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Loving Service John 13:1-17 Introduction John begins chapter 13 jumping forward to Thursday evening –No information given by John about Monday- Wednesday,

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2 Loving Service John 13:1-17

3 Introduction John begins chapter 13 jumping forward to Thursday evening –No information given by John about Monday- Wednesday, but the other gospels give us some The Passover began at sundown Thursday and ended at sundown Friday (start of the Sabbath) –During the day, the lamb for this meal would have been slain and the meal prepared The meal consisted of lamb, unleavened bread, bitter herbs and grape juice –Mk 14:12-17

4 On Jesus’ mind John 13:1 As Jesus and His disciples come to the upper room Jesus is thinking about... –The fact He has less than one day before He dies on the cross –The fact that He will depart to be with the Father This would not happen for some weeks after the resurrection, but He was thinking about it Once He was gone, what would happen to His disciples –The fact that He loved the 12, but they were going to remain in the world for awhile

5 On the apostles’ minds Lk 22:24-27 –They were concerned about who would be considered greatest in the kingdom Still imagining an earthly kingdom with Jesus as king –Wanted to know how the rest of the hierarchy would be arranged This has been a common argument –Mt 18:1-5, 20:20-28; Mk 9:33-37, 10:35-45; Lk 9:46-48

6 Setting the scene So Jesus and His disciples came together –They ate the supper, the Passover John gives no details of the suppertime conversation – other gospels do that The apostles argued (as we saw in Luke) about who would be greatest –Jesus tried to teach them about service »But perhaps Jesus knew that it was not getting through »He had taught the same things on other occasions

7 Washing Feet John 13:2-5 –Since Jesus was eating the Passover alone with His apostles The owner had left a basin, a towel, and a pitcher of water at the door to the upper room –Normally a servant would be there to wash feet as guests entered –Jesus and His apostles had entered and no one had volunteered to wash feet –They sat down (reclined) to eat, which left all their dirty feet sticking-out all through the supper »They spoke of greatness while their unwashed feet were there for all to see

8 Washing Feet After the meal Jesus got up –Thinking about the facts that... He was given all authority by God He would soon be returning to His glory with God –He took off His outer robe and wrapped a towel around Himself, as a servant would He filled the basin with water, then goes around the table to wash and dry those dirty feet What were the disciples thinking now? –We don’t know, until Jesus gets to Peter

9 Washing Feet John 13:6-8 –Peter seems to have felt some shame Sure he wanted to be great in the kingdom But he knew he was not greater than Jesus –As John the Baptizerhad said he was unworthy to loosen the strap of Jesus’ sandal (Jn 1:27) –Peter knew he was not worthy to be served by Jesus in this way –Jesus tries to explain to Peter that he did not understand, but that He would explain shortly –But Peter thinks he already understands and finds it unacceptable

10 Washing Feet John 13:9-11 –Jesus tells Peter that if he refuses, then he would no longer have a part with Jesus Peter then overcorrects –‘Then wash my hands and head’ »Not necessary because they weren’t dirty, Peter had already bathed –A veiled reference to His betrayer is made But we’ll discuss the betrayer in our next lesson

11 Explanation John 13:12 –He asked if they knew what He had done The obvious answer would be, ‘Yes, you washed our feet’ It would have been the wrong answer –Jesus already told them they didn’t know the answer (Jn 13:7) –The disciples at least knew not to answer –[Unfortunately many people today practice foot- washing as a religious rite because they still don’t understand what Jesus was doing]

12 Explanation John 13:13-16 –Consider Jesus position relative to the apostles He was their Teacher (a greater position) He was their Lord (a much greater position) –Yet He chose to serve them in something that needed doing (washing dirty feet) As a greater, He could have ordered one of them to do it But He chose to do what needed doing –Now He tells them they should be doing the same for one another

13 Explanation Did He expect them to each start washing feet right then? –No, that would be missing His point He is saying that ought to do for each other whatever needs to be done Application: –Not many feet need washing today –But maybe a house needs cleaning, or a lawn needs mowing, or clothes need mending, etc –Do the things that are needed to help one another! Don’t wait to be asked!

14 Conclusion John 13:17 –If you understand what Jesus was telling His disciples, then you’ll be blessed if you do them –The blessing comes for those who actually put into practice what Christ taught Are you willing to obey Him now?


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