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Published byLinette Sparks Modified over 9 years ago
The European Commission & GEOSS: Articulating EU marine observation and infrastructure and Global Earth Observations Marine Research Infrastructure Expert Group Meeting Brussels, 4 March 2011 Alan Edwards Earth Observation Sector, Environment Directorate DG R&I
slide 2 Contents GEO* and GEOSS** Overview EU funded projects in support of GEOSS GEO Work Plan Tasks GEO Communities of Practice * GEO: Group on Earth Observations ** GEOSS: Global Earth Observation System of Systems
slide 3 The Earth is a complex system of systems… …requiring data from many observation systems General Need for GEOSS
slide 4 GEO is an intergovernmental organization with 85 member countries, the European Commission and 61 participating organizations. GEO
slide 5 10-Year Implementation Plan (Endorsed by 2005 GEO Ministerial) EO Ministerial Summit (~ every 2 years) GEO Plenary (annually) (co-chaired by RSA, EC, USA and PRC) Executive Committee (13 Members) Secretariat (~ 20 staff in Geneva) Committees and Working Groups GEO Governance Structure GEO Secretariat is located at WMO Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland
slide 6 GEOSS: Its Vision and Purpose (from the GEOSS Strategic Targets) The vision for GEOSS is to realize a future wherein decisions and actions for the benefit of humankind are informed by coordinated, comprehensive and sustained Earth observations and information. slide 6
slide 7 GEOSS: Its Vision and Purpose (from the GEOSS Strategic Targets) The purpose of GEOSS is to achieve (these) observations of the Earth system, in order to improve monitoring of the state of the Earth, increase understanding of Earth processes, and enhance prediction of the behaviour of the Earth system. GEOSS will meet the need for timely, quality long-term global information as a basis for sound decision making, and will enhance delivery of benefits to society slide 7
slide 8 (Selected) GEO Strategic Goals Sustain the operation of comprehensive and coordinated space-based, airborne and in situ Earth observation networks that meet user requirements in support of informed decision making; Sustain operations of the shared architectural GEOSS components and related information infrastructure; Address the need for timely, global and open data sharing across borders and disciplines, to maximize the value and benefit of Earth observation investments. Implement interoperability amongst observational, modelling, data assimilation and prediction systems; slide 8
slide 9 GEOSS Infrastructure Represents a COLOSSAL investment by GEO Members & PO in EO systems. (Many 10’s of billions.) Delivers major societal benefits to USERS, e.g.: scientists, policy makers, the commercial sector & citizens Enables GEOSS resources to be readily discovered and accessed Provides improved interoperability Delivers trusted data & information Is "Open”, in accordance with Data Sharing Principles
slide 10 The Tower of Babel There is a need to freely & openly share Earth observation data inter-operably GEOSS Architecture GEOSS Architecture will Provide Systems Interoperability and Easier and More Open Data Access
slide 11 There will be full and open exchange of data, metadata and products shared within GEOSS, recognizing relevant international instruments and national policies and legislation. All shared data, metadata and products will be made available with minimum time delay and at minimum cost. All shared data, metadata and products being free of charge or no more than cost of reproduction will be encouraged for research and education. GEO Data Sharing Principles
slide 12 GEONETCast: Cost-effective and User Friendly
slide 13 Provide easy access to as much data and as many people as possible Disseminate space-based, air-borne and in situ data, metadata and products to diverse users WMO Contributors EUMETSAT CMA Others Global Coverage GEONETCast: Global Coverage and Data from and for Diverse Societal Benefit Area NOAA
slide 14 Disasters Reducing loss of life and property from natural and human induced disasters. Energy Improving management of energy resources. Weather Improving weather information, forecasting and warning. Climate Understanding, predicting, mitigating and adapting to climate variability and change. Water Improving water resource management through better understanding of the water cycle. Ecosystems Improving the management and protection of terrestrial, coastal and marine ecosystems. Agriculture Supporting sustainable agriculture and combating desertification. Biodiversity Understanding, monitoring and conserving biodiversity. Health Understanding environmental factors affecting human health and well being. GEOSS will address & serve 9 Societal Benefit Areas
slide 15 Status of EU “direct” (*) research actions in support of GEOSS Implementation * What is presented here represents a subset of the EU contribution to GEO / GEOSS. (E.g., there is no ref. to GMES, INFSO, Infrastructure projects, etc., etc.) The projects shown are funded within the framework of the “Earth and ocean observation systems and monitoring methods for the environment and sustainable development” of the Environment Theme of the current EU Research Framework Programme.
slide 16 TRANSVERSE GEOSS (GEOSS Building Blocks) EU “EO” Research Projects ARCHITECTURE EuroGEOSS (08) GEOVIQUA (10) FP7 Call 2011 ARCHITECTURE EuroGEOSS (08) GEOVIQUA (10) FP7 Call 2011 DATA MANAGEMENT FP7 Call 2011 DATA MANAGEMENT FP7 Call 2011 CAPACITY BUILDING YEOS (2006) DevCocast (2007) AEGOS (2007) EnviroGRIDS (2008) SEOCA (2009) GEONETCAB (2009) BalkanGEONet (10) OBSERVE (10) Call 2011 CAPACITY BUILDING YEOS (2006) DevCocast (2007) AEGOS (2007) EnviroGRIDS (2008) SEOCA (2009) GEONETCAB (2009) BalkanGEONet (10) OBSERVE (10) Call 2011 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY EGIDA (10) GfG2 (10) SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY EGIDA (10) GfG2 (10) USER ENGAGEMENT GeoBene (06) EUGENE (09) USER ENGAGEMENT GeoBene (06) EUGENE (09) (GEOLOGY) AEGOS (07) (GEOLOGY) AEGOS (07)
slide 17 9 GEOSS Societal Benefit Areas Disaster HealthEnergy Climate WaterWeather Ecosystem Agriculture Biodiversity EO2HEAVEN (09) EO-MINERS (09) Impact Min (09) GMOS (10) EnerGEO(08) COCOS(07) EuroSITES(07) ACOBAR (07) EUGENE (09) ERACLIM (10) Call 2011 CEOP-AEGIS(07) HYPOX(08) EUGENE (09) e-SOTER (07) EnviroGRIDS(08) HYPOX(08) EO-MINERS (09) Impact Min (09) EBONE (07) EUGENE (09) Call 2011 EU “EO” Research Projects Call 2011
slide 18 2009-2011 GEO WORK PLAN The 2009-2011 Work Plan provides the agreed framework for implementing the GEOSS 10-Year Implementation Plan (2005-2015). As GEOSS takes shape over the next several years, connections will be realized between diverse observing, processing, data-assimilation, modelling, and information-dissemination systems. This will make it possible to obtain a dramatically increased range of data sets, products and services on the key aspects of the Earth system.
slide 19 09-11 GEO WORK PLAN: Marine Tasks* EC-09-01: Ecosystem Observation and Monitoring Network a) Ecosystem Classification and Mapping b) Ecosystem Functions and Services c) Regional Networks for Ecosystems BI-07-01: Developing a Global Biodiversity Observation Network a)Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON) b)Invasive Species Monitoring System c)Capturing Historical and New Biodiversity Data CL-06-01: A Climate Record for Assessing Variability and Change CL-09-02: Accelerating the Implementation of the Global Climate Observing System CL-09-03: Global Carbon Observation and Analysis System AG-06-02: Data Utilization in Fisheries and Aquaculture *The tasks listed represent a subset of those relevant to marine research activities.
slide 20 09-11 GEO WORK PLAN: Marine Tasks* AR-09-02: Interoperable Systems for GEOSS a)Virtual Constellations (Ocean Surface Topography; Ocean Colour Radiometry; Ocean Surface Vector Winds) c) Sensor Web Enablement for In-Situ Observing Network Facilitation AR-09-03: Advocating for Sustained Observing Systems c) Global Ocean Observation System e) Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) CB-09-03: Building Institutional Capacity to Use Earth Obs. d) Building Capacity for Operational Oceanography DI-09-01: Systematic Monitoring for Geohazards Risk Assessment b) Seismographic Networks Improvement and Coordination *The tasks listed represent a subset of those relevant to marine research activities.
slide 21 GEO Communities of Practice (CoPs) CoPs play a critical role in implementing GEO’s mission, connecting GEO to the broader scientific and user communities, and leveraging the synergies and potential that exist when groups and individuals collaborate toward a common goal.
slide 22 What is a GEO Community of Practice? A GEO Community of Practice is a self-organized group of people who commit to working together as part of GEO to foster application of Earth observations for societal benefit in their shared field of interest and expertise. GEO CoPs form when a critical mass of interest and commitment coalesces. GEO’s User Interface Committee formally recognizes and supports GEO’s CoPs. Work of GEO CoPs is funded by voluntary contributions from host organizations and by the in-kind contributions of their members.
slide 23 Existing GEO Community of Practices Biodiversity Carbon Coastal Zone Energy Forests Geohazards Global Agricultural Monitoring Health and Environment Integrated Global Water Cycle Observations
slide 24 Emerging GEO Community of Practices Atmospheric Chemistry Cryosphere International Phenology Network Ocean Observations
slide 25 Ocean Observations GEO CoP I. Purpose (draft: still under discussion) The OCEANOBS CoP will bring leaders from different observing system organisations together as a forum for improved coordination across observing systems. The forum will be a CoP under GEO and will be a means for introducing GEOSS principles & goals into the oceans realm and for supporting the introduction of ocean requirements, obs & practices into GEOSS. The CoP shall also address cross cutting issues impacting observing systems and their users, to define common monitoring strategies, scientific objectives and implementation strategies.
slide 26 Ocean Observations GEO CoP II. Objectives (draft: still under discussion) 1.Facilitate the enhanced international coordination of ocean observatories and observing programs and partnerships in regard to common monitoring goals and strategies, working through existing bodies and mechanisms wherever possible. 2.Support the implementation of GEOSS principles to improve and enable continuity of observing systems and open exchange of data and information. 3.Stimulate capacity building in ocean observations. 4.Give advice to the GEO on issues relating to observing the world oceans.
slide 27 Thanks for your attention For more information visit:
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