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Project Costa Rica Cetrulo Family Cetrulo Family.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Costa Rica Cetrulo Family Cetrulo Family."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Costa Rica Cetrulo Family Cetrulo Family

2 Population: 4.016.173 Official Information Ethnic Groups: Caucasian 94% Natives 1% Asian 1% Others 1% Languages: Spanish(official) English Costa Rica

3 Religions Roman Catholics 67.70% Christians 13.7% Jehovas Witnesses 1.3% Others Religions 4.8% Atheists 3.2%

4 The Great Needs Idolatry

5 Drug and Alcohol Addicts Taking hope in Jesus to those without Sharing the night with them

6 Child Prostitution Reaching together young girls of 12 and 13 years

7 But what if… it were possible to give every person a chance to know Christ? Let us not forget we are the feet, the hands and the voice of Jesus here on earth ! Lets do it while we can !

8 God’s Call We are doing this because….. “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And together, my family and I said, “Here am I. Send me!” Isaiah 6:8-9

9 Our Vision We are called to reach to those that don’t know Jesus; guide them in the right path, so they can be saved, later reach others. Alejandro, Mercedes, Carolina, Alejandra and Gabriel Cetrulo Your picture

10 Our Ministry Our church is a Hospital for those in need. We feed and cure spiritually and physically those who society has left behind. * Give theological education to everyone. *Reach prostitutes *Feed children who live on the street. *Prepare leaders, and send missionaries. *Share meals, give clothes and Gods word with homeless at midnight.

11 Caring Planting Reaching Homeless under bridges Equipping Caring


13 Under the bridge feeding the homeless Feeding spiritually and physically at our church At our 2nd anniversary

14 Bringing hope in Jesus to an orphanage

15 The Need for Partners Working together to Build God’s Kingdom We need you as a partner ! Working together to Build God’s Kingdom

16 How Can You Be Involved? Join us in taking Jesus to the world! Prayer Financial Support Referals

17 How can we pray? 1 Thessalonians 5:16 “ Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

18 Partnership How does financial partnership work? > Ministry Partner> PAOC > Missionary Account > Missionary Support Will you financially partner with us?

19 Who else could join us? Do you know like minded people who may share the vision?

20 Our Commitment to You I Promise to: - Serve Faithfully - Pray Fervently ---Live fruitfully - Report Diligently

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