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 Jennifer Benbow.  I define literacy as being able to understand text and pictures, and being to apply them to your life.

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Presentation on theme: " Jennifer Benbow.  I define literacy as being able to understand text and pictures, and being to apply them to your life."— Presentation transcript:

1  Jennifer Benbow

2  I define literacy as being able to understand text and pictures, and being to apply them to your life.

3  An only child  I was VERY shy growing up  I was more into reading books when I was younger  Taught myself a little Italian in elementary school  Reading and writing were big in my house growing up  Writing is a way of expression

4  Learned more from interacting and social/television media  Hands on activities  Kept to myself in high populated areas with a lot of people

5  Book fanatic  I loved the annual book fair at school.  Favorite Series: Nancy Drew and Jennie Mcgrady

6  From elementary to middle school I made a drastic reading preference change.  Instead of innocent girls trying to solve mysteries I started reading about girls struggling to walk down their high school’s hall without crying.

7  Got my first phone in 7 th grade, but didn’t have texting until 8 th grade  Used text lingo to extreme  Accidently would abbreviate words in English papers  Once I got my phone I found myself reading less and les books and more time on Myspace  More into reading beauty/fashion mag- azines

8  Became more evolved as a writer and reader  Better at writing journals and short essays than long essays  Could apply what I was reading to my life  Put myself in a better “learning environment”  Social media is my biggest influence

9  I can never think of an idea by myself. I usually use someone else’s idea and go from there  The only people who influences my thought on books are my friends  All types of media influence me  Youtube videos


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