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11.20.2011 Run for the Pasig River Registration Guide.

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Presentation on theme: "11.20.2011 Run for the Pasig River Registration Guide."— Presentation transcript:

1 11.20.2011 Run for the Pasig River Registration Guide

2 Let’s BREAK our own GUINESS RECORD! 116,086 runners in 10.10.10

3 Run Details Date: November 20, 2011 (Sunday) –3K start: along Roxas Blvd., infront of CCP –5K start: along Roxas Blvd., at the corner of P. Gil –10K start: along Seaside Blvd., near Sunset Avenue The registration fees are as follows: –Schools: PHP 150 for 3K and 5K; PHP 450 for 10K –Regular: PHP 300 for 3K and 5K; PHP 450 for 10K Organizer: Kapit Bisig Para sa Ilog Pasig Start Times: 3K, 5K, 10K – 4:45am This is an ADVOCACY FUN RUN - No Awards and Prizes for top Finishers in ALL categories

4 START POINT Location: Along Roxas; in front of CCP Assumption/Target: 80,000 Pax Clusters: 32 Assembly area length: Approx. 1.8km Particulars: On South Bound Lane 3KM START AREA

5 3KM ROUTE Start at Roxas Blvd. cor V. Sotto Go STRAIGHT Southbound along Roxas Blvd (on Southbound lane) Turn RIGHT at Roxas Blvd. cor EDSA Go STRAIGHT Westbound along EDSA Extension Finish at MOA Globe

6 START POINT Location: Roxas Blvd cor Pedro Gil Assumption/Target: 50,000 Pax Clusters: 20 Assembly area length: Approx. 1 km Particulars: On north bound lane; will snake into Quirino Grandstand 5KM START AREA

7 5KM ROUTE Start at Roxas Blvd. cor Pedro Gil Go STRAIGHT Southbound along Roxas Blvd. (on Northbound lane) Turn RIGHT at Roxas Blvd. cor EDSA Go STRAIGHT Westbound along EDSA Extension Finish at MOA Globe

8 START POINT 10KM START AREA Location: Seaside Blvd (at north foot bridge of MOA) Assumption/Target: 13,000 Pax Clusters: 5 Assembly area length: Approx. 0.3 km

9 10KM ROUTE Start at Seaside Blvd. and go STRAIGHT Northbound along Seaside Blvd. Go STRAIGHT along Seaside Blvd. Turn LEFT at Coral Way Go STRAIGHT along Coral Way Turn RIGHT at Macapagal Blvd. Go STRAIGHT along Macapagal Blvd. TURN-AROUND at slot before Pacific Avenue Go STRAIGHT along Macapagal Blvd. Turn LEFT @ EDSA Extension Finish @ MOA Globe


11 Institutional Registration

12 For Participants: How to Register I have my race bib. Now What? Visit to activate your race Click “Register Now”

13 Select Option 1 – I did not pre-register but I have a bib number. For Participants: How to Register I have my race bib. Now What?

14 Fill the details (i.e. Bib Number, Security Code, Race Category) based on your bib. Provide the information required for creating your profile.

15 For Participants: How to Register I have my race bib. Now What? Make sure you enter the correct details in the blanks.

16 Provide the information required for creating your profile. Fill all required (*) fields to avoid errors in your registration. For Participants: How to Register I have my race bib. Now What?

17 The website will notify you about your successful registration. And, If you’re under 18, a waiver for minors will show up.

18 For Participants: How to Register I have my race bib. Now What? The website will notify you about your successful registration.

19 For Participants: How to Register I have my race bib. Now What? You will receive an auto generated email from the website. Click the first link to verify your registration and your email address. You can also check out our facebook and twitter accounts for further updates about the run.

20 For Participants: How to Register On-Line Pre-Registration Visit to activate your race Click “Register Now”

21 Click Option 2 -- "I want to pre-register". For Participants: How to Register On-Line Pre-Registration

22 Fill up the form asking for your username, password and answer to the Captcha. Don’t forget to enter all details.

23 After clicking “pre-register,” you should receive a notification informing you about your new account. You need to check your email first to activate the verification code. You can also enter your username and password to enter your profile details. For Participants: How to Register On-Line Pre-Registration

24 You will receive an auto generated email from the website. Click the first link to verify your registration and your email address. You can also check out our facebook and twitter accounts for further updates about the run.

25 For Participants: How to Register What’s Next after Pre-Registration? You may claim your bib from the designated point person of your school or group. Hand over the corresponding payment or original deposit slip when claiming. Go back to the website for bib activation.

26 For Participants: Activate your bib Update your profile information Option 3 -- I pre-registered and I want to activate my bib number

27 After entering your username/password, you should, once again, be seeing your profile form. This time, enter your bib number, security code and race category. For Participants: Activate your bib Update your profile information

28 The website will notify you about your successful registration. And If you’re under 18, a waiver for minors will show up. For Participants: Activate your bib Update your profile information

29 The website will notify you about your successful registration. For Participants: Activate your bib Update your profile information

30 You will receive an auto generated email from the website. Click the first link to verify your registration and your email address. You can also check out our facebook and twitter accounts for further updates about the run. For Participants: Activate your bib Update your profile information

31 After the run, go back to the 11.20.2011 website to download your Certificate of Participation. As a proof of your participation, you can have this printed out and submit it to the group’s designated point person. For Participants: Post-11.20.2011 Retrieve your Certificate of Participation

32 For Participants: How to Register IMPORTANT REMINDERS! Note that once you associate a bib number with your profile, you will no longer be able to change it. For now, verification of email addresses is not mandatory, as we resolve issues with our Web service provider.*

33 For GROUPS Joining the Run IMPORTANT REMINDERS! Pledge the number of participants from the group joining the run. Designate a point person or commitment for handling the registration and bib distribution of the group. Urge would-be participants to pre-register through the website. Request the 11.20.2011 Secretariat to deliver the bibs equivalent to the group’s commitment.

34 Use Bib Release Form – refer to 11.20.2011 Toolkit – for handling the distribution of bibs. For GROUP REPS: BIB DISTRIBUTION

35 Ask for the payment or original deposit slip before handing over the bibs. The participant will then affix his/her signature upon claiming the race bib. The bib release form will also serve as the master list of the point person/committee for monitoring the group’s delegation. For GROUP REPS : BIB DISTRIBUTION

36 For GROUP REPS : PAYMENT The 11.20.2011 Secretariat will send a billing statement specifying the number of bibs reserved for the group. The point person/group will hand over the collection from the bib distribution and deposit slips to the 11.20.2011 Secretariat. The 11.20.2011 Secretariat will issue an official receipt bearing the name of the participating group. The group may course its payment through: Direct Bank Deposit (All BDO branches) Branch: BDO Scout Albano Account No. 39301-17732 Account Name: ABS-CBN Foundation, Inc. - Pasig (Marathon) Check Payments: Please make checks payable to ABS-CBN Foundation, Inc. - Pasig (Marathon)

37 IMPORTANT REMINDERS! Registration is on a first-come first-served basis since slots are limited for each category. Unclaimed bibs not returned to the 11.20.2011 Secretariat on or before 11 November 2011 will be considered sold. The registration fees are as follows: Schools: PHP 150 for 3K and 5K; PHP 450 for 10K Regular: PHP 300 for 3K and 5K; PHP 450 for 10K Please direct all queries to: Ish Panganiban/Miko Aliño [11.20.2011 Secretariat] 11.20.2011 Hotlines 4152272 local 3743, 3797 4161911

38 Registration is non-transferable Race number should be worn at the front center of shirt/singlet Organizers will not provide baggage storage Park at designated parking areas only Please refer to race route map and area map for directions. All participants are encouraged to bring water containers to minimize our waste volume. Log on to for more IMPORTANT REMINDERS!

39 SECURITY & SAFETY 11.20.2011 Safety & Events Risk Management ABS-CBN Corporate Security & Safety Division

40 11.20.2011 Security & Safety Guide Carpool and Shuttle Buses Carpool and Shuttle Buses Groups & institutions are strongly encouraged to carpool or come in buses. Parking Areas and Drop-off Points Parking Areas and Drop-off Points There will designated bus drop-off points along Roxas Blvd. Check drop-ff points nearest your assigned clusters. Cluster Assignment Sheet. Check available parking areas nearest your assigned clusters. Refer to Cluster Assignment Sheet. ARRIVE EARLY ARRIVE EARLY, expect road closures and traffic congestion.

41 11.20.2011 Security & Safety Reminders Clusters Assignments Clusters Assignments Groups will be given specific cluster assignments at the starting point assembly area. Be sure to drop-off or park near your assigned clusters. Cluster Marshals will secure the front & rear of the cluster to ensure cluster integrity, orderliness and safety. Security, Safety & Emergency Services Provisions Road Marshals will be deployed along race routes for security & safety monitoring. Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Stations & ambulances and rescue services will be strategically deployed for emergency Response.

42 Clustering 50m10m50m Runner Support Area 21

43 11.20.2011 STARTING AREAS CLUSTER ASSIGNMENTS Group: ABC University Category: 3K Number of Runners: 1000 pax Assembly Time: 0300H Cluster Assignment: Cluster Number: Cluster 7 Location:Roxas Blvd, Southbound lane in between Quirino Ave and San Andres St. Landmark/s: In front of Aloha Hotel, near Ospital ng Maynila Possible Parking Areas: * Harrison Plaza Parking (open) – 2km * CCP Parking (open) – 2km * Service Road (along Roxas Blvd) (sample only sample only sample only sample only sample only )

44 Thank You!

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