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Stark County CTPD Plan Update 2010. Directions for Student Registration with Timelines for Site Leaders and Counselors January and February 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Stark County CTPD Plan Update 2010. Directions for Student Registration with Timelines for Site Leaders and Counselors January and February 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stark County CTPD Plan Update 2010

2 Directions for Student Registration with Timelines for Site Leaders and Counselors January and February 2010

3 Definitions CTPD Home School Internal Placement External Placement Common CTPD Form

4 What is a CTPD? Every Stark County School belongs to a Career Technical Planning District, CTPD Our CTPD’s Include: Alliance, Canton City, Canton Local, Massillon, Plain Local, and Stark County JVS (R.G. Drage)

5 What is a CTPD? There are 91 CTPD’s in Ohio Designated for the Delivery of Career Technical Education for Ohio Students

6 Stark County CTPD Common Goals CTPD Directors Meet Regularly on the Following: Work Closely Together in the Development of Common Timelines Collaborate with Local Business and Colleges Stay Updated on State Rules, Laws, and Vision, Develop Common Local Processes and Communication to Best Provide for all Stark County Educators, Parents, and Students

7 What is a Home School? The Home School is the District that the student attends when making an application for any Career Programs (both Tech Prep and Career Tech) Example: I attend Massillon. My home school is Massillon.

8 What is an Internal Placement? These are student registrations within the Home District and within the CTPD that the District belongs. Example, Osnaburg is a part of the Canton Local CTPD. Our goal is to have internal placements completed by February

9 What is the Internal Placement Process? Districts are encouraged to post their internal placement form on their high school web site or career tech page This can also be defined as their student registration form Districts should work with their CTPD Leaders on the internal registration process

10 How Do I Register a Student for a Program Located in my District? (Internal Placements) Continue Process that you normally use internally (This is the internal placement process)

11 How Do I Register a Student in my CTPD? Example, Canton City and Massillon are their own CTPD’S They would continue their own application process Example, a Jackson student would like to attend a Plain program which is part of the CTPD. The Jackson student completes a Plain application.

12 How Do I Register a Student in my CTPD? Continue Process that you normally use internally within your CTPD (This is the internal process)

13 How Do I Register a Student for a Tech Prep Program Located in my District or in my CTPD? There is only one application process for both career programs and tech prep programs. Use your Internal Placement Form There is no need to have students complete a Tech Prep application. All information will be sent to Stark Tech Prep in March and April

14 What is an External Placement? It is a student who applies to a program outside of their home district and outside of the CTPD Example: a Canton Local student applies to Fire Science through Plain Local Example: a Lake student that applies to the Stark JVS (R. G. Drage) for Early Childhood Education

15 External Placements Use the Common Out of District CTPD Application This is a common form that we are all using in Stark County Form is attached on last page of this powerpoint with Process Map

16 External Placements Use the Common Out of District CTPD Application Students can complete this form in January and February Placements will be made beginning in March Applications will be sent directly to District CTPD Directors

17 Process Map

18 Application Use Out of District CTPD Application Common Career Tech/Career Tech Prep Student Enrollment Form

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