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Citizens comments are included on each regular monthly meeting agenda. No prior appointment is necessary to speak during the citizen comments times. To.

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Presentation on theme: "Citizens comments are included on each regular monthly meeting agenda. No prior appointment is necessary to speak during the citizen comments times. To."— Presentation transcript:

1 Citizens comments are included on each regular monthly meeting agenda. No prior appointment is necessary to speak during the citizen comments times. To speak on a particular agenda item, advise the attendant at the door. To place an item on the Board's agenda, please notify the County Administrator's Office at least ten days prior to the Board meeting. Any citizen concern can be communicated to the County Administrator by calling 980-7705 from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. weekdays. All citizen complaints are recorded and responded to as soon as possible. WHEN SPEAKING BEFORE THE BOARD, PLEASE COME TO THE PODIUM AND GIVE YOUR NAME.

2 BOARD AGENDA Regular Meeting PULASKI COUNTY March 8, 2011 PUBLIC SERVICE AUTHORITY 9:00 a.m. ITEM 1.Citizen Comments

3 2.Finance a.Follow-up from February Board Meeting: 1.Non-User Customers Listing (Other than water) 2. Report from Water Department b. Review of Financial Report c.Balance Due & Lien Reports d.Budget Adjustments e.Billing Adjustments f.Accounts Payable

4 3.Operations a.Minutes of Previous Meeting b.Inmate Availability Report c.Drop Site Total & County Landfill Tonnage Reports d.Personnel Changes e.Pulaski Sewer Pump Station Repairs f.Commerce Park Public Events g.Garage Improvements h.Rt. 114 Bridge Conduits i.Preliminary Draft of 2011-12 Budget j.Meter Reading Equipment

5 4.Informational Items a.Brookmont/Mount Olivet Waterworks Reports b.Water Treatment Plant Inspection Report c.Montgomery Regional Recycling Rates d.Summary of Water Source & Commerce Park Contracts and Changes

6 5.Current Authorized Projects a.Action Items Construction of Highland Park sewer Skyview/NRV Fairgrounds sewer funding Commerce Park Utility closing and construction Drop Center location South side of Claytor Lake b.Pending Items Evaluation of “radio read” water meter option Lakewood Estates emergency response plan Evaluation of joint negotiation of rail crossing fees

7 6.Other Matters 7.Adjournment

8 1.Citizen Comments – We have not received any requests from citizens to be placed on the agenda.

9 2.Finance - (Items having significant financial impact on the Authority)

10 a.Follow-up from February Board Meeting: 1.Non-User Customers Listing (Other than water) – We are still working on breaking out of non user fees due by type of service.

11 2.Report from Water Department – Board members have been provided a listing of repairs and rebuilds in the PSA water system. We estimate that the funds allocated by the PSA Board at the February meeting will pay for continued preventive maintenance efforts for the remainder of the fiscal year barring any unforeseen breakdowns. Richard Fasnacht reports that fire hydrants known to have operational problems have been repaired as of this week.

12 b.Review of Financial Report – Review of the revenues and expenditures summaries is requested.

13 c.Balance Due & Lien Report – Review of the balance due and lien reports is requested.

14 d.Budget Adjustments – There were no budget adjustments.

15 e.Billing Adjustments - Adjustments totaling $12,278.28 cr. are submitted for review and approval by the Board.

16 f.Accounts Payable - Review and approval of the accounts payable is requested.

17 3. Operations: a.Minutes of Previous Meeting - Minutes of the February 2011 meetings have been provided for the Board’s review. A change was made to the minutes on all of the voting records to reflect Mr. Conner in the voting poll. b.Inmate Availability Report - Staff reports the PSA generally had use of two inmates per day for the month of February and one inmate for approximately a week and a half at the end of February..

18 c.Drop Site Total & County Landfill Tonnage Report – DROP SITE TOTAL FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY 2011 Site Trips Tons Tons per haul Dora Highway 3781.41 2.20 Dublin 1859.86 3.33 Fairlawn 5 31.02 6.21 Totals 60 172.29 2.88

19 County Landfill Tonnage – Jan. 2011 (County customers & Refuse Department Haulers ) Commercial Residential Tires Brush 2466.83 863.72 1,491 15.16

20 d.Personnel Changes – There were no personnel changes to report at this time.

21 e.Pulaski Sewer Pump Station Repairs – I received notification this month from the Town of Pulaski of an anticipated $1.2 million upgrade to the Dora Highway and Wurno sewer pump stations. Since the PSA had previously reserved a portion of capacity in these pump stations, a part of this cost is required to be paid by the PSA as called for in a 1986 agreement. I am reviewing the 1986 agreement regarding this matter and plan to have additional information at the Board meeting.

22 f.Commerce Park Public Events – Since the Commerce Park Utility project has at least two distinct purposes (more reliable source of water for all customers and larger quantity of water and sewer service at the Commerce Park) I would like to suggest the PSA participate in at least two public events related to this project. With concurrence by the PSA Board, I suggest something similar to a traditional ground breaking or ribbon cutting such as a pipe bolting, valve turning, caufer dam flooding or similar event be considered and would appreciate suggestions.

23 g.Garage Improvements – Ronnie Nichols has provided the suggestions for improvement of the Dublin drop center to include a possible combined County/PSA/School Board garage (A) and the construction of two three-sided shelters to house and provide electric engine block heaters for PSA refuse trucks (C). Area B would provide a single space to park all County school busses. A project of this scope would likely take several months to plan. However, I wanted to start with the PSA as to any interest the Board would have in either expanding the drop site or in sheltering the trucks.

24 h.Rt. 114 Bridge Conduits – The bids for the construction of the 114 bridge indicate the cost of the proposed conduits for future water or sewer lines to be $162,739 or $87,739 more than the $75,000 estimate. A meeting is scheduled for March 16 th with other organizations involved in this project to determine what course of action should be taken. My thoughts are to get a consensus from the other localities before making a recommendation to the PSA Board.

25 i.Preliminary Draft of 2011-12 Budget – Board members have been provided a preliminary budget indicating anticipated revenues and expenditure requests from various departments prior to administrative cuts. This is the first time we have provided the PSA with a copy of the budget prior to administrative revisions. In this form, the budget is out of balance by $2,924,884 and includes $2,961,100 in capital requests. Thus, all but approximately $30,000 in capital expenditure will have to come from administrative budget adjustments. Ms. Newby and I will be reviewing each line item with plans to provide the PSA with a balanced budget recommendation at the April Board meeting.

26 This will give the PSA Board opportunities for review and adjustment at both the May and June meetings. In order to make efficient use of Board meeting time, Diane and I encourage your calling either of us at 980-7705 with budget questions, concerns or suggestions prior to these meetings.

27 j.Meter Reading Equipment – I became aware that the second of two handheld meter reading units failed this week. Richard Fasnacht, IT staff members and our service vendor are working together in preparing a recommended course of action for addressing this problem either through the replacement of the handheld unit or through a switch to radio read units. We hope to have a recommendation prepared for consideration by the Board at the meeting.

28 4.Informational Items a.Brookmont/Mount Olivet Waterworks Reports – We received notice from the Health Department these portions of the PSA distribution system are in compliance with the maximum contaminant level during both calendar quarters. b.Water Treatment Plant Inspection Report – Board members are in receipt of a letter from the Department of Environmental Quality dated February 14, 2011 advising an unscheduled inspection of the Water Treatment Plant on January 20, 2011 indicated there were no Required Corrective Actions.

29 c.Montgomery Regional Recycling Rates - The following is information received from Montgomery County Solid Waste Authority about some new rates: Mixed fiber and source separated fiber – FREE Commingled containers that DO NOT contain glass - $28 per ton Glass and comingles containers containing glass - $32 per ton.

30 d.Summary of Water Source & Commerce Park Contracts and Changes – Draper Aden Associates has provided a Secondary Water Source and Commerce Park Summary of Contracts and Changes. Board members have also been provided an overview map and profile of the proposed improvements.

31 5.Current Authorized Projects - The staff currently has the following projects on their “to do” list but we do not have any additional information to report regarding these items at this time.

32 a.Action Items Construction of Highland Park sewer Skyview/NRV Fairgrounds sewer funding Commerce Park Utility closing and construction Drop Center location South side of Claytor Lake

33 b.Pending Items Evaluation of “radio read” water meter option Lakewood Estates emergency response plan Evaluation of joint negotiation of rail crossing fees

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