain agonizing withdrawal Caffeine Stimulant Increased alertness and Anxiety, restlessness, and wakefulness insomnia in high doses; uncomfortable withdrawal Metham- Stimulant Euphoria, alertness, energy Irritability, insomnia, phetamine hypertension, seizures Cocaine Stimulant Rush of euphoria, confidence, Cardiovascular stress, energy suspiciousness, depressive crash Nicotine Stimulant Arousal and relaxation, sense Heart disease, cancer (from tars) of well-being Marijuana Mild Enhanced sensation, pain relief Lowered sex hormones, disrupted hallucinogen distortion of time, relaxation memory, lung damage from smoke 27

28 Review Questions 1) Agonists are psychoactive drugs that
Produce tolerance to the drug without the associated withdrawal symptoms Mimic and produce the same effect of certain neurotransmitters Mimic neurotransmitters and block their receptor sites Enhance the effects of certain opiates like heroin Make recovery from physical addiction more difficult

29 2) Which of the following is the best analogy for how psychologists view consciousness?
The on/off switch of a computer A circuit breaker that controls the power to a house A fuse that allows electricity to pass through until a short circuit occurs A dimmer switch for a light fixture The ignition switch of a car

30 3) During a normal night’s sleep, how many times do we pass through the different stages of sleep?
2 2-3 4-7 8-11 11-15

31 4) Which of the following is evidence supporting the role theory of hypnosis?
People with rich fantasy lives are more hypnotizable People will not behave under hypnosis in ways they would not without hypnosis Hilgard’s experiment demonstrated the presence of a hidden observer Our heart and respiration rates may differ while under hypnosis Some therapists successfully use hypnosis in therapy

32 5) Which neurotransmitter is affected by opiates?
Serotonin Endorphins Dopamine GABA Acetylcholine

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