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ARTHROPODA. Subphyla Crustaceans- Class Malacostraca - shrimp, lobster, crab Chelicerates- Class Arachnida - spiders, mites, scorpions Myriapeds- centipedes,

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Presentation on theme: "ARTHROPODA. Subphyla Crustaceans- Class Malacostraca - shrimp, lobster, crab Chelicerates- Class Arachnida - spiders, mites, scorpions Myriapeds- centipedes,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Subphyla Crustaceans- Class Malacostraca - shrimp, lobster, crab Chelicerates- Class Arachnida - spiders, mites, scorpions Myriapeds- centipedes, millipedes Hexapods- Class Insecta This phylum is the largest with over 1,000,000 species

3 Characteristics Exoskeleton, segmented body, jointed appendages “arthros” means joint, “podos” means foot or leg Bilateral symmetry Metamorphosis- larva, pupa, adult Molting

4 Anatomy Appendages can be wings, antennae, legs, mouthparts Exoskeleton – protects and helps prevent evaporation of water Open circulatory system Coelomates Ganglia – mass of nerves serves as brain

5 Anatomy Respiration occurs through lungs or exoskeleton if land organism. If lives in water, gills. Arthropods have full muscular and excretory systems. Body covering is exoskeleton

6 Feeding Every feeding type is represented in phylum arthropoda Scavengers, predators, herbivores, parasites, carnivores, omnivores,

7 Reproduction Almost all reproduce sexually Asexual- A few reproduce by parthenogenesis where an egg can develop into an adult with no sperm (ants, bees, wasps, and aphids)

8 Habitat Arthropods can be found in almost every habitat on Earth niche Biotic factors Abiotic factors

9 Adaptations Mouthparts: Butterfly tongue is long and sticky, an ant has a sharp mouth for cutting, a fly’s tongue is like a sponge Exoskeleton Camouflage

10 Crustaceans Shrimp, lobsters, and crabs 2-3 body sections 5 or more pairs of legs 2 pairs of antennae Most have gills metamorphosis

11 Arachnids Spiders, ticks, mites, and scorpions 2 body sections – head and abdomen 4 pairs of legs No antennae These are usually predators – some have venom

12 Centipedes and Millipedes 2 body sections- head and abdomen Many pairs of legs Centipedes – have 1 pair of legs per segment Millipedes- have 2 pairs of legs per segment Terrestrial habitat

13 Hexapods All insects 3 body sections- head, thorax, and abdomen 1 pair antennae 1-2 pairs of wings Airholes in exoskeleton called spiracles Metamorphosis Camouflage

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