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Challenges to Peacekeeping in the 1920s

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1 Challenges to Peacekeeping in the 1920s

2 Withdrawal of the USA US Senate refused to ratify the Paris Treaties; never joined the League of Nations No Anglo-American Guarantee France was left deal with Germany on its own

3 Japanese Expansion After WWI, the US and other powers became increasingly concerned about Japanese influence in the Pacific

4 The Washington Naval Conference (1921-1922)
US sought to prevent conflict with Japan & to stop a renewed naval arms race 9 treaties were signed, mainly among the US, Britain, France, Japan, and Italy The Five Power Naval Limitation Treaty Set a limit on warship tonnage US & UK- 500,000 Japan- 300,000 France & Italy- 175,000 A moratorium on building new capital ships

5 The Washington Naval Conference (cont.)
Other Agreements No expansion of Pacific naval bases End of the Anglo-Japanese Treaty of 1902 Open-door policy in China No agreement on cruisers or subs Analysis of Effects Prevented conflict in Asia , relieved tensions, ended the arms race US preserved the status quo Benefited Japan because they could not afford an arms race with the US Left US Pacific bases vulnerable Smaller and faster ships

6 The Geneva Naval Conference (1927)
US, Britain, & Japan attempted to address unresolved issues of the Washington Conference Issue of cruisers was not resolved No treaties were signed Resulted in a renewed naval race

7 The London Naval Conference (1930)
Resolved the issue of cruiser tonnage with a ratio of 10:10:7 Increased ratio favored Japan Extended the moratorium on ship construction for 5 more years London Conference of 1935 To renew the Washington agreements US, France, & Britain agreed to stop building cruisers for 6 years Japan walked out of the meeting

8 The Ruhr Crisis In 1923, France occupied the Ruhr
The Weimar government encouraged workers in the Ruhr to strike & paid them The government printed money to cover their expenses & to pay war debts This resulted in hyperinflation & economic disaster Distrust in the Weimar government increased

9 The Streseman Years (1924-1929)
Gustav Streseman led Germany out of crisis New currency introduced The Dawes Plan US aided Germany Lowered reparations payments Economy grew well American influence increased

10 The Locarno Agreement 1925 Germany agreed to respect its western border with France and Belgium. This allowed Germany to enter the League of Nations and removed Germany from diplomatic isolation Created great optimism amongst world leaders “Locarno Spring” Germany’s return to normalcy The Great War seemed to be finally resolved

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