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Published byElijah Shelton Modified over 9 years ago
April 18th, 2009 TILC09 - Corrado Gatto 1 Higgs Studies in the 4 th Concept Corrado Gatto INFN Napoli/Lecce On behalf of the 4 th Concept Collaboration
April 18th, 2009TILC09 - Corrado Gatto2 4 th Concept Software Framework: ILCroot CERN architecture (based on Alice’s Aliroot) CERN architecture (based on Alice’s Aliroot) Full support provided by Brun, Carminati, Ferrari, et al. Full support provided by Brun, Carminati, Ferrari, et al. Uses ROOT as infrastructure Uses ROOT as infrastructure All ROOT tools are available (I/O, graphics, PROOF, data structure, etc) All ROOT tools are available (I/O, graphics, PROOF, data structure, etc) Extremely large community of users/developers Extremely large community of users/developers TGenerator for events generation TGenerator for events generation Virtual Geometry Modeler (VGM) for geometry Virtual Geometry Modeler (VGM) for geometry Virtual Montecarlo for particle transport Virtual Montecarlo for particle transport Growing number of experiments have adopted it: Alice (LHC), Opera (LNGS), (Meg), CMB (GSI), Panda(GSI), 4th Concept, LHeC and the forthcoming International Dual Readout Collaboration Growing number of experiments have adopted it: Alice (LHC), Opera (LNGS), (Meg), CMB (GSI), Panda(GSI), 4th Concept, LHeC and the forthcoming International Dual Readout Collaboration Six MDC have proven robustness, reliability and portabilitySix MDC have proven robustness, reliability and portability Do not Reinvent the wheel Concentrate on Detector studies and Physics
April 18th, 2009TILC09 - Corrado Gatto3 From Bangalore to Now: Detectors in ILCroot 4th Concept Baseline 4th Concept Baseline VTX: from SiD scaled to 3.5 Tesla (original version) VTX: from SiD scaled to 3.5 Tesla (original version) Drift Chamber: 2 nd version Drift Chamber: 2 nd version Fiber Triple Readout Calorimeter: 3° version Fiber Triple Readout Calorimeter: 3° version Muon Spectrometer: Original version Muon Spectrometer: Original version New additions: New additions: Crystal Triple Readout Calorimeter Included into the LoI Crystal Triple Readout Calorimeter Included into the LoI FTD (from SiLC) Did not make it into the LoI FTD (from SiLC) Did not make it into the LoI Also available Also available VTX Detectors: Original SiD VTX Detectors: Original SiD Central Trackers: TPC, Si-Strips (SID01), SPT (Pixel Tracker) Central Trackers: TPC, Si-Strips (SID01), SPT (Pixel Tracker) Total: 10 subdetectors (16 versions), most of them with full simulation Total: 10 subdetectors (16 versions), most of them with full simulation
April 18th, 2009TILC09 - Corrado Gatto4 The Virtual Montecarlo Concept Virtual MC provides a virtual interface to Monte Carlo Virtual MC provides a virtual interface to Monte Carlo It allows to run the same user application with all supported Monte Carlo programs It allows to run the same user application with all supported Monte Carlo programs The concrete Monte Carlo (Geant3, Geant4, Fluka) is selected and loaded at run time The concrete Monte Carlo (Geant3, Geant4, Fluka) is selected and loaded at run time Compare Montecarlo performance and possible flows Compare Montecarlo performance and possible flows Choose the optimal Montecarlo for the study Choose the optimal Montecarlo for the study Perfect Tool for Designing/Optimizing new Detectors
April 18th, 2009TILC09 - Corrado Gatto5 Physics Studies in the 4th Concept Detector simulation frozen in July 2008 (except Ecal). Simu & Reco started August 2008 Detector simulation frozen in July 2008 (except Ecal). Simu & Reco started August 2008 Several event samples used: Several event samples used: 4th Concept (Pandora-Pythia, Whizard, Evtgen, etc,..) 4th Concept (Pandora-Pythia, Whizard, Evtgen, etc,..) ILD sample for LOI (many thanks to Frank and Akiya) ILD sample for LOI (many thanks to Frank and Akiya) KEK sample KEK sample Fluka and Geant4 (through VMC) Fluka and Geant4 (through VMC) Not only ILCroot: MarlinKinFit & Rave Not only ILCroot: MarlinKinFit & Rave 99% computing resources are from Fermilab 99% computing resources are from Fermilab ILCroot is freely available at Fermilab ILCroot is freely available at Fermilab
April 18th, 2009TILC09 - Corrado Gatto6 Processing Flow Simu sigSimu bkg 1 hits files sighits files bkg 1 SDigitizer SDigits files sig SDigitizer SDigits files bkg Digitizer Merged Digits files Reconstruct ESD Simu bkg 2 hits files bkg 2 SDigitizer SDigits files bkg VMC Steer Reconstruction Track Finder RecParticles files Track Fitter ESD Clusterizer RecPoints files Local tasks Global tasks All detectors are fully simulated (except gaussian smearing of hits in the Muon Spectrometer): Local tasks
April 18th, 2009TILC09 - Corrado Gatto7 Recoil mass analyses
April 18th, 2009TILC09 - Corrado Gatto8 e + e - Z o H o + - X √ s=250 GeV Older Analysis KEK event sample for signal and SM background KEK event sample for signal and SM background ISR and beam spread (0.25%) included ISR and beam spread (0.25%) included -80% e - polarization, +30% e + polarization -80% e - polarization, +30% e + polarization Add GuineaPig events at digitization step (1BX for DCH and 10BX for VTX) Geant4 for particle transport of signal events Geant4 for particle transport of signal events Geant4 for particle transport of beam background events Geant4 for particle transport of beam background events No calorimetry used No calorimetry used Final State e + e - H°Z° H X, Z e + e - Z°Z° Z X, Z signal bkgnd DCH Occupancy
April 18th, 2009TILC09 - Corrado Gatto9 e + e - Z o H o + - X √ s=250 GeV Older Analysis Results
April 18th, 2009TILC09 - Corrado Gatto10 e + e - Z o H o + - X √ s=250 GeV from LOI signal bkgnd ILD event sample for signal and SM background ILD event sample for signal and SM background ISR and beam spread (0.3%) included ISR and beam spread (0.3%) included +100% e - polarization, -100% e + polarization +100% e - polarization, -100% e + polarization Add GuineaPig events at digitization step (1BX for DCH and 10DX for VTX) Add GuineaPig events at digitization step (1BX for DCH and 10DX for VTX) Fluka for particle transport of signal events Fluka for particle transport of signal events Geant4 for particle transport of beam background events Geant4 for particle transport of beam background events ECAL+HCAL with implementation of Triple Readout ECAL+HCAL with implementation of Triple Readout Worst case Scenario Large W + W - background
April 18th, 2009TILC09 - Corrado Gatto11 e + e - Z o H o + - X √ s=250 GeV Analysis strategy 1. Initial cuts to reduce background 2. Require two tracks in the Muon Spectrometer G. Tassielli, G. Terracciano, M. Peccarisi efficiency vs P = 80.5% Purity= 99.9% Single efficiency vs P
April 18th, 2009TILC09 - Corrado Gatto12 e + e - Z o H o + - X √ s=250 GeV Resolution of Muon Spectrometer G. Tassielli, G. Terracciano, M. Peccarisi
April 18th, 2009TILC09 - Corrado Gatto13 e + e - Z o H o + - X √ s=250 GeV Results G. Tassielli, G. Terracciano, M. Peccarisi Recoil Mass Final cuts for S/N enhancement
April 18th, 2009TILC09 - Corrado Gatto14 e + e - Z o H o + - X √ s=250 GeV Resolutions G. Tassielli, G. Terracciano, M. Peccarisi tails should not be there Results affected by M =0 (and consequent brehemstralung) Recoil Mass From MC Truth
April 18th, 2009TILC09 - Corrado Gatto15 e + e - Z o H o e + e - X √ s=250 GeV from LOI signal bkgnd ILD event sample for signal and SM background ILD event sample for signal and SM background ISR and beam spread (0.3%) included ISR and beam spread (0.3%) included +100% e - polarization, -100% e + polarization +100% e - polarization, -100% e + polarization Add GuineaPig events at digitization step (1BX for DCH and 10DX for VTX) Add GuineaPig events at digitization step (1BX for DCH and 10DX for VTX) Fluka for particle transport of signal events Fluka for particle transport of signal events Geant4 for particle transport of beam background events Geant4 for particle transport of beam background events ECAL+HCAL with implementation of Triple Readout ECAL+HCAL with implementation of Triple Readout
April 18th, 2009TILC09 - Corrado Gatto16 ECAL is crucial in this analysis e + e - Z o H o e + e - X √ s=250 GeV G. Tassielli, G. Terracciano, M. Peccarisi 1 cm 2 cells e - energy resolution from VTX+DCH e - energy resolution from VTX+DCH+ECAL
April 18th, 2009TILC09 - Corrado Gatto17 Particle Identification with Triple Readout 45 GeV particles 45 GeV particles e e ILCRoot simulation New results with neutrons contribution
April 18th, 2009TILC09 - Corrado Gatto18 Analysis strategy 1. Initial cuts to reduce background 2. Require two electrons in the ECAL/DCH 3. Final cuts for S/N enjhancement e + e - Z o H o e + e - X √ s=250 GeV G. Tassielli, G. Terracciano, M. Peccarisi e + e - efficiency vs E ee = 93.4% Purity= 98.2% e + e - efficiency vs ee = 93.4% Purity= 98.2%
April 18th, 2009TILC09 - Corrado Gatto19 e + e - Z o H o e + e - X √ s=250 GeV using VTX + DCH Results G. Tassielli, G. Terracciano, M. Peccarisi Recoil Mass Recoil mass resolution e + e - mass resolution
April 18th, 2009TILC09 - Corrado Gatto20 e + e - Z o H o e + e - X √ s=250 GeV using VTX + DCH + ECAL Results G. Tassielli, G. Terracciano, M. Peccarisi Recoil Mass Need a better integration of the informations from tracking and calorimetry Recoil mass resolution e + e - mass resolution Long tails disappeard Mass shift appears
April 18th, 2009TILC09 - Corrado Gatto21 Jet analyses ILD event sample for signal and SM background ILD event sample for signal and SM background KEK for WW and ZZ analysis KEK for WW and ZZ analysis ISR and beam spread (0.3%) included ISR and beam spread (0.3%) included +100% e - polarization, -100% e + polarization +100% e - polarization, -100% e + polarization No beam background No beam background Fluka for particle transport of signal events Fluka for particle transport of signal events No ECAL No ECAL
April 18th, 2009TILC09 - Corrado Gatto22 Jet reconstrucion: combine calorimetric and tracking informations (work in progress) A. Mazzacane
April 18th, 2009TILC09 - Corrado Gatto23 Jet Reconstruction Strategy
April 18th, 2009TILC09 - Corrado Gatto24 Jet Reconstruction Strategy Jet axis 1 Jet axis 2 Use informations from tracking Systems only
April 18th, 2009TILC09 - Corrado Gatto25 Jet Reconstruction Strategy Cone 1 Cone 2 Use informations from tracking calorimetry only With recursive y cut
April 18th, 2009TILC09 - Corrado Gatto26 Jet Reconstruction Strategy Outlier Jet axis 2 Outlier Use combined informations from tracking and calorimetry
April 18th, 2009TILC09 - Corrado Gatto27 Jet Reconstruction Strategy Muon Include muon spectrometer
April 18th, 2009TILC09 - Corrado Gatto28 e + e - Z o H o X √s=250 GeV from LOI ILD event sample for signal and SM background ILD event sample for signal and SM background ISR and beam spread (0.3%) included ISR and beam spread (0.3%) included No Beam background No Beam background Fluka for particle transport of signal events Fluka for particle transport of signal events Only HCAL with implementation of Triple Readout (ECAL implemented later) Only HCAL with implementation of Triple Readout (ECAL implemented later) Final State e + e - H°Z° H qq, Z e + e - H°Z° H qq, Z qq e + e - W + W - qq l e + e - W + W - qq l e + e - Z°Z° qq l l signal 2 jets bkgnd 4 jets bkgnd
April 18th, 2009TILC09 - Corrado Gatto29 e + e - Z o H o X √s=250 GeV A. Mazzacane 1. Disentangle 2-jets from multi-jets events 2. Reduce ZZ and WW background 3. Reject prompt muons (via the Muon Spectrometer) from leptonic WW decay e + e - H°Z° qq e + e - H°Z° qq e + e - Z°Z° qq e + e - Z°Z° qq Already studied
April 18th, 2009TILC09 - Corrado Gatto30 e + e - Z o H o X √ s=250 GeV Results Results Next step is to consider e + e - Z°Z° qq e + e - Z°Z° qq and e + e - Z°Z° qq qq e + e - W + W - qq qq signal A. Mazzacane WW ZZ Rave Flavour tagging cc bb uds Recoil Mass (no 4-jet survivors)
April 18th, 2009TILC09 - Corrado Gatto31 e + e - -> Z o H o -> cc + ZZ Background Signal + ZZ background Signal + ZZ background Requires 2 jets from jet-finder Requires 2 jets from jet-finder Evis > 130 GeV Evis > 130 GeV No flavor tagging No flavor tagging Fit with three gaussians Fit with three gaussians Selection Efficiency = 80.2% Selection Efficiency = 80.2% 1% Error on the mass Triple Readout Compare with our previous analysis Using KEK data (thanks to A. Myamoto)
April 18th, 2009TILC09 - Corrado Gatto32 e + e - Z o H o 4 jets analyses (work in progress)
April 18th, 2009TILC09 - Corrado Gatto33 e + e - Z o H o ; and Z o cc H o bb √ s=250 GeV F. Ignatov Analysis strategy 1. Select Event with 4 jets (use jet finder with recursive y cut ) 2. E calo + E muon cut to reduce background (events with neutrino or ISR) 3. 5-C kinematic fit to all possible jet-jet combinations 4. Pick combination with highest probability 5. Final cut: 2 /ndf<16/5 Signal only No Background Jet-jet mass recoiling Against a Z°
April 18th, 2009TILC09 - Corrado Gatto34 e + e - Z o H o ; Z o uu H o cc √ s=250 GeV Y. C. Chen Analysis strategy 1. Select Event with 4 jets (use jet finder with recursive y cut ) 2. Select M j1j3 and M j2j4 3. Requires 1 combination within 10 GeV from nominal Z° mass 4. Plot the other combination Signal only No Background Events with significant E miss (neutrinos) Analysis is still in progress
April 18th, 2009TILC09 - Corrado Gatto35 W/Z Mass Separation KEK event sample KEK event sample Simple Durham jet-finder a la L3 (recursive y cut ) used for this analysis Simple Durham jet-finder a la L3 (recursive y cut ) used for this analysis No combined information with tracking yet (3 entries/evt) No combined information with tracking yet (3 entries/evt) No ECAL No ECAL 4-jets finding efficiency: 95% 4-jets finding efficiency: 95% A. Mazzacane
April 18th, 2009TILC09 - Corrado Gatto36 ILCroot framework is stable and very fast ILCroot framework is stable and very fast It runs smoothly on the GRID at FNAL It runs smoothly on the GRID at FNAL Very detailed simulation & reconstruction takes 20’-60’/event Very detailed simulation & reconstruction takes 20’-60’/event Most of the effort by the 4th Concept Simulation group has been put into implementing the baseline detectors + several options Most of the effort by the 4th Concept Simulation group has been put into implementing the baseline detectors + several options Some work on the detectors is still needed (detector optimization and SILC+CLUCOU) Some work on the detectors is still needed (detector optimization and SILC+CLUCOU) Lots of Physics studies will follow Lots of Physics studies will follow Add other background sources Add other background sources Anybody is welcome on board Anybody is welcome on board Status and Perspectives
April 18th, 2009TILC09 - Corrado Gatto37 Backup slides
April 18th, 2009TILC09 - Corrado Gatto38 Event Display in ILCroot Low pt secondary muon e + e - -> H o H o Z o 4 jets 2 muons ECM = 500 GeV
April 18th, 2009TILC09 - Corrado Gatto39 Outline The simulations in the 4th Concept The simulations in the 4th Concept ILCroot ILCroot Detector simulations Detector simulations Performance & Optimization Performance & Optimization Physics benchmarks for the LoI Physics benchmarks for the LoI Future prospects Future prospects
April 18th, 2009TILC09 - Corrado Gatto40 The Virtual Montecarlo Concept Virtual MC provides a virtual interface to Monte Carlo Virtual MC provides a virtual interface to Monte Carlo It allows to run the same user application with all supported Monte Carlo programs It allows to run the same user application with all supported Monte Carlo programs The concrete Monte Carlo (Geant3, Geant4, Fluka) is selected and loaded at run time The concrete Monte Carlo (Geant3, Geant4, Fluka) is selected and loaded at run time Compare Montecarlo performance and possible flows Compare Montecarlo performance and possible flows Choose the optimal Montecarlo for the study Choose the optimal Montecarlo for the study Perfect Tool for Designing/Optimizing new Detectors
April 18th, 2009TILC09 - Corrado Gatto41 4 th Concept Software Strategy: ILCroot CERN architecture (based on Alice’s Aliroot) Full support provided by Brun, Carminati, Ferrari, et al. Uses ROOT as infrastructure All ROOT tools are available (I/O, graphics, PROOF, data structure, etc) Extremely large community of users/developers TGenerator for events generation TGenerator for events generation Virtual Geometry Modeler (VGM) for geometry Virtual Geometry Modeler (VGM) for geometry Based on Virtual Montecarlo Could it ever evolve into a general purpose entity for the HEP community (as ROOT)? Growing number of experiments have adopted it: Alice, Opera, CMB, (Meg), Panda, 4th Concept Six MDC have proven robustness, reliability and portability Do not Reinvent the wheel Concentrate on Detector studies and Physics
April 18th, 2009TILC09 - Corrado Gatto42 Dual Readout Calorimetry Total calorimeter energy: use two measured signals and two, energy-independent, calibration constants From calibration @ 1 Energy only Non-gaussian gaussian 40 GeV
April 18th, 2009TILC09 - Corrado Gatto43 Improving the Energy Resolution: The Effect of Neutrons 45 GeV π - Cer pe versus Neutron fractionl ILCRoot simulation
April 18th, 2009TILC09 - Corrado Gatto44 From Dual to Triple Readout Include the effect of neutrons Include the effect of neutrons Time history of the Cer pe Time history of the Scint pe 45 GeV π - Neutron contribution (negligeable) ILCRoot simulation Triple readout aka Dual Readout with time history readout
April 18th, 2009TILC09 - Corrado Gatto45 Compensation with ECAL and HCAL Get E Scint and E Cer from ECAL (disregard neutrons as Z BGO >> 1) Get E Scint and E Cer from ECAL (disregard neutrons as Z BGO >> 1) Get E Scint, E Cer and E neutr from HCAL Get E Scint, E Cer and E neutr from HCAL Then: Then: Estimate C, S and neu from a 45 GeV run ( and e - ) by minimizing the spread of E tot Estimate C, S and neu from a 45 GeV run ( and e - ) by minimizing the spread of E tot
April 18th, 2009TILC09 - Corrado Gatto46 Calorimeter Response for 45 GeV e -
April 18th, 2009 TILC09 - Corrado Gatto 47 80 GeV jet with escaping particles ILCRoot simulation
April 18th, 2009 TILC09 - Corrado Gatto 48 + − at 3.5 GeV/c ILCRoot simulation
April 18th, 2009TILC09 - Corrado Gatto49 Jet reconstrucion: combine calorimetric and tracking informations (work in progress)
April 18th, 2009TILC09 - Corrado Gatto50 Jet Reconstruction Strategy Muon
April 18th, 2009TILC09 - Corrado Gatto51 Summary Process e - polar. e + polar. Ecal Beam bkgnd Note Z o H o + - X +100%-100%yesyes Z o H o e + e - X +100%-100%yesyes Z o H jets +100%-100%nono Z o H o X +100%-100%nono e + e - t t e + e - t t+100%-100%noyes e + e - e + e - +100%-100%yesyes Worst case polarization scenario considered: largest WW background
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