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New Power on World Stage US History. I. Treaty of Paris A.World Power 1.Victory in the Spanish American War gave the US a world power status. 2.The peace.

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Presentation on theme: "New Power on World Stage US History. I. Treaty of Paris A.World Power 1.Victory in the Spanish American War gave the US a world power status. 2.The peace."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Power on World Stage US History

2 I. Treaty of Paris A.World Power 1.Victory in the Spanish American War gave the US a world power status. 2.The peace treaty solidified this position in world affairs.

3 I. Treaty of Paris B.Treaty 1.December 10, 1898 US and Spain signed the Treaty of Paris which included 3 major points A.Granted independence to Cuba B.Ceded Puerto Rico and Guam to the United States C.Ceded the Philippines to the US

4 I. Treaty of Paris C.Debate 1.Senate had to ratify the treaty in order for it to take effect. 2.Many disapproved of American imperialism A. Imperialism – empire building 3.Opponents formed the Anti-Imperialist League A. Anti-Imperialist League – felt that imperialism was hostile to liberty.

5 I. Treaty of Paris C.Debate 4.The Senate ratified the Treaty of Paris on February 6, 1899. 5.The debate over imperialism would continue into the 20 th century.

6 II. Cuba A.Military Rule 1.Although Cuba had been granted it’s independence, the US felt responsible for restoring order. 2.US ruled Cuba under military rule for 4 years. Eventually Cubans began to resent the USA.

7 II. Cuba B.Platt Amendment 1.The US withdrew troops in 1902, only after American interests were guaranteed. 2.Platt Amendment A.Allowed the US to intervene in Cuban affairs B.Allowed the US to lease or buy land for naval bases A.Guantanamo Bay


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