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S OPHOMORE E NGLISH 10-15-13. English10-15-13 DOL the origin of the bassoon are not certain but its share are base on another instrument developed in.

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Presentation on theme: "S OPHOMORE E NGLISH 10-15-13. English10-15-13 DOL the origin of the bassoon are not certain but its share are base on another instrument developed in."— Presentation transcript:


2 English10-15-13 DOL the origin of the bassoon are not certain but its share are base on another instrument developed in italy around 1540

3 Stations 1.Complete DOL in your spiral. 2.Write a 4-5 sentence paragraph about what you did this weekend. 3. Complete “mind map” worksheet.

4 ReadingAs a class we will read together in the novel. Everyone should be following along in the book as it is read aloud.

5 Homework Reading comprehension worksheet Summary: On the index card provided, tell me 1 thing you liked about the station format and 1 thing you didn’t like about it. This completed card will be your ticket out at the door. Make sure your name is on your exit ticket.

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