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New Keywords since Last CEOS Meeting. New/Modified Earth Science Keywords Since May 2004 Added: –Biosphere > Vegetation > Plant Phenology Modified: –Radiance.

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Presentation on theme: "New Keywords since Last CEOS Meeting. New/Modified Earth Science Keywords Since May 2004 Added: –Biosphere > Vegetation > Plant Phenology Modified: –Radiance."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Keywords since Last CEOS Meeting

2 New/Modified Earth Science Keywords Since May 2004 Added: –Biosphere > Vegetation > Plant Phenology Modified: –Radiance or Imagery Topic name is now Spectral/Engineering

3 NEW Earth Science Services Parameters in July 2004 New Variable: –Data Management/Data Handling > Data Networking/Data Transfer Tools Modified Topics: –Data Management/Data Handling –Reference And Information Services

4 New Data Center, Location, Instrument, and Platform Hierarchies for Improved Search Multi-year Effort Comments Welcome

5 Data Center Bucket Clean Up Each data center name is a hierarchy consisting of a Category (or bucket), Short Name, and Long Name – Data Center Category > Data Center Short Name > Data Center Long Name Government Agencies-Non-US > JP/JAXA/ISAS > Institute for Space and Astronautical Sciences, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Japan Government Agencies – Non-US: broken down by country ISO identifier

6 Data Center Bucket Conversion

7 New Geographic Location Hierarchy 5-level geographic location hierarchy: –Category > Division > Subregion1 > Subregion2 > Subregion3 –Category defined as: Continent Ocean Extraterrestrial Location Vertical Location –Division if ContinentDivision if Ocean AfricaAtlantic Ocean AntarcticaPacific Ocean AsiaIndian Ocean AustraliaArctic Ocean EuropeSouthern Ocean North America South America Subregion1, Subregion2, Subregion3 define specific countries, regions ocean basins and islands as necessary Example: Italy would be classified as: Continent > Europe > Southern Europe > Italy Example: North Atlantic Ocean would be classified as: Ocean > Atlantic Ocean > North Atlantic Ocean

8 Instrument (Sensor) Keyword Hierarchy 3-Level Instrument Hierarchy –Category > Instrument Type > [Instrument Short Name > Instrument Long Name] –Categories defined as: Active Remote Sensing In Site Instruments Laboratory Instruments Passive Remote Sensing Positioning/Navigation Devices Solar/Space Instruments Instrument Types include: –Active Remote Sensing > Altimeters –In Situ Instruments > In Situ Atmosphere Instruments –Passive Remote Sensing > Microwave Instruments Examples: –Active Remote Sensing > Altimeters > GLAS > Geoscience Laser Altimeter System –In Situ Instruments > In Situ Atmosphere Instruments > Amemometers –Passive Remote Sensing > Microwave Instruments > SSM/I > Special Sensor Microwave/Imager

9 Platform (Source) Keyword Hierarchy 3-Level Platform Hierarchy: –Category > Platform Type > [Platform Short Name > Platform Long Name] –Categories defined as: Aircraft Models In Situ Land-Based Earth Observing Satellites In Situ Ocean-Based Solar Observing Satellites Interplanetary Spacecraft Space Observing Satellites Maps/Charts Space Stations/Manned Spacecraft Platform Type includes: In Situ Land-Based > Weather Stations/Networks In Situ Ocean-Based > Moorings Interplanetary Spacecraft > Flyby Spacecraft Earth Observing Satellites > Landsat Examples: Earth Observing Satellites > Earth Observing System > Aqua Earth Observing Satellites > Landsat > Landsat-7

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