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Mobile Linkage Opportunity Connecting the World’s Poor to Their Potential GRAMEENFOUNDATION.ORG Leveraging ICT for Savings Groups Grameen Foundation AppLab.

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Presentation on theme: "Mobile Linkage Opportunity Connecting the World’s Poor to Their Potential GRAMEENFOUNDATION.ORG Leveraging ICT for Savings Groups Grameen Foundation AppLab."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mobile Linkage Opportunity Connecting the World’s Poor to Their Potential GRAMEENFOUNDATION.ORG Leveraging ICT for Savings Groups Grameen Foundation AppLab December 2013

2 Mobile Linkage Opportunity Grameen Foundation: Our Work Access to Information (Ag, Health, Finance) Access to Financial Services Access to Business Opportunities

3 Mobile Linkage Opportunity Grameen Foundation: Our Work Access to Information (Ag, Health, Finance) Access to Financial Services Access to Business Opportunities

4 Mobile Linkage Opportunity 9M members globally, 90% in Africa Uganda the largest – 1.2M members, 34M population ~50% in East Africa

5 Mobile Linkage Opportunity 500,000 members, 25,000 groups Group products – savings and credit

6 Mobile Linkage Opportunity

7 Design, Develop, and Scale Sustainable Solutions for the Poor

8 Mobile Linkage Opportunity 66% literacy 70% phone access 86% rural 20% banked

9 Mobile Linkage Opportunity Our approach our approach Exploratory ethonographic research HCD – rapid product testing Sustainable solutions Busia 3 groups 2 members 3 supporters Fort Portal 1 group 2 members 2 supporters Soroti 2 groups 4 members 2 supporters Iganga 3 groups 4 members 1 supporters

10 Mobile Linkage Opportunity distancedata

11 Mobile Linkage Opportunity distancedata

12 Mobile Linkage Opportunity

13 Grameen Foundation Solutions Innovation Process “This product will let us be somebodies, not nobodies.”

14 Grameen Foundation Solutions Innovation Process


16 Mobile Linkage Opportunity distancedata

17 Mobile Linkage Opportunity cost visibility security

18 Mobile Linkage Opportunity “I would trust a phone SMS message from the bank more than a paper receipt.” “Even when we deposit we send at least 2 people. Ideally we’d send 3 each time to have a witness.”

19 v

20 Mobile Linkage Opportunity 20 What we know What we believe –TBU Discussion questions

21 Mobile Linkage Opportunity

22 what we know the poor can use complex technology – if it is designed with them what we think the model is sustainable and scalable ICT can enhance an already successful approach to financial inclusion what we believe

23 Mobile Linkage Opportunity Thank you! Lisa Kienzle Grameen Foundation Uganda Juan Forero Grameen Foundation Colombia

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