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 Define Co-education  Difference between « sex » and « gender »

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Presentation on theme: " Define Co-education  Difference between « sex » and « gender »"— Presentation transcript:

1  Define Co-education  Difference between « sex » and « gender »

2 Workshop « Co-education »

3  WAGGGS recognises co-education as an educational method that develops partnership between girls and boys on an equal basis and ensures equal opportunities while recognising differences. [Policy on the enducation of girls and young women in wagggs]

4  "Sex" refers to the biological and physiological characteristics that define men and women.  "Gender" refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviours, activities, and attributes that a given society considers appropriate for men and women. [World Health Organization]

5  It’s ok for boys and girls to be in the same Cub scouts group.

6  It’s ok for teenage boys and girls to be in the same patrol.

7  Teenage boys and girls should not sleep in the same tent during camp.

8  Boy scouts do woodcraft and carry wood, girl scouts cook and wash the dishes.

9  Boy scouts should only have male leaders. Girl guides should only have female leaders.

10  Observe reality and record all observations on:  - Structural gender  Do girls and boys do different activities? Why? Is the choice of one gender the result of the choice of the other?  - Symbolic gender  What kind of femininity and masculinity is praised or criticised, directly or indirectly, by young people or adults?  - Inter-actional gender  Who takes up the physical space and space of conversation? Are there fixed roles?  Who takes initiatives, who adapts? Who gets leaders’ attention?  - Personal gender

11  How do different girls and boys fit in with or contradict the pattern?  What are the limits for behaviour? What are the consequences for girls and boys if exceeding limits? Are they the same?  Make someone else observe while you work with young people  Interview groups of girls and boys  Use interview guide in gender research report (Appendix II)  Discuss findings and possible improvements  Introduce changes to improve practice  Encourage and support others to do the same [Gender issues, One of the boys ? Doing gender in Scouting, Jacqueline Collier-Jespersen]

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