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Honduras: A Case Study Marcela del Mar Suazo, Minister of Women’s Affairs, Honduras The Development Implications of Gender-Based Violence World Bank Workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "Honduras: A Case Study Marcela del Mar Suazo, Minister of Women’s Affairs, Honduras The Development Implications of Gender-Based Violence World Bank Workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Honduras: A Case Study Marcela del Mar Suazo, Minister of Women’s Affairs, Honduras The Development Implications of Gender-Based Violence World Bank Workshop November 9, 2004

2 What Have We Achieved? Reform of Domestic Violence Law & Equal Opportunity Laws CAS 2003 includes Violence Against Women and Gender Dimension  In collaboration with the Secretary of Finance  In accordance with the National Women’s Policy Inclusion of the Women’s Ministry (INAM) in the Security & Justice Sectoral Review. 2

3 How Did We Do It? Close interactions with state institutions responsible for enforcing laws and creating the necessary conditions to:  enable women’s access to justice (e.g. Judiciary, Public Ministry, Secretary of Health etc.).  define a strategic action plan addressing violence against women Alliances with Civil Society 3

4 Future Plans Create specialized domestic violence courts Appoint judges to apply/enforce national domestic violence law Incorporate a gender perspective in curricula ( law schools, National University, and in judicial academies) Develop a National Action Plan to eradicate Violence Against Women and ensure full implementation 4

5 Plans for the Future Obtain funding for the Violence Against Women Project Monitor compliance by local government agencies charged with addressing violence against women Undertake gender awareness campaigns aimed at breaking sexist stereotypes Give legal standing to strong Inter-Institutional Commission responsible for monitoring the implementation of Domestic Violence Law 5

6 Challenges Lack of resources (funding) Lack of statistical data to quantify incidence of violence against women “Machista” culture-- men don’t want women to know their rights Deeply rooted sociocultural patterns 6

7 Recommendations State institutions charged with disseminating laws should ensure that citizens know their rights Create government agencies to provide legal services (legal aid) for women State institutions should improve justice service delivery, including access to justice for women Develop radio or television campaigns to inform citizens about court services 7

8 Bridging the Gap Between the Gender & Justice Communities Agreement between the Women’s Ministry and the Supreme Court to promote joint strategy Capacity building activities for judges and prosecutors Diagnostic of the obstacles faced by women in filing a domestic violence complaint Translation of Domestic Violence Law into indigenous languages Research of violence against women in specialized sectors (public finance, trade integration agreements) 8

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