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11 To call into question Questioning of a statement or fact Demand for justification or explanation Challenge.

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Presentation on theme: "11 To call into question Questioning of a statement or fact Demand for justification or explanation Challenge."— Presentation transcript:

1 11 To call into question Questioning of a statement or fact Demand for justification or explanation Challenge

2 22 Which centre circle is bigger? Things get distorted

3 33 We see things that aren’t there?

4 44 We see things differently

5 55 We see different things

6 66 Look at the chart and say the colour, not the word … YELLOW BLUE ORANGE BLACK RED GREEN PURPLE YELLOW RED ORANGE GREEN BLACK BLUE RED PURPLE GREEN BLUE ORANGE Left – Right Conflict Your right brain tries to say the colour Your left brain insists on reading the word We think differently?

7 77 We think of different things?

8 88 We think different things Shoe

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