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CIS3601 CSE 360: Introduction to Computer Systems Course Notes Wayne Heym Copyright © 1998-2005 by.

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Presentation on theme: "CIS3601 CSE 360: Introduction to Computer Systems Course Notes Wayne Heym Copyright © 1998-2005 by."— Presentation transcript:

1 CIS3601 CSE 360: Introduction to Computer Systems Course Notes Wayne Heym ( Copyright © 1998-2005 by Rick Parent, Todd Whittaker, Bettina Bair, Pete Ware, Wayne Heym

2 CIS3602 Section Details u MTWF 9:30 BE 0198 u Rick Parent ( u Homepage: – u Office: Dreese Labs 787 u Hours: MWF 1:30 (tentative) –or by appointment u Phone: 292-0055

3 5 Topics of Discussion u Course description u Required texts u Policies u Syllabus u Expectations

4 CIS3604 Description: u Introduction to computer architecture at the machine language and assembler language level; assembler language programming and lab.  Prerequisites: CSE 214 or 222.01 or 222.02 CSE 214222.01 or 222.02

5 CIS3605 Text: 1. Computer Systems: Architecture, Organization, and Programming, Arthur B. Maccabe, Irwin, 1993. 2. CSE 360 Course Packet -- You will need the Packet to do course assignments.

6 CIS3606 Grading Policy: u An assigned grader will grade all homeworks and labs – your lecturer will grade the midterm and final. u Missed assignments or tests without prior approval will receive a grade of zero. u Reasonable excuses must be given in writing to me one week prior to the due date or test date, at which time the circumstances will be evaluated, and approval granted or rejected. u No late homeworks or labs will be accepted. u Exams are closed book, closed notes, and cover all of the material up to that point.

7 CIS3607 Grading Weights: Homeworks (6)25%as assignedassigned Labs (3)25%as assignedassigned Midterm20%around the 7th week Final30% as indicated in master schedulemaster schedule Grading Scale - to be determined

8 CIS3608 Students with Disabilities u If you need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability, please contact me to arrange an appointment as soon as possible. u Office for Disability Services –verifies the need for accommodations –Helps develop accommodation strategies. u If you have not previously contacted the Office for Disability Services, I encourage you to do so.

9 CIS3609 Academic Misconduct u Academic misconduct is defined as any activity which tends to compromise the academic integrity of the institution, or subvert the educational process. u University policy requires that all cases of suspected academic misconduct be submitted to the Committee for Academic Misconduct for a hearing and evaluation. –Any academic misconduct will be dealt with via the appropriate University authorities.

10 CIS36010 Academic Misconduct u Homework, lab assignments, and exams are to be your own work. u High-level discussion of assignments is encouraged, but the more specific your discussion, the closer you come to cheating. –The policy on collaboration with others is fairly liberal -- but please don't be tempted to test its limits.

11 CIS36011 Academic Misconduct u You may not write or otherwise record any part of your solution to an assignment while someone is helping you. u You may not take a physical or electronic copy of any part of a solution to an assignment from anyone. u You may not give a physical or electronic copy of any part of a solution to an assignment to anyone.

12 CIS36012 Academic Misconduct u You are encouraged to talk with others (especially others in the class) about the design, logic, and implementation of a program. –do not give anyone or take from anyone written or recorded material –write up your own solution without assistance. u Professional ethics: –You may not turn in an assignment solution from a previous quarter's offering of the course

13 CIS36013 Expectations u Read your e-mail u Read, reply to the class Newsgroup u Attend class u Complete homeworks and labs on time u Read the assigned pages from the text

14 CIS36014 Can I change my section? u Not until Brutus updates –at the end of the first week –only if there are seats available. u Priority will be given –CSE Majors that are Graduating Seniors –CSE Majors –People who attend class the first week

15 CIS36015 Can I work on labs from home? u Yes, perhaps you can, but on your own initiative, without special assistance from your instructor or grader. u Theoretically, the assembler used in this class is one that can be downloaded for free from the Internet. u Don’t ask me how to find or use these programs. u You will still have to use the stdsun.cse.ohio- submit program to turn in your assignments.

16 CIS36016 Working from home u Programs supporting the secure shell (ssh) and file transfer (ftp) protocols can be especially useful in this regard. u Your computer account for this class is on u Information about remote usage of the cse network may be found at –www.cse.ohio-

17 CIS36017 Who do I approach if I have a problem with grading? u For labs and homework, email your grader. u For exams, email (or see) me –Wayne Heym,

18 CIS36018 The Class Newsgroup u Server: u Group: cse.course.cse360 u It’s a place for students to discuss issues related to course work. u Post any questions you might have. u Use discretion when making a posting. u Look out for important announcements. u Instructors/Graders answer questions whenever they can.

19 CIS36019 Course Objectives u Principles of Computer Organization and Architecture –Basic Machine Representation of Signed Integers, Character Strings, Arrays, Stacks, Records, Linked Lists; u Assembly Language Programming. –Fundamentals of Computer Instruction Set Architectures; –Low Level Algorithms for Data Manipulation and Conversion and Parameter Passing

20 CIS36020 Course Objectives u Understanding the architecture (how the computer executes assembly language instructions) is the more important aspect of a course at this level. u The fundamental concept to understand is that everything in the computer is represented by ones and zeros (by electric current flowing or not flowing at a specific place, or by something being magnetized one direction or the other, etc.).

21 CIS36021 Course Objectives u At the lowest level, this course will cover various binary formats of assembly language instructions and various ways in which data can be represented using ones and zeros and how these can be organized into a program. u At high levels, assembly language programming techniques will be studied and a specific assembly language will be used to illustrate these techniques.

22 CIS36022 Homework #0-0 This homework is designed to help you to get acquainted with this course, and to get started. u Surf to my webpage and find the following: –Office Location –Office Hours –Email Address –Course Overview –Course Schedule –Date/Time of the midterm and final examination

23 CIS36023 Homework #0-1 u Purchase the textbook written by Maccabe. u Find the reading assignment for the second class-meeting in the CSE 360 Course Schedule, and read the assigned material. u Pledge to do the reading assignment before each class meeting.

24 CIS36024 Homework #0-10 u Login to your CS unix account using the user name provided by your instructor. u The domain name of the machine you login to is u Your initial password is the last four digits of your social security number followed by your first and last initials. –For example, Luke Skywalker, whose social security number is 123-45-6789, has a password of 6789ls.

25 CIS36025 Homework #0-11 u Find the class newsgroup –news://news.cse.ohio- u Find and read the story of Mel, A Real Programmer, and Real Programmers Don’t Write Specs – Are you a real programmer? Do you want to be? u Pledge to read the class newsgroup each day.

26 CIS36026 Homework #0-100 u Look over the Course Packet –It contains a wealth of information crucial to pursuing this course of study, including in- class exercises, and the overhead transparency slides. u Plan to bring the Course Packet to each class meeting after today.

27 CIS36027 Homework #0-101 u Find answers to the following questions. –If you fail to electronically submit a homework or laboratory assignment by the due date/time t Will you later be able to receive any credit for that assignment? –Suppose you have electronically submitted on time, but, later, you electronically submit again, but after the due date/time. t Will you receive any credit for that assignment? –Assignments are acceptable only as plain text files; be sure you know what a plain text file is. –Where can you find Homework #1 and later assignments, as they become available?

28 CIS36028 Homework #110 u In the Course Packet, read the section of the Syllabus on “Academic Misconduct.”

29 CIS36029 Make a Table on an Index Card u Show Different Representations of Numeric Values. –Column Headings Should be: DecimalOctalHexadecimalBinary

30 CIS36030 One Row for Each Numeric Value. u Show, in Increasing Order, –Representations for 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, … 20 –Then, 2 5, 2 6, … 2 16 –Finally 2 20, 2 30, 2 31, 2 32

31 CIS36031 For Example, DecimalOctalHexBinaryNoteRomanNat’l Lang 0000 zero 11112 0 Ione 222102 1 IItwo And so on. 20241410100 XXIVTwenty 3240201000002 5 XXXII.. And so on... 2 16 2 20 2 30 2 31 2 32

32 CIS36032 Information Representation 1 u Positional Number Systems: position of character in string indicates a power of the base (radix). Common bases: 2, 8, 10, 16. (What base are we using to express the names of these bases?) –Base ten (decimal): digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 form the alphabet of the decimal system.  E.g., 316 10 = –Base eight (octal): digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 form the alphabet.  E.g., 474 8 =

33 CIS36033 Information Representation 2 –Base 16 (hexadecimal): digits 0-9 and A-F.  E.g., 13C 16 = –Base 2 (binary): digits (called “ bits ”) 0, 1 form the alphabet.  E.g., 100110 = –In general, radix r representations use the first r chars in {0…9, A...Z} and have the form d n -1 d n - 2 … d 1 d 0. Summing d n -1  r n -1 + d n -2  r n -2 + … + d 0  r 0 will convert to base 10. Why to base 10?

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