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The Movement Within the Movement:. ….Engaging Youth in Community Foundations and Philanthropy.

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Presentation on theme: "The Movement Within the Movement:. ….Engaging Youth in Community Foundations and Philanthropy."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Movement Within the Movement:

2 ….Engaging Youth in Community Foundations and Philanthropy

3 “This is the first time in the history of the human race that a generation of kids has overtaken their parents in the use of new technology.” Peter Eio, Lego Systems

4 “Today’s students average about 14 IQ points higher than their grandparents did… the number of students with IQs above 145 is about 18 times greater than it was 2 generations ago. David Berliner, Arizona State University

5 Youth in Philanthropy …integrating: Positive youth development Youth leadership development Youth civic engagement/activism Community foundation leadership Diverse and inclusive communities Local, regional, national, international networks

6 Then and Now…. 1980’s: National Capital Region Marin County Michigan 1990’s: other states Canada 2000’s: UK, Poland, Australia, Mexico, Russia….

7 Growth in Canada 6 provinces: BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, New Brunswick Quebec in planning stages 55 CFs with YACs; many more in development Variety of models; common purpose Linking regionally, nationally, internationally

8 International growth USA: Over 300 YACs in 30 states Australia, New Zealand Mexico Poland, Slovakia Russia Northern Ireland, Scotland Azerbaijan

9 Why engage youth in community foundations? More informed grantmaking Enhanced credibility Enhanced visibility Capacity-building: foundation and sector Reflects diversity Development opportunities Connections, opportunities, partnerships

10 Why do youth get involved? Leadership and skills training Community service hours Experience for employment opportunities Qualification for awards and scholarships Interesting, fun; sense of control, power opportunity to make positive change Learning about community, issues

11 Options for Youth Engagement in CFs Member of grants committee Member of other committees Involvement in planning, needs assessments Board member School-based committee Community-based youth advisory council Partner youth organization Internships, staffing

12 Challenges Adult advisors Recruitment Information/communication Operational funding Integration into CF Adult attitudes

13 Learnings It takes patience Avoid one-size-fits-all approach Appropriate adult advisor Be inclusive Create the space Provide training and trust; avoid tokenism

14 Learnings …continued Have faith; be prepared to live with chaos Listen and learn Integrate into the organization Support peer training and networking Acknowledge their contribution Feed, water, and watch them grow

15 YIP: Next level Evaluation, measuring effectiveness On-line resources On-line learning, mentoring, collaboration Alumni networks Integration into broader CF work Strategic use of networks

16 What will it take? Human and financial resources Dissemination of information, tools Understanding effective youth engagement Data collection, evaluation Systems/ complexity/ network thinking Communication, coordination Vision

17 “The young do not know enough to be prudent, and therefore they attempt the impossible – and achieve it, generation after generation.” Pearl S. Buck

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