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Properties Activity 9/17/14 Please get your notebook Add this title and date With your table partners, review the vocabulary terms from yesterday.

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Presentation on theme: "Properties Activity 9/17/14 Please get your notebook Add this title and date With your table partners, review the vocabulary terms from yesterday."— Presentation transcript:

1 Properties Activity 9/17/14 Please get your notebook Add this title and date With your table partners, review the vocabulary terms from yesterday

2 Today’s Plan You will cause or observe 8 different “changes.” It is up to you and your team to decide if the change is chemical or physical and to find evidence to support your decision. You will need to quickly copy the chart We will rotate around the room – pay attention to the timer!

3 Pg # Properties Mini Lab – Remember to note properties! SituationWhat happensType of changeEvidence for change 1. Burning match 2. Dissolving candy 3. Leaves changing color 4. Polyacrylate in water 5. Tums in vinegar 6. Dissolve salt in water 7. Alka-seltzer in water 8. Drink mix powder in water

4 Timer – 3 minutes! Your group will have 3 minutes to do the activity and clean up Use only the amounts directed (or we will run out of materials) I appreciate your cooperation!

5 Properties Activity Follow-Up 9/18/14 Please get your notebook & be ready to start when the bell rings. Find your Chart from yesterday’s activity

6 1. Burning match Chemical! You can’t reverse this – the change is permanent

7 2. Dissolving candy If you dissolved it by eating it, then your saliva broke chemical bonds – it would be a chemical reaction If you dissolved it in water – it was a just physical change

8 3. Leaves changing color Physical * The color of the leaves was already there – the green chlorophyll just isn’t active in cold weather and shorter daylight, so the other pigments show up. *Not all sources agree with this!

9 4. Polyacrylamide in water Physical This substance is used to absorb liquid in baby diapers (no – this isn’t recycled from baby diapers!) It can be dried and reused!

10 5. Tums in vinegar Tums have a composition similar to baking soda, so the vinegar caused a similar reaction. It’s a chemical change

11 6. Dissolve salt in water Physical Water can be evaporated and the salt will recrystalize

12 7. Alka-seltzer in water Chemical The bubbles indicate that a gas was released from the compound. Also, you may have noticed a temperature change.

13 8. Lemonade mix powder in water Physical If you evaporated the water, you would have the sugar crystal at the bottom of the glass

14 Make a List Chemical Rxn SignsPhysical Changes Signs

15 Summary Write a short summary: (at least four sentences!) How are some ways to distinguish if a change in matter is chemical or physical? Include some examples.

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