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 Journal  Making Connections: Industrial Revolution and Imperialism  Imperialism Propaganda Competition  Activity Summary  HW: Read Chapter 15 Sec.

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Presentation on theme: " Journal  Making Connections: Industrial Revolution and Imperialism  Imperialism Propaganda Competition  Activity Summary  HW: Read Chapter 15 Sec."— Presentation transcript:

1  Journal  Making Connections: Industrial Revolution and Imperialism  Imperialism Propaganda Competition  Activity Summary  HW: Read Chapter 15 Sec 3 answer questions 3-9 on page 427  Turn in to Journal:  Create 3 Topic Sentences for the thesis statement you wrote the other day  Be sure to use your Socratic seminar packet for evidence

2  On one side of a plane piece of paper :Create a T-Chart ◦ Label one side positive effects and the other negative effects ◦ List the positive and negative effects of the Industrial Revolution  On the other side of that paper: Create a political cartoon that would reflect both the positive and negative sides of becoming an Industrial nation

3  Individually review the section “Impact of Industrialization” (733).  As a group discuss the following and develop a group answer; then have each person in the group write down the answer: ◦ The section discusses the increase in the supply of goods and an increase in the demand for raw materials that resulted from the Industrial Revolution. How might these increases be connected to Imperialism?

4  Individually – you may remember our discussions of the hardships of early industrial life and the reactions to those hardships. To refresh your recollection review pp. 723-725.  As a group discuss the following, develop an answer and have each group member write it down: ◦ What do you think might have been the connection between the hardships you read about (living conditions, working conditions, unsuccessful protests) and imperialism?

5  Individually, read pp. 729-732, “The Industrial Revolution Spreads”  As a group, discuss, develop and write down answers to the following: 1.What effect do you think the spread of the Industrial Revolution had on the relations between European countries? 2.Brainstorm and write down some differences between countries that industrialized and societies that had not yet industrialized. 3.How might your answers to the last two questions be connected to Imperialism?

6  Individually, read pp. 570-572, “The Darwin Furor” and “Christianity and the Industrial Age”.  As a group, discuss, develop and write down answers to the following questions: 1.How were Darwin’s ideas about the “Origin of the Species” and evolution applied to society? 2.What was the social role of religion in the Industrial Age? 3.How might your answers to the last two questions be connected to Imperialism?

7  What social, economic, and political reasons might European countries have had to become involved in Africa in the late 1800’s?

8  Social: Having to do with interactions between people; activities involving religion, health, and education and people’s attitudes towards themselves and others fall into this category  Economic: Having to do with satisfying material needs; activities involving the acquisition of land and resources, acquiring wealth, taking care of what is necessary to sustain life at a particular level fit into this category  Political: Having to do with government and relations between nations or similar societies; activities involving making and enforcing rules and laws, rulers and leaders, military operations and the like fall into this category

9 Note taking Format (examples taken from our reading connecting the Industrial Revolution to Imperialism) Social Social Darwinism – feelings of superiority justifies their domination of the Africans Economic Participating in imperialistic activities in Africa gave unsuccessful Europeans a chance to make their fortune Political Spreading Industrial Revolution created rivalries among the European nations; imperialism in Africa gave them a place to carry out this rivalry Use this strategy during the propaganda activity to take notes on the readings

10  Read the instructions with your group  Send one person to come and pick up the primary sources packet ◦ THIS PACKET IS A CLASS SET, DO NOT WRITE IN THE PACKET!  If your group has questions along the way please ask help from the Prime Minister, Ms. Horner.

11  As a group, review the social, economic, and political motivations for imperialism that you discovered in your reading.  Using the information on European motivation for imperialism, brainstorm as many “jobs” as you can think of that a British person from Victorian times might have had if he or she had gone to Africa.  For each “job”, think of the activities that such a person would be doing and the type of interactions he or she would be having with the African people.

12  Our reading showed that Christianity motivated Europeans to go to Africa.  People motivated by their religion would be doing the “job” of a missionary in Africa.  Their activities would include spreading the word of the gospels and trying to convert the Africans to Christianity.  (there are other things that a Christian missionary might do – what else can you think of based on your reading?)

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