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Chaika Natalia -Bugulma, RT Assessment & Evaluation (in Russia & the U.S.)

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Presentation on theme: "Chaika Natalia -Bugulma, RT Assessment & Evaluation (in Russia & the U.S.)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chaika Natalia -Bugulma, RT Assessment & Evaluation (in Russia & the U.S.)

2 What Is Assessment? A A ctually S eeing S S tudents E E quipped S to S urvive & S S urpass MMyMMy E E xpectations N N ow & T T hen Mnemonic Device A A ccepting S ome S etbacks E E ven S S uspecting S S ome MaMayMaMay E E vole into N N ew T T hinking Mnemonic Device

3 Assessment Haiku Blind assessment leads to poor results and troubled classroom experience

4 Assessment is : “checking out” someone’s thinking, from a high-stakes evaluation to an informal classroom poll;“checking out” someone’s thinking, from a high-stakes evaluation to an informal classroom poll; standardized testing, of course, is an example of high stakes assessment;standardized testing, of course, is an example of high stakes assessment;

5 Principles of Evaluations Systematic Inquiry Competence Integrity/Honesty Respect for People Variety of Types and Tools

6 Assessment can be : writing in journals and logs;writing in journals and logs; keeping graphic organizers;keeping graphic organizers; doing problem-solving sheets;doing problem-solving sheets; a quick, informal appraisal to check timing and understanding by using polls, quizzes, and voting.a quick, informal appraisal to check timing and understanding by using polls, quizzes, and voting.

7 Reflective Assessment Steps: A: Since we last talked about; I have been thinking about… B: I am quite puzzled by… C: I find I pay closer attention to…:I think this because… D: This is what I know so far… E: This is what I need to help me figure out the rest… F: I found it interesting that…

8 Types of Assessment Demonstration (show how); Exhibits (display); Graphic Organizers (webs, Venn diagrams); Journals and Logs (writing, stems); Performance (role-play); Problem Solving (focus on processing rather than content); Products (making objects); Projects (long- term).

9 Tools to Measure Assessment ChecklistsOpen- ended Response Tests & Quizzes Rubrics Partner Exchange & Reports PMI Charts ( plus, minus, implications) Guided Responses Likert Scales Note Card Observation Double-entry Responses

10 Effective assessment Improvement assessment measures students learning in a way that allows classroom teacher to encourage and support learning improvement, and progress for all students Performance based assessment is quantitative and objective, does not take into account details about individual students learning. Authentic assessment is qualitative and subjective, evaluates students individually on work quality for tasks patterned after real-life situation.

11 I have come to a frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element in the classroom. It’s my personal approach that creates the climate, It is my daily mood that makes the weather. As a teacher I possess tremendous power To make a child’s life miserable or joyous. I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration. I can humiliate or humor, hurt or heal. In all situations it is my response that decides Whether a crisis will be escalated or de- escalated. A child humanized or de- humanized. Dr.Chaim Cinor. (“Between Parent and Child”)

12 Performance-Based Assessment Multiple choice;Multiple choice; True-false;True-false; Fill-in-the-blank;Fill-in-the-blank; Matching.Matching.

13 Authentic Assessment Creating a travel brochure; Writing a letter to a grandparent; Reading signs around the community; Following recipe directions.

14 Improvement Assessment Portfolio of student work; Student self-assessment of progress; Observation of students’ growth written on sticky notes; Author’s chair for reading aloud from a piece of student writing.

15 Assessing Student Use of the Internet Structuring Internet Research Benchmarks.

16 Learning Pyramid Teaching Others - 90% Practice by Doing – 75% Discussion Group – 50% Demonstration – 30% Audio Visual- 20% Reading -10% Lecture - 5%

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