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1 European e-Infrastructure experiences gained and way ahead OGF 20 / EGEE User’s Forum 9 th May 2007 Mário Campolargo European Commission - DG INFSO Head.

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Presentation on theme: "1 European e-Infrastructure experiences gained and way ahead OGF 20 / EGEE User’s Forum 9 th May 2007 Mário Campolargo European Commission - DG INFSO Head."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 European e-Infrastructure experiences gained and way ahead OGF 20 / EGEE User’s Forum 9 th May 2007 Mário Campolargo European Commission - DG INFSO Head of Unit “GÉANT and e-Infrastructures”

2 2 Embracing a new vision for Science  Virtual Research Communities  Improved scientific process… role of simulation  Cross-disciplinarity  Data deluge - Wet-labs versus ICT infrastructures networking grids instrumentation computing data curation… Technology push value added of distributed collaborative research (virtual organisations) Application pull

3 3 Global Virtual Research Community Virtual Community Network Grid Scientific Data Virtual Community Network Grid Scientific Data Virtual Labs Workspace Meetings, etc. Virtual Community Network Grid Scientific Data Virtual labs Workspace Meetings, etc. Virtual Labs Workspace Meetings, etc. Network Grid Scientific Data Economies of Scale Efficiency Gains

4 4 e-Infrastructures: strategy....... Linking at the speed of the light Sharing computers, instruments and applications Sharing and federating scientific data Weather Forecast VO Biomedics VO Astrophysics VO Connecting the finest minds Sharing the best scientific resources Building global virtual communities

5 5 FP6: Research in Grid Technologies SIMDATBeinGrid NextGridAkogrimoBREIN XtreemOS CoreGrid data, knowledge, semantics platforms, user environments trust, security Grid services, business models Supporting Grid community International cooperation

6 6 e-Infrastructures: reference model

7 7 e-Infrastructures: network layer

8 8 e-Infrastructures: grid layer

9 9 e-Infrastructures: data layer Standards OGF

10 10 e-Infrastructures: global perspective

11 11 FP7: Grid work in Specific Programmes Capacities Research Capacity Cooperation Collaborative research ICT Research topic (in Software and Services) ICT and other priorities Application domains e-Infrastructure Operational grid-empowered infrastructures  e-Science grid infrastructure  Deployment of e-Infrastructures for scientific communities …

12 12 FP7: Grid Technologies in ICT  In FP7, research in Grid Technologies is part of the ICT Challenge “Software & Services Architectures and Infrastructures”  Continuity of the FP6 Grid Technologies projects and activities  Closer integration with current trends and initiatives towards Service-Oriented Architectures and Infrastructures  Building strong industrial commitment

13 13 FP7: ICT SRA - Industrial Commitment Develop a visionary strategy for Software and Services driven by a common European Research Agenda where innovation and business strengths are reinforced.

14 14 FP7: Research Infrastructures activities support to existing research infrastructures support to new research infrastructures Integrating activities ICT based e-Infrastructures Construction of new RIs (preparatory and implementation phases) Design studies accompanying measures European policy, international cooperation, emerging needs ICT based e-Infrastructures Construction of new RIs (preparatory and implementation phases) 2006-2013 - 600 M€

15 15 New Infrastructures: supercomputing Targeted calls Scientific Data Infrastructure e-Infrastructures for Scientific Communities e-Science Grid infrastructures Design studies Capacities RI European High-Performance Computing Service IdeasPeopleCooperation ICT Embedding supercomputing in the e-Infrastructure

16 16 e-Infrastructure: additional focus on data

17 17 e-Infrastructure: additional focus on data FP6 (testbeds) DILIGENT DRIVER FP7 Network layer Grid layer Data layer Call in 2008 Scientific Data Infrastructure Call 1- May 2007 Scientific Digital Repositories User Communities

18 18 e-Infrastructure: grid core infra. and users FP6 FP7 Network layer Grid layer Data layer User Communities Call 1- May 2007 Deployment of eInfrastructures for scientific communities Bioinfogrid … GRIDCC Call 2 - Sep 2007 e-Science grid Infrastructure BALTIGRID EGEE DEISA …

19 19 e-Infrastructures evolving approach FP7 FP5 GÉANT 200320042005200620072008200920102011 FP6 GÉANT2 Grid infrastructures Supercomputer grid User involvement … upgrade … reinforce Repositories Org, policy, intern Data infrastructure … upgrade

20 20 Further information e-Infrastructures: Software & Service Architectures and Infrastructures

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