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Kevin McGrath Personal & Technology Marketing. Average Income per agent without technology $21,000 Average Income per agent with Technology & Internet.

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Presentation on theme: "Kevin McGrath Personal & Technology Marketing. Average Income per agent without technology $21,000 Average Income per agent with Technology & Internet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kevin McGrath Personal & Technology Marketing

2 Average Income per agent without technology $21,000 Average Income per agent with Technology & Internet Plan I’ll Tell You After Does Technology Make You Money ?

3 Our Objectives Today Understand what Technology and Social Media does for Realtors Discuss various real estate technologies and their functions Discuss the power of social media and its use Discuss Risk Management and Policy Considerations for Realtors You ask questions

4 Did You Know?

5 We are in generational transition Boomers nearing the end of careers Gen X and Y are taking over 50+% of homebuyers in 2013 were under 35 Large gap between REALTOR® demographics and homebuyer demographics Our Mindsets Must Change

6 CONSUMERS demand it REALTORS need it REALTORS had better accept it REALTORS had better implement it It’s where your future clients are hiding Your competition – they ARE already using it It’s user friendly software – it’s easy Portability – it’s mobile Technology Today In Real Estate

7 How Should Realtors Use the Internet ? Market yourself and your properties Stay in contact with clients Further your own education But Remember… Your expertise is what brings value to the transaction—the better informed you are, the more value you add!

8 95% Properties for Sale 21% Information about Area 4% the Agent 4% Firm/Franchises Summary: Consumers want information, they are tech savvy, and the medium is visual, so it better look good What Are Consumers Looking For?

9 Just Give Them What They Want


11 How much is a picture worth? Up to 95 % of consumers performing a real estate related search on the internet are looking for what? HOUSES

12 So - How Much Is A Picture Worth?

13 NOW – How Much Is It Worth?

14 A Word About Photo Shop

15 It’s not static…It’s interactive

16 Monthly Active Users1,310,000,000 Number Of Mobile Users680,000,000 Increase In Facebook Users From 2012-201322% Percent Of Facebook Users Who Log In Every Day48% Percentage Of Users Who Log In 5 Times Per Day23% Average Number Of Friends Per Facebook User130 STILL WONDER IF FACEBOOK IS A BUSINESS TOOL?

17 Twitter's greatest assets are… It’s simplicity Keeps individuals connected with friends, colleagues, and customers. For example, real estate practitioners can share local real estate news, mortgage rates, staging tips, views on a hot industry issue, or an interesting property that's on the market. CAN 140 CHARACTERS REALLY HELP YOU WITH YOUR BUSINESS MARKETING?

18 Twitter now has over 1 BILLION registered users (9/6/13) 36 MILLION unique visitors come to the site every month (9/24/13) 241 MILLION active Twitter users (2/5/14) 100 MILLION daily active Twitter users (10/3/13) 500 MILLION average Tweets sent per day (10/3/13) Can Realtors afford to ignore these stats?

19 Total Number Of Linked In Users 277,000,000 Percentage Of Users That Check Linked In Daily40% How Much Does Linked In Cost? ZERO STILL WONDER IF Linked in IS A TOOL YOU SHOULD USE?

20 80% Of Daily Blog Visits Are New Visitors Blogs That Post Daily Get 5 Times More Visits Than Those That Post Weekly Once You Accumulate 51 Posts, Blog Traffic Increases By 53% How Much Does It Cost To Blog? NOTHING

21 But where & how do I blog?

22 In addition to your contact information… Local regulations and ordinances that affect real estate. How to spruce up a home before putting it on the market. New home or business construction in your area. Tips on renting out vacation-home properties. Changes in zoning or land use that could affect home values. Economic Trends (RBI)

23 Deformation Unlicensed Practice of Law Breach of Confidentiality of Clients Copyright Violations Non-factual Statements Trademark Considerations Necessity for Required Disclosures

24 Source:

25 Web Site Content And the communities you serve Local weather School information Selling process Purchasing process Map quest or site map Community information Sports and cultural activities

26 Tips for Effective Web Sites Use lots of photos – GOOD PHOTOS Be different Use a template – it’s cheap and easy Determine your target market Provide valuable content Partner with transaction service providers Make site easy to navigate Return Web site request timely Advertise your Web site address



29 Free service through MRIS Charts, graphs, and info that can be input onto websites and listing presentations Can pay for upgraded service with interactive charts ($200 per year)


31 Neighborhood Tours Client Interviews Home Tours Home Inspections Vlogging


33 Get the Client’s Information Make Disclosures Send just enough information Call and Introduce yourself and Services Arrange Meeting Continue Communicating via Client’s Preference BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY – RESPOND IMMEDIATELY

34 Must have legitimate return e-mail address Clear and Conspicuous notice of the recipients opportunity to “opt-out” Clear and Conspicuous notice of Solicitation

35 E-Mail Marketing “TIPS”  State your purpose briefly in subject line  Include a complete signature with contact information  Add a link to your Web site  Respond to emails immediately – or as soon as possible  Do not send unsolicited e-mails  Use auto-responders for times you are out of touch  Keep message brief  Use spell check

36 Virginia Code 18VAC135-20-190 “Advertising” means all forms of representation, promotion and solicitation disseminated in any manner and by any means of communication to consumers for any purpose related to licensed real estate activity. Disclosures Required: 1. Firm’s name, city and state of main office 2. Licensee’s Name 3. License Status 4. Jurisdiction(s) Licensed

37 Virginia Code 18VAC135-20-190 All Advertising must be under the direct supervision of the principal broker or supervising broker, in the name of the firm and, when applicable, comply with the disclosure required by 54.1-238.1 of the Code of Virginia. The firm’s licensed name must be clearly and legibly displayed on all advertising. Online Advertising (Section C of the Code) 1. All Online Adverting applies to this Code 2. E-mail message are included in regs 3. Instant Message are included 4. Chat and Internet based Dialogue 5. The “web” 6. Voice Over Net 7. Banner Ads

38 Virginia Code 18VAC135-20-190 All On-line Listings must be kept current and consistent as follows:  Ads must be consistent with Property Descriptions and ACTUAL Status  Reasonable effort must be made in a written, timely manner for third parties to update listing information.  All listing information shall indicate in a readily visible manner the date that the listing information shown was last updated.

39 Virginia Code 18VAC135-20-190 Section D – Prohibited Activities  Implying that the property listed is for sale by the owner or unlicensed person  Failing to include a notice in all advertising that the owner is a real estate licensee has interest in a particular property ( as in financial or owner interest )  Fail to include firm’s licensed name on any sign displayed outside any place of business  Failure to get written consent of the seller prior to advertising any specific identifiable property  Property not listed by the party making the advertisement

40 Cannot show listings “For Sale” if they are under contract or sold. NAR Rule – “REALTOR” cannot be used with any adjectives

41 Email Signatures - Every Realtors Nightmare

42 Email Signatures – Important?

43 Kevin McGrath – Broker Long & Foster Real Estate 1910 William St Fredericksburg, VA 22401 540-604-1843 (Cell) 540-693-3067 (Office Direct) Licensed In The Commonwealth Of Virginia #0225066305 DBA FredVa LLC Lic # 0226025192 Pre-License Education Instructor Certification VA #0230001110 Click Here To Take A Quick Survey About Changing Your Life With A Real Estate Career Click Here To Take A Quick Survey About Changing Your Life With A Real Estate Career Click Here To Learn About Long & Foster Careers In Real Estate Click Here To Learn About Long & Foster Careers In Real Estate ***PLEASE NOTE THAT IN ANY REAL ESTATE DISCUSSIONS I REPRESENT THE SELLER UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE IN WRITING







50 /

51 Monitor your name Monitor your business name Monitor the web for interesting new content

52 A final word…8 Top (mostly Free) Tools You Can’t Live Without 1. Email 2. Texting 3. Facebook 4. Twitter 5. Dropbox 6. RBI 7. MRIS 8. PDF to Word

53 Average Income per agent without technology $21,000 Average Income per agent with Technology & Internet Plan ???????????? Spending Money to Make Money

54 54 Any Questions? Email: (Kevin McGrath) Email: Blog:

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