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Print Advertising. Learning Objectives 1. Recap on and discuss the key areas of advertising (target audience, slogan, logo, illustration, and connotation)

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Presentation on theme: "Print Advertising. Learning Objectives 1. Recap on and discuss the key areas of advertising (target audience, slogan, logo, illustration, and connotation)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Print Advertising

2 Learning Objectives 1. Recap on and discuss the key areas of advertising (target audience, slogan, logo, illustration, and connotation) 2.Create their own print advertisement to apply all of these key areas that they have studied to their own work.

3 Revision - Advertising  The purpose of an advertisement is to sell a product or a service.  The picture or image used is called an illustration.  The special sign that appears on a company’s products is called a logo. 

4 Key Questions  Who is it aimed at?  What product are they selling?  How do they sell the product? Do they use colour? music? etc.

5 Positive and Negative Connotations Many words in the English language have positive and negative associations. - We call these associations connotations Party – associated with happiness and celebrations = Positive Connotation Connotation – words that have positive or negative assocatiations

6 Innocent Drinks Create a Print Advertisement for Innocent drinks using the mind map handout

7 Homework 1. Finish advertisement!! 2. Q1, 2, 4, 7 of hand-out

8 Book Review  Voyages pg 83/84 for example of a book review.

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