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Goals. What is a Goal?  Desired results  Something to work toward  “What do you want on your tombstone?”

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Presentation on theme: "Goals. What is a Goal?  Desired results  Something to work toward  “What do you want on your tombstone?”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Goals

2 What is a Goal?  Desired results  Something to work toward  “What do you want on your tombstone?”

3 What is a priority?  Something that is more important than anything else.  Goals determine priorities  Example:  Goal: Get into college  Priority: Good grades, extracurricular activities  Destination: Goal as Route: Priority

4 Little know facts:  The top 3% of students in the USA have written goals  A goal not written is only a wish

5 Keep in mind when making goals:  Be specific  Example: I will get an “A” in English 9 by the end of first quarter.  Rather than: I need to do better this year.

6  GOALS should be written  You will see them daily and remind yourself of your promise

7  State goals positively. What will you do?  Compare: I won’t be late for class To Contrast: I will be on time for each of my classes this week

8  Have a time frame  Bad Example: Someday, I’d like to own a Corvette.  Good Example: By the time I’m 30 years old, I want to own a new Corvette

9  Keep score  Check in with PowerSchool weekly  Ask your friends for help in keeping you focused

10  Let your goals be your own, perhaps set during a momentous moment.

11  Count the cost  What will you have to give up in order to achieve your goal?  Example: I want good grades, but I love to IM at night and don’t make time to study.  Example: I want to make the basketball team, but I have to work every Saturday when they practice.

12  Rope Up  Get someone to help you stay on course.  Make a plan with a friend who has a similar goal.

13  Begin with the end in mind  Focus on what you would like to be or the outcome of your goal  Example: Since I want to go to college, I will need to get at least a B in Algebra.

14 How can you achieve your goals?  Big Rocks=Priorities  Homework, school activities, sports teams, family obligations  Little Rocks=Fun activities  IM’ing, texting, watching TV, listening to your iPod  Hanging out with friends

15 If you do your “big rocks” first, your “little rocks” will fit!  Schedule your big rocks, then schedule the fun activities.  Bottom line: You can live a balanced life with this method.

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