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Thirteen years in the Making.
The Constitution Thirteen years in the Making.
Constitution Definition Sets the broad rules of the game.
A nation’s basic law. It creates political institutions, assigns or divides powers in government, and often provides certain guarantees to citizens. Sets the broad rules of the game. The rules are not neutral- some participants and policy options have advantages others don’t.
Origins of the Constitution
Shay’s Rebellion – realize need more structure Constitutional Convention--1787 2nd Continental Congress—first American Gov’t Declaration of Independence 1776 Articles of Confederation– 1st official constitution Protest – Stamp Act Congress, committees of correspondence, Boston tea party, Embargo Colonial government—own government in each colony First written constitution—Mayflower Compact 1st Continental Congress—First governmental act, 1st official meeting
The Origins of the Constitution
The Government That Failed
The Articles of Confederation Each state retained its sovereignty. Congress had few powers—Post Office, pay ward debt, maintain an army and navy, and declare war/peace. Built with a legislature only made up of 1 representative from each state. States could engage in foreign trade Each state had their currency and trade laws. States had their own judicial system, Congress was the last resort.
Why it Failed…. Economic Turmoil Shays’ Rebellion
States had different currencies States had laws that favored debtors Shays’ Rebellion A series of attacks on courthouses by a small band of farmers led by Revolutionary War Captain Daniel Shays to block foreclosure proceedings. Changes in the States Expanded political power for some Expanding economic middle class The Model State representation—large versus small No president or court system High requirements for laws and change of them Limited legislative powers Values and Ideals Liberal ideas of equality were spreading Unsuccessful confederation experience
What to do? The Annapolis Meeting—Unsuccessful
An attempt to discuss changes to the Articles of Confederation. Attended by only 12 delegates from 5 states. Called for a meeting in May 1787 to further discuss changes.
Making a Constitution: The Constitutional Convention
Gentlemen in Philadelphia 55 men from 12 of the 13 states Mostly wealthy planters & merchants Most were college graduates with some political experience Many were coastal residents from the larger cities, not the rural areas Divided into two camps – federalists (led by James Madison) and the anti-federalists (led by Samuel Adams)
Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists
Background Large landowners, wealthy merchants, professionals Small farmers, shop keepers, laborers Preferred Government Strong national government, weaker state governments, indirect election of officials (electoral college, states electing congressmen), rule by the elite educated man, not concerned with individual freedoms Strong state governments, weaker national government, direct election of officials, shorter terms, rule by the common man, individual freedoms
Things to Consider… Philosophy into Action
Human Nature—men love power and money. So we need a strong government to keep people in check. Political Conflict– development of tyrannical factions Objects of Government—is to ….protect property. Nature of Government—to this end, what type is needed?
The English Heritage: The Power of Ideas
John Locke’s influence Natural rights Consent of the governed Limited Government The “Conservative” Revolution Restored rights the colonists felt they had lost Not a major change of lifestyles
The Agenda… The Equality Issues
Equality and Representation of the States New Jersey Plan Virginia Plan Connecticut Compromise Slavery Political Equality
The Agenda…. The Economic Issues
States had tariffs on products from other states Paper money was basically worthless Congress couldn’t raise money Actions taken: Powers of Congress to be strengthened Powers of states to be limited
The Agenda… The Individual Rights Issues
Some were written into the Constitution: Writ of habeas corpus No bills of attainder No ex post facto laws Religious qualifications for holding office prohibited Strict rules of evidence for conviction of treason Right to trial by jury in criminal cases Some were not specified Freedom of speech / expression Rights of the accused
Elements of the Constitution
Create a Constitutional Republic Limiting Majority Control/Protect Minority Rights Separating Powers/Create Checks and Balances Establish a Federal System
Constitutional Republic
Republic: A form of government in which the people select representatives to govern them and make laws. Favors the status quo - changes are slow Called a representative democracy.
Majority/Minority Rights
James Madison believed that thwarting tyranny by the majority was key to keeping government stable. How? Place only one element directly in the hands of the people… direct election of representatives. Senators were to be elected by State Legislatures. Set up a bi-cameral congress—one cannot pass legislation without the other.
Separate Powers/Checks and Balances
Figure 2.3
Set up a Federalist system
Divided the power between the federal government and the individual states. By doing this they created a check on the federal government.
What was done??? Federalist Papers—Support Ratification
A collection of 85 articles written by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison under the name “Publius” to defend the Constitution. Bill of Rights—Compromise The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, drafted in response to some of the Anti-Federalist concerns about the lack of basic liberties.
Constitutional Change-Formal
Figure 2.4
Constitutional Change-Informal
Judicial Interpretation Miranda v. Arizona—strengthened 5th amendment rights Changing Political Practice How the 10th amendment or states rights are interpreted? Technology Copyrights and patents Increasing Demands on Policymakers
Understanding the Constitution
There has been a gradual democratization of the Constitution. Informal changes—PACs, political parties, universal suffrage Constitutional Amendments—Bill of rights, 13th,14th, 15th, 17th, 19th, 24th, 26th amendments Court Decisions—Incorporation, Right to Privacy, Brown v. BOE Legislation—Civil Rights Act 1964, Voting Rights Act 1965, Open Housing Act 1968
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